Over the next few months expect an increase in sensitivity, an ability to perceive the illusive and experience intensified spiritual understanding.
Avoid intoxicants and limit the desire to escape. It’s only normal to wish to dream away during such times however this sacred cosmic event provides us with opportunities of crystal clear clarity. This is not just any clarity but the clarity that stems from a deeper voice.
Indulge in sleep, your dreams of the night and try to note down what messages rise up from the subconscious. Neptune feels and rarely cares for data written down on paper!
Our dreams of the night will seem alive over the next 3 weeks. Work with the subtle and allow the upcoming Full Moon to pierce to the heart of all matters.
Saturn Squares Neptune (JUNE 17/18 exact). This encounter toughens the weak and has us really honing in on the major changes that need to be made. Where we deluded ourselves won’t have the same potency. The discipline needed to break out of many false hopes arrives during this Square which includes the false hopes in our relationships.
As a sincere lover of Neptune I request you all to honour this planets backward motion by helping our worlds oceans through keeping shores clean and not polluting. Any activity that supports water will be deeply beneficial during this time.
Our bodies will naturally want to drink more water whilst Neptune is in retrograde. The healing energy connected to us now is even more powerful since Neptune is at home in Pisces.
The magic of creative expression will give birth to new and delightful ways. Work with the healing and cleansing clarity creatively.
Key themes to consider:
- face the truth
- stop procrastinating and just do it
- allow yourself to feel
- go deep
- cleanse
I wish you all a heartfelt time and look forward to hear your thoughts.
With love and much light,
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