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The Black Moon Lilith in Libra until the end of March 2025 and Lilith Rises Exalted in Scorpio this 2025


“Have you ever whispered in the ear of a beggar, in the way that Lilith-Lilitu does?

Her kindness never falls for the greedy, nor is she tempted to calm those whom waste their life-away in vain.

Lilith-Lilitu is for those who have begged, who have searched every corner of this earth in need of a truth spell,

Her heart can’t be misused nor woven into an ordinary existence. Her very own children, my people, the Gypsies, a blood cursed to always roam free and yet, have we ever found the courage to beg for such a curse?

Lilith-Lilitu, demonised, hunted down because she cannot be taught nor lied to! For she is the teacher and the force of every breaking point, never to allow for a return after we have found her home….

….those who have let her in, as she is, have only found healing, even if it hurts – the cure in the pain, even if her night-vision provokes insomnia, remember this, her hiss, her ever-knowing hiss.”

-Tashi Dos Santos

Excerpts from Tashi’s writings on Lilith-Lilitu
January 2025

Lilith by P Lormier 1848

The Black Moon Lilith sounds her strongest hiss in Scorpio, a 9.5 month transit to commence at the end of March 2025. This forgotten Queen and 4 Pillared Astrological Goddess will claim the throne and not just any throne, she will claim the one that was hers all along. As the world shivers and quakes, Lilith in Libra continues to declare order, her rulership during these final 2 months in the sign makes a global comeback – which only paves the way to full power by the March Equinox. So what does Lilith exalted mean?“NO MORE LIES” And yet, a Scorpionic hiss will deceive to protect the Truth!What deadly crossroads…… How are you empowered through Lilith in Scorpio? Her captivating potency takes you to the very end point and there the most feared fear will be revealed. There are no Limits during such a transit, Lilith will do “whatever it takes” and won’t take YOU for granted. We are in visual awe of the power amidst the unwanted extremes, will we trust her? Especially since the blood talks without whispering in Scorpio, who dares wins, the only option: the forgotten Queen and this Earth knows it.

A song for Lilith who rules the Judaean Desert

“All you Liliths Rise,
It is time, 
It is time to heal the Middle East and Africa!

Queen Lilith, 
Ruler of Palestine,
Protectress of the Desert, 
Original Goddess,
Cure the wounds of all men and women weeping in the cracking loss,
Return to your throne Queen Lilith,
For you are not man, nor woman,
You are fearless, 
The first,
The last, 
Of Earth and Sky,

Return, it is time!”

-Tashi Dos Santos 
In praise of what will end the war
5 February 2025

Love, Light and Lilith,


To order or learn about the following you can click here:

Lilith Sacred Scent
Lilith 10 Hour Mystery School
Lilith in Libra Talks
Lilith in Scorpio Talks
Lilith – the path of the original Goddess
Lilith a Visual Journey

Eclipse Season commencements with Mars and Mercury Squaring Saturn in Aquarius whilst Conjunct in Scorpio November 10th 2021

Star Medicine TarotbyTashi 2021 Nov 10

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

Hello dear hearts,

How are you?

As the Mars and Mercury conjunction blasts its way into the 10th of November and simultaneously squares Saturn, please do not expect this week, leading up to the partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 18th/19th to be that of an easy one.

Scorpio intensity meeting with the Aquarian energy riffling through Saturn is a mess of its own.

If the days are heavy-weight, confrontational, slower paced and yet full of irony, connect it to the message of these planetary events and give way for working with those skeletons in our closet.

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

So, what is the actual tension all about? Could it be that such conjunctions and squares are fighting for the same King? I would like to think so but there is actually a catch, and we are all going to be potentially deceived by it.

Before I announce in red-writing what the catch here is, could we take a sweet moment to examine just how impatient we are becoming? If we are noticing our anxieties, needs and expectations getting raised without explanation, we can too, connect this to the “oh so intense” cosmic condition.

There are a handful of reasons for this fuss and one of them is ”another voice” that wishes to speak. If we just take the time to listen, or rest enough to let the communication process through us, the entire approach to this Eclipse Season should firmly align.

A dear friend of mine has made her way into the mountains to simply be, the call for solitude and contemplation are speaking to her. I concur, as such planetary influences need all the quiet and aloneness we can get. They are not silent diggers of our fates! These planetary influencers are the bigger players when it comes to what makes and shakes this world, we need to know how strongly placed such squares and conjunctions can be, as well as the “leap of opportunity” that is often underestimated within them.

If we read my own Diary entry from the last few days, it would read how heavy things have been atmospherically and, how hard it has been to adjust to the cosmic condition well-enough to enable its opportunities. You would also read about the weather itself and how the grey in the Sky strengthened as Saturn’s squaring approached. I wrote in bold: “please do not condemn your anxieties, needs and impatient demands, for them to be calling out to you with more emphasis proves of their importance.”

Going over this with you now confirms that we have to enthusiastically apply a gentleness as all of this dirt starts to become visible. I am not solely referring to a personal level here, a lot of collective dirt is about to present itself and as that becomes apparent, I do not think it is going to be easy for us to all emit tenderness, but we are going to have to try.

It is going to be natural to witness flair ups of power-struggles, the blame game and long put to rest disappointments resurface. We will too, hear about just how fed up so many of us are and borderline incapable of marching on with the same optimism that was present when 2020 first started.

The Catch is however: “to not assume the exhaustion a permanent phase, to not get comfortable in the will of stagnation. We will be deceived if we think this slump is part of the long-term cosmic condition for it is not.”

Since we rarely can control the pressure-cooker like experience of Eclipse Season, let us do what we can to be present for how it wishes to exchange with us. As many Astrologers are saying, this month is cosmically noisy and so will the dying portion of the year be. In apprehending all of this, you may stumble into that ticket of opportunity and unleash what both Scorpio and Aquarius have in common: “POWER.”

Even though the Planets are currently challenging they are simultaneously empowering, and Scorpio won’t shy away from the challenge, Scorpio organically thrives when provoked.

Let’s pick up the pieces of where our POWER currently lives by noting down where the Scorpio/Taurus axis is situated in our Star Maps. To understand how the lessons will unfold for us personally, let us make a note of where Aquarius and Leo is.

Whatever rugged sense of progress is in the air, appreciate the grounding because whether Saturn in Aquarius likes it or not, Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio are going to kick that discipliner in his bottom. Uranus in Taurus as well as the upcoming Eclipse is supporting this.

What exactly happens when Saturn gets a big kick in the bum?


He no longer manoeuvres the fates so rigidly.

He will have to negotiate.

So, I guess what this means is, NO World War 3.

Love, Light and Cosmic Conditions,


Ps. As we are magnetised towards the Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, “things” will matter. I am talking about literal, useful and collected things. What we own, our possessions, what makes us feel safe, our self-worth, our bare and naked essentials, all of what we refer to, our references and above all, that which we earn to survive. As these themes start to make noise, please keep a pen and paper handy as there will come a time, wherein you will need to remember. If you ask me personally, I am sincerely looking forward to this Eclipse Season.

The Astrological New Year the Spring and Autumn Equinox and Aries Season this March 20th 2021

Welcoming The Astrological New Year and the Spring/Autumn Equinox
this March 20th 2021

On the 20th of March 2021, at 10:40am Paris Time, the Sun will begin to enter Aries, which signifies the commencement of a New Astrological Year. We also begin a freshly ignited cycle of the Stars and Seasons whilst honouring the equanimity an Equinox can bring.

Every March Equinox signals the start of the Western Astrological New Year.


Aries, our lord of the head, the first Star Sign in the Zodiac, our fearless and often naïve Star, who is energetic, pioneering, and ready for combat, is now arriving.

With the Sun in Aries, we can begin to associate ourselves more with our projected image, understand better our attitude, our defence mechanisms, how we relate to our immediate environment and what exactly it is we need to kickoff in our lives.  It is the moment to start, to finish and to be ultra quick about it.

An Aries-driven month has a direct and self-involved feel to it, that requests clear planning; otherwise we could get distracted by the hot-hot fire.

Use the first few weeks of Aries Season to accelerate your plans in a charismatic fashion and enjoy the added energy from the ever-shining cosmos. Since most of us continue to be in a lockdown scenario, let us attempt to enjoy this FRESH start through creative measures, also taking extra care of our bodies and planning for cheerful ways to raise our collective frequency. 

Did you know that in Ancient Greek Astrology, the constellation of Aries is associated with the “Golden Ram” of  Greek Mythology that rescued Phrixos and Helle, on orders from the Messenger God Hermes, and bore Phrixos to the land of Colchis!

What is so evidently beneficial about Aries energy is the ability and willingness to LEAD.  If we invoke the support of this fire-lit constellation, we can return to a more confident state individually and as a whole, as well as begin anew, with a mighty dive through a ring of flames, whilst simultaneously enjoying it.

We now celebrate ALL those born under the Aries Constellation and work with their infectious warrior-like focus. Happy Birthday to YOU!

May the innocence that is prominent through our Suns entry into Aries, lead us to beautiful grounds, and may we believe in our goals just like the Ram does, never giving up nor slowing down, until there is much glory in the result.

How to Work Spiritually with Equinoxes and their Significance

Since the beginning of almost all belief systems, the cycles of the Sun have had a central and largely symbolic meaning to human beings.  The movement of the seasons shows us our own inner movement from the material to the spiritual, from darkness to light. Against the change of the seasons we mark our own journey through this life and our own quest towards awakening.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the 20th of March is the beginning of Spring and signals a time of rebirth, of new creation, when life dormant over the winter begins to leap back into its full-blossoming-joy, and when the light divinely returns to all living beings.

It is an occasion of balance and renewal, a period of new beginnings and opportunities.  It is now that the creativity that lay very quiet over the cold months can come exuberantly into renewed energy, and can build towards vital fruition.

We can work with this time just like the Ancients and celebrate the beginning of Spring through song, Sun Gazing, setting our intentions for the New Astrological Year, sit or dance by big warm fires and imagine all the accumulated negativities through the dark of the cold released from us.

Take the time to smell the flowers, like we did on a recent excursion through our local gardens. Try to plant something if you can; planting seeds now is a symbolic and also wonderful thing to do. Have you considered planting trees? This too is a sincerely sacred way to re-establish oneself with the Truth of this Earth and to be of complete service to it.

Take some time to sit with the charming energy of connecting with soil, fresh flowers and Spring returning. Let it fill you up with colourful delight. Let it open you and bring forth your enthusiasm to live and share just how the colours of every flower in bloom and even if this means whilst at home in solitude.

In the Southern Hemisphere, we now begin the transition to the period of deep rest, of inner journeying and introspection. It is also the harvest time, a period when people often feel a sense of yearning and closeness to the immutable spiritual enchantment of nature.  This is called Autumn Equinox.

It is important to note that everywhere in the world, an energetic turning point is taking place on Equinox and it is the moment when light and dark are in equipoise, when the power of the cosmos generously pours down and when the deep and wise rhythm of Mother Earth can be felt in our very bones.  Think of it as a symphony of equilibrium, the perfect, perfect tone which allows the harmony in nature, to better balance our own inner and outer polarities.

Our own Yin and Yang energies can be balanced this Equinox, through this melodious turning point, we can walk in the middle ever so consciously.

The world is full of Ancient Sacred Sites that are aligned with the Equinoxes, showing how important the Sun and these transitions are to cultures throughout the world. A few that come to mind are:

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Temple of the Grand Jaguar in Tikal, Guatamala

The Mnajdra Temples, Malta

Stone Henge, United Kingdom

The Temple of Kukulcan , Mexico


Please note that this Aries Season has a STRONG and LOVING alignment with Venus in Aries. Isn’t that worth the extra cup of Tea to sip on?

The Sun will nicely conjunct with Venus, but first, let me tell you that Venus enters Aries on the 21st, so she is practically dancing with this Equinox. What this does is amplify the Venusian charm, bringing in the daring flair of Aries and the Heart that is ready to love-again and again and again…..

….did I mention that Chiron is there too? How directly healing is that! Chiron will also be in a firm conjunction with the Sun and Venus as the Month kindly ends. 

So when is the day of illuminated love? That day dear ones, when Venus Conjuncts the Sun at 5 degrees, comes to us on the 26th of March 2021. I will now add that we open ourselves to the energies from the 24th through to the 31st as Venus is ever-giving and Chiron too, will let the deeper love rattle.  

The Full Moon in Libra on the 28th/29th will be just what we need to gain perspective on the unity that lives within union and how much love can be found when we accept this.


Love and Light,


Ps. We are excited to announce that Tashi has been awarded the 56th position in the worlds best Astrology Blogs, you can take a peek via this link

Important Astrological Update RE: The Capricorn Climax Uranus in Taurus Saturn in Aquarius and Sacred Feminine Wisdom March 27th 2020

Hello dear hearts,

How are you all keeping? Safe I aspire!

I am going to take a walk down Astrological Memory Lane and share a compilation of my writings since 2015, which will prove useful regarding the current “2020 Result Year”  theme.

Let us start with the “Capricornian Climax Astrological Update” from December 2015:

A Capricornian Climax will be taking place in 2020 when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto unitedly spin in the constellation. We all have a series of choices to make until then and these choices will transform our world for the better or for the worse. These choices will bring a long yearned for harmony or brutally oppress our future.

Key Astrologers fear the outcome of world affairs in 2020 because the last time Capricorn held these planets it held them and bled. What I want to say is, if we are aware of the cosmic turning points we can indeed attempt to change outcomes. All cosmic turning points have both their negative and positive influences so the trick is to work with whatever is useful and don’t look back.

What we are all scheming now will lay the ground for the “new way through” in 2020 and this way (I repeat) will be harmonious or brutal. If people start to wake up and see the distortions of our reality and through understanding, make necessary changes, we will then heal the worldwide pain and wake up from the falsification on a collective level.

The extremes in the chaos thicken and as the years pass, whatever divides us from the peace-within will increase! It is urgent to be a wise contributor to support the ground we step on. The elements we depend on are crying and whatever toxic emotions stir the pit of our collective pain is in total control now. 

Rise up in loving kindness and protect this earth through seeing where you are. This is THE METHOD and through an inner homecoming, the outer equilibrium will naturally return.”

Now for some words I wrote in response to a friends question which was posted in mid 2019 on Social Media:

“I’m sad to say it but there is a war going on, a war of worlds. The energies of light, human-ness (what that really means) the natural world vs the dark, dark in the non shadowy sense. When I say dark here, I am referring to the selfishness, the destructive, the essence-less and the cruel. The outer war is all fuelled by greed, power destruction and one of the main ways to tame this is to win the “inner war” which is to not descend to where the lower frequency externally pulls us but….to ascend no-matter what!

Yes, we must do a lot externally too, such as care for nature, the earth, animals, the planet, the elements but, the point is, to tame the outer through the inner, this is what MUST come first! 

These energetic wars have happened countless times throughout the history of mankind and currently, as we climb towards 2020, the capacity to ascend or fall is high – just as are the extremes. 

All is extreme now, this extremity gravitates us to rise beyond all extremes if we allow for it. This can only be done through inner work and then once accomplished, great balance will instantly be.”

Some expressions shared throughout 2016, 2017 and 2018 whilst working with Lilith in Astrology and Reclaiming Divine and Sacred Feminine Wisdom:

“….Can you feel that? That’s infinite woman of our world healing…healing because woman in power are rising up and using their positions to really speak their truth!

The abuse of this Sacred Feminine Energy has been taking place for way too long and if your waking up today with a tender sensation in your heart, one that feels so much more tender than normal, please know that you are feeling the deep healing that is taking place right this very moment!

When power is robbed, stolen and taken away, it leaves enormous holes in our collective make-up and now that a start to a correct level of honour is being poured into its rightful place, we are collectively experiencing “a return” and this return of truth into our very own cores will echo for days.

As the Rise of the Divine and Sacred Feminine Energy continues and many out there do their best to restore honour and respect into its rightful place, the fire of truth will rise from the ashes within.

To really heal our world is to heal the imbalances…starting with our Sacred Mother Earth, her ever-flowing generosity and how we fail to value it, this is the first and obvious example of such grand abuse to this Sacred Feminine Energy.

When we talk about the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy we are not excluding the Sacred and Divine Masculine energy. Both are interlocked, united and cannot function properly without a healthy level of equilibrium.

When one is lacking or imbalanced within us, we eagerly search for it “out there.” This quest can be as simple as looking for a suitable partner or someone to share love with. This obvious imbalance on the subtlest of levels is what needs to be addressed first.

For so long now, the Divine and Sacred Feminine energy has been suppressed in both Men and Woman. It has been torn down, feared and refused. The mystery of the energy put many into a state of panic around the 12th and 13th Century, which lead to a grand rejection of the glory of what this energy contains. Since then, our Western World has seen gruesome witch-hunts, the end to woman’s rights, a suppression that created even woman themselves to fear their very own power. This extreme divide of polarities, which actually depend on each other, only really started to yearn for a homecoming in the 19th Century. That’s a bit too long of a wait for respecting an energy that flows through all of us and in everything we see, consume and experience!

Since the scales were tipped so strongly in the direction of refusing to embrace the mystery of this energy, the normal effect or consequence is that the scales will now tip in the exact opposite direction! Astrology confirms it, with Lilith in Capricorn currently and various other history changing planetary alignments, its as though the reclaiming of this energy wont be peaceful.

So what to expect if the reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy manifests as extreme?

1. There will be many natural disasters and those that come from nowhere and without sense.

2. Large imbalances will take place with the elements that make up our world, for example, obtaining clean water will be as hard as pulling a diamond out of a crocodiles jaw.

3. The concept of family will lose its worth and we will find less and less people wanting to make a life together.

4. The confusion as to how we apply ourselves, as human beings will increase and the concept of a purposeful life will diminish.

5. There will be an upsurge of destructive tendencies. This includes, wars, rebellions, epidemics or pandemics.

This is just a bit of what can happen when extreme outer divides take place in energies that so eagerly depend on each other. We were pulled into one extreme for centuries and now we are on the brink of being pulled into another.

The deep and tender healing that can happen and must happen needs to start from an awareness of how these energies live within us! The Divine and Sacred Feminine and Masculine energies are what make us complete. When this truth is ignored and disrespected, extreme imbalances take place and then we grow further and further apart as if we are not interdependent. As if we are rivals on a numberless battlefield.

Does it need to be so destructive, this reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy? Perhaps!

The healing energy we are feeling due to the woman of the world rising up and speaking their truth, bringing a needed voice back into our world is the evidence of the urgency such imbalances demand.

We all felt it, something like a deep and nourishing peace when Oprah told it how it is regarding the MeToo movement. We all connected in ways that had no space for ego during that moment of energetic honesty.

It’s the divine energy itself that goes beyond gender which shook inside us, singing it’s melody of confirmation. On the gross level, we see the manifestation as “woman of the world” but what it is really all about is an energetic representation. See it for what it really is and embrace the energy without rejection.

The ever-flowing great mother goddess energy is forgiving, it will help us if we honour and respect it. It will heal its wounds if we start to heal ours too and through a collective understanding the destructive results may even subside.”

Useful comments from my appearance on the 2018 Astrology Hub TV Forecast Marathon:

“As Uranus makes his way into Taurus we are going to see the world as we know it turn upside down. Countries that were rich will experience poverty and some countries that are poor will rise in wealth. The world economy will crumble and there will be risks of financial melt downs which will call for urgent measures on how we relate to money and international security as a whole.”

Uranus in Taurus Astrological Update from December 2017:

“Whenever Uranus makes a shift, so do we, and the shifts tend to be experienced somewhat ferociously. The trick is to not resist and to collectively understand what is changing before the change actually happens. Let’s talk a bit about this erratic and futuristic planet. Uranus is unpredictable and a very loud messenger. The energy of such cosmic influences cannot be tamed nor easily understood. Uranus is always in the future, advancing, evolving and managing matters linked to technology, invention and information. This planet praises individuality and vomits at conventions. All that is eccentric, surprising, rebellious and uncanny dwells here. We can often link electricity to this planet as we can lightning, the sky and chaos. Many of us appreciate Uranus for it is never still nor stuck and is constantly encouraging what it touches to take risks and to take action through spontaneity. When Uranus is at the final moments of a 7 Year Cycle, we must open up to a collective awareness and gather information as to what’s to come. Since Uranus is making his shift into Taurus, we need to ask ourselves how can we learn from the last gifts of Uranus in Aries? How can we let the fire become earth? This icy planet spins from east to west and is lonely in its rotation with only Venus to accompany it. With 27 moons and out of character expressions, the shift from bold and authoritative Aries into Taurus will equal to a lot of financial woes. We need to take control of our finances and practical concerns because when Uranus steps into Taurus some will win big and others will lose all.”

Uranus in Taurus Astrological Update from May 2018:

“You are actually tuning into this cosmic update just as Uranus shifts from Aries into Taurus. Wow! The slow moving planet was in Aries for around 7 years and now commences his “Corrida de Toros” like transit. The last time Uranus rode the Bull was around 77 years ago. During that period in time, we were met with the Second World War, The Great Depression, Banking Acts firmly placed as well as things such as the Social Security Act. A series of natural disasters struck our planet in the late 1930’s and early 40’s too….a couple to mention here are The Guangxi Province earthquake and the Vrancea earthquake. I am bringing these historical facts into the present, so that we can get a feel for the energetic themes, when such cosmic vibrations swirl above us.

Under the current transit, there is A LOT of earth-power in our Sky, which should actually keep the wild winds of change grounded and somewhat directional. 

This insight into what to do, where to go and what to become won’t last long so please journal your persistent motives before the unexpected settles.

Uranus surprises even change and is the one who cannot be predicted. Dare not attempt to nail this awakener down! His frequency purposely shifts when we assume to know anything about it. This lightening bolt of a planet is known to rule the collective’s creative energy and movement; it is the electricity and oxygen that we breathe as well as the vibration that can dismantle form/matter/phenomena faster than a speeding bullet. Some call this planet the “Enlightener” because of the influential ability to awaken in ways that go beyond saying. 

The unconventional dwells here, all that lives outside the constricting box and all that wins through spontaneous-free-demonstration is Uranus!

Get ready for revolutions and I won’t omit this at all. I do believe that everything we are working through spiritually and astrologically, up until the year 2020, will give way to various revolutions and truthfully has already started to do so. What is difficult to digest is that the revolutions could cause extreme imbalances within the energetic polarities that make up our world, which will lead to much unrest and possible sickness.

The loud divide between the extremes that dwell within dualism seem to congeal and the predictions for the revolutions are in accordance with such extremes. Of course, we will also start to witness very poor regions in our world suddenly become rich as well as changes in policies and structures that can benefit the global set up. This will all however, start to manifest closer to the end of the 7th planet from the Suns bull-ride.

The tangible and the unexpected alterations, over the course of the next 7 years, will target our emotional and practical states of security. What makes us feel safe? Just how comfortable are our comfort zones?…are all questions to consider. Finances are also a major focus under this planetary combination.

The intensified period of this Uranus in Taurus time comes with strong support that should have a lot to present to us until 2020. Uranus will return to Aries for a short while later this year, before making a firm return into Taurus around March 2019. This fiery return into Aries will provide access to the wounds forgotten and support our healing time before the BIG RUN of 2019. There will be much to aim for and fight for as the year unwinds and rewinds until it starts anew. 

I don’t wish to spring us too far into the future because the current cosmic theme is already a lot to manage. So….how do we make the most of Uranus’s Entry into the mighty Bull? If your personal Star Map is strongly held by either Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Aries, Leo and/or Aquarius, do note that you will be feeling the effects of the next few months more forcefully than others. I do recommend that you look at where Taurus and Scorpio sit in your own Star Map because this should pin point some of how Uranus in Taurus will connect with you personally over the course of the next 7 Years. If you would like to receive an in-depth personalised reading on this Uranus Transit, you can contact me directly to request this here. Please note that I will continue to work with the Uranus in Taurus Transit throughout his 7 Year dance in Taurus. 

More on Uranus, Written in April 2018:

Uranus rules Astrology and all it can offer, it also rules Rebels and the act within Evolution. It cuts through any delusion and is the universal spark that ignites an energy that knows no bounds. We are made to “wake up” when this planet is active and can access dimensions that possess greater levels of intelligence. A perfect human example of the planet Uranus would be “Albert Einstein” and a modern day film called “Lucy” captures the infinite-ness of this planets potential.

Since Uranus is now going to take a hold of Taurus, we will come to know about so much more of the hidden world and its intelligent systems/functions. We will learn to integrate technology in ways that assist the mundane and not steer us away from it. Perhaps the farming industries will agree to work with healthier means of sustainability and will finally get the environmentally beneficial support that they desire. Let’s just hope such results won’t come through drastic measures.”

Saturn in Aquarius and NOW, an Astro Update from last week:

“It is all about Saturn in Aquarius and the collective lessons that will come with this “game changer” of a transit. 

March 2020 is an Astro knock out of a Month, but, it’s really only the beginning.

Let’s stay safe, centred and full of love. The lessons en route will be mind blowing! I mean, any Aquarian influenced Saturn blows our minds when it comes to “collective comprehension and new paradigms.”

The last time Saturn entered Aquarius was in 1991 and that’s when the Hubble Telescope was launched. Free Elections started in Taiwan, the USA announced a massive Nuclear cutback. The U.S.S.R came to a formal end. I could seriously go on and on. Saturn in Aquarius energy is eccentric but seriously intelligent. The weight of the world becomes somewhat lighter because Saturn in Aquarius knows how to make everyone carry their fair load. Things even out, we remember we are humans and not egocentric-loonies, we start again to live towards a collective understanding that again I’ll repeat…equals to: new paradigms.”

So dear hearts, now that you have taken a walk down memory lane with me, how do you feel? How do all of these writings move you?

I won’t lie, I was actually shedding some tears preparing this all for you because I was tapping back into the urgency of all of those times and how much kindness the universe was offering, providing us with such warnings! I think of enlightened hearts such as Greta Thunberg and how her message too, came loud and clear, before all of what shakes us now. 

Is it in our conditioning to always learn the hard way or are we just victims of what lives behind the curtain? Perhaps it is a bit of both? 

Whatever the case, the inner work is our own responsibility and the efforts we place towards such pursuits is what really counts at the end of the day. Everything else is just a display! 

This all won’t be forever so, working with who we really are underneath it all, that beautiful search, that beautiful quest is the rhythm of the cosmos and the wish of all divinities. 

I promise you that during such mass destruction, during such volatile times, hearts return to hearts. The ability to ascend, to awaken, to grow and to return to that truest place is so very possible.

….just be with you, and there you are. 

May all the universe benefit.

Love and light forever,


The Full Moon in Virgo and the Coronavirus

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Get ready Virgos, Pisceans, Capricorns and Cancers. This Full Moon in Virgo, to peak at 17:46 Universal Time on March the 9th 2020, will be extra charged for you.

This Full Moon is a highly energetic Moon, with not the usual methodological Virgoan flair. We are talking about a Jupitarian Trine and the Sun in Conjunction with Neptune in Pisces opposition.

Can you feel the emphasis?

As Mercury prepares to Station direct at approximately 10 hours after this Full Moons peak, the strategy in action or required “in action” must come from realms beyond what is obvious.

Let’s look at the Coronavirus for instance, it wouldn’t surprise me that after this Full Moon, we will be hearing about some “newfound” not so obvious truths connected to this outbreak and updated ways on how the body is responding to the infection.

This Virus is a subject on everyone’s mind, however, we need to go further than what meets the eye, to tackle the true energy/influence behind all of what is manifesting. Perhaps the truth is under our noses and not at eye-view.

If there is a lesson here, what would it be?

Not too long ago, several parts of our Globe, with an extra focus on Australia, were up in flames. Entering 2020 has been a clear indicator of the saying: “you reap what you sow.”

YES, 2020 is all about reaping what we have sown, if we have been exploiting, ignorantly abusing and taking all of what is available for granted, then, this is the year we learn where such actions will lead! This Moon too, kindly reminds us of that.

There is also an urgent hermit-like calling, when we communicate with this Moon. The hermit-like calling can offer us Peace, should we let it. Sitting with the Virgo Full Moon energy will be as powerful as you allow, but please, don’t disregard just how aware this Full Moon is.

Miracles, do they happen? and what exactly defines “Miracle?” If we look at the dictionary meaning of Miracle, it reads: “a surprising and welcomed event, that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a Divine agency.” Ok, so, with this interpretation in mind, let us now look into the dictionary meaning of the word Divine: “of, from, or like God or a God.”…interesting interpretation isn’t it? …now, let us define the word “GOD”…“The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority, the supreme being.” Now that we have looked into Miracle and established that a Miracle is therein classed as a manifestation of something supreme, perhaps a result of a series of sincere actions and aspirations, we can now too, approach this Moon through it’s correct title and that title is: “a Miracle Moon.” 

This Full Moon has the power to ease the current worldwide panic, it has the power to instil a sense of duty in our collective connection and this does not exclude a single being.

Let us see the animal realm and how many sacrifices are being made on a minute to minute basis, through angel like animals, who are used as specimens to find a cure to this Virus and so many other medical related needs. 

TarotbyTashi March 2020 Astro Post

Virgoan Moon energy walks with the Animal Kingdom, it communicates to those lesser than whoever or whatever is at the top of the food-chain. It does so with poise and humility and through this, discusses the many truths that such Kingdoms have to share. The cure and pacification of the Coronavirus is right under our NOSE, we are not looking in the correct place, we need to converse with the energy and platform of the animals in question, the animals who have been stripped of their voice and harmed, harmed for what? A five minute sense of satisfaction. How irrelevant!

The Animal Kingdom is calling us to work with the infinite care and natural law that is available, this Moon will prove miraculous if we can humbly bow to the realm that does so much and doesn’t even ask for a title or stamp of recognition. 

Can we all give back to the Animal Kingdom, whether this involves us going inward, connecting from the heart and apologising/connecting or literally, heading “out there” and doing something that helps a member of the Animal Realm? I think we most certainly can and whilst doing so, knowing that this act will help cure the current state of things.

Once upon a time, human beings who worked in accordance with the natural law, did not need to torture animals or fellow humans to discover cures for sicknesses or imbalances in the realm of existence.

Communication happened from the heart and through the natural depth of “frequencies.” Over time, as the world grew dark and human beings gave into fear, greed and aggression, the natural law was of course forgotten and very few now, can access what is natural, can access the infinite languages of the universe and can do so without agenda or pre-conceived thought. 
What is true though is, we all have such abilities within us, the problem is, we have just become lost, taken away from our truest states and thrown into rough seas. There are ways to return and this Moon speaks of the respect in the Natural Law of things, the respect needed to therefore receive the kind miracles that are so eagerly wanting to extend themselves.

The hermit-like pull of this Moon is also wanting to shelter us so that we can purify, cleanse and strengthen. This can only be done through an understanding of all that has been written here and a wish to absorb the information, not through the intellect but through the frequency that is being projected. I too can feel it and it is all of our truest states, you, me and all beings alike, wishing for the openness to return, wishing for the purity to be restored in a wish a heart makes and wanting the mother-like care to still be available to us all. I think it will be, but we have to work for this and not just through understanding. There needs to be a clear acceptance of the errors that have lead us to where we all are now and a trust in our own right/will to transform the times, which as we all know, is indeed possible.

Isn’t it?!

Wishing you all a purifying, healing and strengthening Full Moon in Virgo.

May all be Auspicious!

Love, Light and Universes,


The Mercury in Retrograde Cycles of 2020


The first Mercury Retrograde of 2020 stations direct in Aquarius/Pisces on the 10th of March at 3:59am – UT.

Our Cosmic Trickster is set for 3 watery retrogrades this 2020, dancing well within Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

There’s a FREEDOM in this current Mercury Retrograde. A healing and momentum bringing freedom.

With Mercury’s Piscean influenced downpour into our accumulated and active subconscious, the crispness in subtle understanding leads the way.

Have you been weeping into your sunset-lit-pillow, weeping for no apparent reason? Perhaps these last 2 weeks were confusingly confrontational? The fact is, Mercury propels communication and when in Retrograde, we need to look into the walls we built throughout the flow of the last 6 months.

Were we too hard on ourselves? Holding deep and heavy grudges for no wise reason or did we get taken by unnecessary confusions?

Whatever our reflections, this Retrograde has the power to bring to the surface what shouldn’t have been left behind. Even if what these recent weeks were showing us don’t make sense, don’t worry yourselves a feather, it’s actually a sign of helpful progress!

Remember that the subtleness is key: communication isn’t just about wit or logic, there are so many flavours of expression and we must allow for the moods to stir the pot of understanding.

It’s really ok to make an honest mistake, just please learn from the errors that surface and be tender, tender with yourselves and tender with others. 

This approaching softness will bring creative and appreciated freedom. This approaching softness is a “giving” masterpiece.

When Mercury stations direct on the 10th, be expecting a climactic end to a Neptunian kissed backward spin. Pretty much everything that’s written here will rise up as this primary Retrograde period closes.

So, how is Mercury showing up for you during this primarily Piscean Retrograde period?

The next Mercury in Retrograde cycle commences on the 18th of June 2020, in the constellation of Cancer, with the pre-shadow energies focussing on Cancer, which will take place from the 2nd of June 2020 and then stationing direct again in Cancer, come the 12th of July 2020. Mercury ends his post-shadow period on the 26th of July 2020.

The last Mercury in Retrograde for 2020 will manifest in the constellation of Scorpio, which will begin on the 14th of October and end on the 3rd of November.

The Pre and Post shadow periods are generally 2 and a half weeks before and after the Mercury in Retrograde cycles, so do keep this in mind when working with the energies and themes. Also, if you own a TarotbyTashi “Mercury in RX Sacred Scent” make sure to work with it during the Shadow and Retrograde Cycles.

Since the Mercury in Retrogrades of 2020 are predominantly in water signs, this promotes the ability to surge to the depths of our subconscious and to connect with parts of our psyche that will support our own healing processes. This will take place through various degrees of emotional understanding, creative outbursts and intuitive alignment. 

The years 2022, 2023 and 2024 are heralding 4 retrogrades within each year and it seems to be the cosmic flow with Mercury, moving through 3 or 4 cycles of Retrogrades per year. It tends to jump from a series of 3 cycles per year and then 2-3 years of 4 retrogrades every 12 months. You will notice this through how the cycles overlap – come the end of a calendar year.

This year for instance, the retrogrades are mostly in the middle portions of the year, so there will only be three cycles….and, as they space out again, we will return to a 4 cycle per year segment. This is how it tends to flow.

I do warn you though, no retrograde cycle is easy should we not apply a willingness to re-asses the themes the retrograde is considering. There are always useful ways to work with the energies and this is why becoming familiar with their messages is important. The cycles are indeed personal, since we all have different STAR MAPS. Through understanding how such retrogrades effect us individually, we will be provided with a swiftness in obtaining the wisdom of the cycle.

Did you know that I too am an Astrologer for companies/organizations? … of the most common requests (and this is not a secret) is to provide personalised readings for companies RE: all Mercury in Retrograde cycles. How do I do this?  Get in touch to find out.

Sending you all lightening bolts of clarity and wonder + everything Mercury.

Love and light, 


The Awakener Uranus Awakens
New Moon and Stellium in Taurus
The Earth Sky
May 15th 2018 Astrology

“The frankincense burns, the Awakener arrives, with his respected shift into Taurus, all compounded things die. There are changes abound, in ways that we cannot comprehend, when the Awakener commands, the world shall bend. Believe in the sudden, the tempting and the light, the electrical frequencies of genius and might. There are inventors to be born and new creations of stealth, gains are possible, as are losses of wealth. Appreciate the Seers, the Shakers and the Lie-Breakers, for it is they who channel his surprise. Do not fall prey to the coming of chinwaggers, their infantile actions shan’t survive. The future times are here; the Awakener is near, Hail. Hail. Hail.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

I send you infinite blessings!

Todays New Moon in Taurus shall flip the spectrum of emotive trends. With earthy Stelliums galore, the ground we stand on shall rumble.

You are actually tuning into this cosmic update just as Uranus shifts from Aries into Taurus. Wow!

The slow moving planet was in Aries for around 7 years and now commences his Corrida de Toros like transit. The last time Uranus rode the Bull was around 77 years ago. During that period in time, we were met with the Second World War, The Great Depression, Banking Acts firmly placed as well as things such as the Social Security Act. A series of natural disasters struck our planet in the late 1930’s and early 40’s too….a couple to mention here are The Guangxi Province earthquake and the Vrancea earthquake. I am bringing these historical facts into the present, so that we can get a feel for the energetic themes, when such cosmic vibrations swirl above us.

Under the current transit, there is A LOT of earth-power in our Sky, which should actually keep the wild winds of change grounded and somewhat directional. This insight into what to do, where to go and what to become won’t last long so please journal your persistent motives before the unexpected settles.

Uranus surprises even change and is the one who cannot be predicted. Dare not attempt to nail this awakener down! His frequency purposely shifts when we assume to know anything about it. This lightening bolt of a planet is known to rule the collective’s creative energy and movement; it is the electricity and oxygen that we breathe as well as the vibration that can dismantle form/matter/phenomena faster than a speeding bullet. Some call this planet the “Enlightener” because of the influential ability to awaken in ways that go beyond saying. The unconventional dwells here, all that lives outside the constricting box and all that wins through spontaneous-free-demonstration is Uranus!

Many fellow Astrologers are speaking of revolutions and I won’t omit this at all. I do believe that everything we are working through spiritually and astrologically, up until the year 2020, will give way to various revolutions and truthfully has already started to do so. What is difficult to digest is that the revolutions could cause extreme imbalances within the energetic polarities that make up our world.

The loud divide between the extremes that dwell within dualism seem to congeal and the predictions for the revolutions are in accordance with such extremes. Of course, we will also start to witness very poor regions in our world suddenly become rich as well as changes in policies and structures that can benefit the global set up. This will all however, start to manifest closer to the end of the 7th planet from the Suns bull-ride.

The tangible and the unexpected alterations, over the course of the next 7 years, will target our emotional and practical states of security. What makes us feel safe? Just how comfortable are our comfort zones?…are all questions to consider. Finances are also a major focus under this planetary combination.

The intensified period of this Uranus in Taurus time comes with strong support that should have a lot to present to us until 2020. Uranus will return to Aries for a short while later this year, before making a firm return into Taurus around March 2019. This fiery return into Aries will provide access to the wounds forgotten and support our healing time before the BIG RUN of 2019. There will be much to aim for and fight for as the year unwinds and rewinds until it starts anew. I don’t wish to spring us too far into the future because the current cosmic theme is already a lot to manage. So….how do we make the most of this Stellium Kissed New Moon in Taurus + Uranus’s Entry into the mighty Bull? Do listen to the Audio below!

If your personal Star Map is strongly held by either Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Aries, Leo and/or Aquarius, do note that you will be feeling the effects of the next few months more forcefully than others. I do recommend that you look at where Taurus and Scorpio sit in your own Star Map because this should pin point some of how Uranus in Taurus will connect with you personally. If you would like to receive an in-depth reading on this transit, you can contact me directly to request this here. I should have openings for a Uranus in Taurus Personalised Astrological Reading come mid July 2018 and will continue to work with the transit throughout the 7-year period. It is normally advisable to see into the transit closer to when it commences and also when it directly aspects your own Star Map.


More on Uranus

Uranus rules Astrology and all it can offer, it also rules rebels and the act of evolution. It cuts through any delusion and is the universal spark that ignites an energy that knows no bounds. We are made to “wake up” when this planet is active and can access dimensions that possess greater levels of intelligence. A perfect human example of the planet Uranus would be “Albert Einstein” and a modern day film called “Lucy” captures the infinite-ness of this planets potential.

Since Uranus has now taken a hold of Taurus, we will come to know about so much more of the hidden world and its intelligent systems/functions. We will learn to integrate technology in ways that suit the mundane and not steer us away from it. Perhaps the farming industries will agree to work with healthier means of sustainability and will finally get the environmentally beneficial support that they desire.

We are definitely in for financial losses and gains; such ups and downs will not be easy under this influence. I did write about this aspect a few months ago and here is a useful snippet:

“Whenever Uranus makes a shift, so do we, and the shifts tend to be experienced somewhat ferociously. The trick is to not resist and to collectively understand what is changing before the change actually happens. Let’s talk a bit about this erratic and futuristic planet. Uranus is unpredictable and a very loud messenger. The energy of such cosmic influences cannot be tamed nor understood. Uranus is always in the future, advancing, evolving and managing matters linked to technology, invention and information. This planet praises individuality and vomits at conventions. All that is eccentric, surprising, rebellious and uncanny dwells here. We can often link electricity to this planet as we can lightning, the sky and chaos. Many of us appreciate Uranus for it is never still nor stuck and is constantly encouraging what it touches to take risks and to take action through spontaneity. When Uranus is at the final moments of a 7-year cycle, we must open up to a collective awareness and gather information as to what’s to come. Since Uranus is making a shift into Taurus, we need to ask ourselves how can we learn from the last gifts of Uranus in Aries? How can we let the fire become earth? This icy planet spins from east to west and is lonely in its rotation with only Venus to accompany it. With 27 moons and out of character expressions, the shift from bold and authoritative Aries into Taurus will equal to a lot of financial woes. We need to take control of our finances and practical concerns because when Uranus steps into Taurus some will win big and others will lose all.”


A Sweet Mythological Connection

The Ancient Greek Mythology of Uranus is interesting and….I do not think that it is a coincidence that the planet Uranus rotates in the same direction as only Venus. They are lonely but also united in their rotation. I say this to you because in the great Myths, Uranus gave birth to Aphrodite (Venus) and their connection is plentiful. Isn’t it rather sweet that the skies connect them too?


New Moon in Taurus and Earth Sky Stellium Audio



May all be auspicious!

Love and light,


Black Moon February
The Age of Aquarius
Solar Eclipse Transformation

“The reverberations of no Moon, no brightly full moon night, summon the Black Moon and return her to our sight. I speak of a beckoning, when the darkness calls our name and here in this signaling, we inaugurate the journey to mysticisms array.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

Take your heart and mind back to 1999 for a moment. What were you doing? How were you feeling? Take some time to recollect “the you” that lived then, what were your fears and hopes? Do you even recognize who you were?

We have come a very long way since then, now haven’t we? Our collective lessons have been associated with speed, a speed that the Age of Aquarius seems to harness like a log.

To rewind the video of life to 1999 comes with reason, you see, what if this Black Moon month of February 2018 can pull into the present, a concealed personal potential of that old version of you? Before I go into the specifics of how and why this is possible, I will touch on the Astrological and Mystical significance of when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month.

The label “Black Moon” is a label of many meanings and one of them (the one I am referring to now) is when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month. Some Astrologers would call this cosmic event the “Lilith Moon.” The last time a no Full Moon month happened was in February 1999.

We always hype up Blue Moons, this is fair because we can witness their graciousness and they light up the entire sky and leave us in a trance like awe. It is completely normal that we notice them! Black Moons, on the contrary, are rarely spoken of….but…are equally as important and to the Mystics even more so.

Think of a no Full Moon month as a storehouse of energy, energy that is hidden, concentrated and raw. The lack of obviousness to this presence makes us drowsy and our need for solid rest coagulates.

This deep rest that we long for, is actually a good thing because, it will make the cosmic transmissions easier. When in a restful place, the energetic transference can enter us and rejuvenate the cells to awaken the hidden bits.

It is no coincidence that a Black Moon month coincides with the Ecliptic portal and the Lunar New Year. This to the wise ones is a month of “certainty.” A month where whatever we were meant to do and did not do… will happen.

I see February as the silent killer, the killer of fears, unnecessary dreams and focus points. The blessing here is, it’s as though we wont actually have to do anything to make things happen. They will simply happen and….wearing the costume of CHANGE!

A no Full Moon month, to the Astrologers is like a New Moon set on fire. The darkness of the month calls for subconscious renewal, cleansing and also a deep surrendering to the subtle mysteries. Even if we cannot see or comprehend what is happening, the energies are active and completing their mighty tasks.

We as observers, can work with this prolonged pitch-black night to set a multitude of intentions, ones that will take us through the next 20 years. I say this because; a Black Moon month like this one, only happens every couple of decades and the power of intention setting under such influences in stronger than usual.

Think of a Black Moon month as an opportunity to purge, with the support of the Eclipses and Lunar New Year, your bound to feel like a new born baby come April.

Now, back to 1999….

…..the Mystics of the world believed (and still believe) that every no Full Moon month (sometimes called a February Moon) had the capacity, to rekindle us with our forgotten aims. Normally these aims are in alliance with the aspirations of the year the previous no Full Moon month shared. So what this means is, whatever we forget to fulfill in 2018, that has significant importance, will come back to bite us in approximately 20 years from now. This exact same theme is taking place this month and it is linked to 1999. So, what is coming back to nibble on your ear? Are you experiencing any resonance? I know I am.

One last point about the Black Moon month……
….working with Lilithian energy is extremely beneficial during a month like this one. The forgotten Queen rules such domains and supports any quest to get to know our hidden bits. If you want to know more about Lilith, you can read my detailed article here.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, will mark an end to our in-between Eclipses portal and draw a line that marks the closing conclusion, to many experiences that have been shaping us since August 2017. This is it, things are about to get so much clearer and we will be fresh in our collective frequency come this April. I keep mentioning the month of April because it really is a precious time. Not only are we heading towards a new degree of collective understanding but we are also finding new ways to heal and our tolerance levels are increasing as a whole. The princess and the pea syndrome just wont be possible anymore….as this universe expands and contracts (wink wink.)

For a deeper understanding about this Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and how it will influence you personally, please have a listen to my Audio here:


This Partial Solar Eclipse will take place on the 15th of February 2018 at 18:55pm UTC time and shall end at 22:48 UTC time.

Our beloved Venus is in Pisces until March the 6th 2018

Listen to Venus in Pisces Audio here:

Mystical Tour of Greece in May 2018

Throughout the year, I run various Mystical Tours and some I run in person and others from a distance. I tend to keep these activities low key, because I prefer to offer these experiences intimately. Since the service I offer is so unique, it only makes sense that it can’t be packaged in a standard way. Europe is where most of my tours have been taking place however, I have also guided people through their journeys in India, Nepal and similar lands. You can contact me for a Mystical Tour or Sojourn for practically any location, they do take some time to prepare so ensure to give me ample amounts of notice. When I am arranging tours for the major cities in our world, I don’t need as much notice so; a good 2 weeks or 3 are fine. Mystical Sojourns make divine gifts and….if you want to know all about what I offer you can take a peak here.

Would you like to join me and 5 other delightful hearts on a Mystical Tour in Greece? The focus will be on the Divine and Sacred Feminine Principal. I have 1 spot left for this amazing opportunity and this all-inclusive 2-week package (excluding flights) costs a non refundable $2500 USD approx. If you would like to know more, please connect via email. The sooner I hear from you the better. I am finalising this “in person” Tour this month and wont be accepting anyone else after the 25th. Do keep in mind that I run tours frequently and you can also request to tour Greece with me at a later date. Looking forward to Mystical Touring with you.

Some Closing Notes

The Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog commences on the 16th of February 2018. Earth Dog energy is loyal, steadfast, responsible, fun and committed. It will be a beneficial year to revise where our loyalties live and who or what we can rely on. My intuitive hunch is that we can gain long lasting and sincere friendships this year. There is also an element of simply sticking to the tasks at hand, getting on with everything and without delay. Our planet Earth will also be calling for our loyalty, our love and our friendship….so please be loyal to her. She needs it the most.

Wishing you all a healing and clearing month of February. May this Eclipse season realign you divinely and for the utmost benefit

Infinite blessings dear hearts and thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Love and light,


Contact Tashi   Mystical Tours Testimonials   Make a Donation

Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
Free Yourself
Nurture The Truth Within
January 31st 2018

Have we been lying to ourselves? Refusing to remember the truth that exploded in our hearts during the months that preceded last August? Something happened then, the truth was raw, our inner and outer veils came down and as hard as it may have been, we got to feel and remember the underlying sadness. Many of us experienced it and washed away all worries through tears of release. Some got through with ritual and prayer. Others paid their way by accepting endings that led to wonderful beginnings and there were some, (like me) who delayed the rightful action and are now being confronted to let Mother Nature lead.

On the 31st of January 2018 at 17:53 New Delhi time, a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will take place and command our skies. It is said to peak at around 18:59 New Delhi time and this anticipated phenomena will last approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes.

The influential energies have been with us for some months now and will continue to influence us for the initial portion of the year. Depending on where the light of this Full Moon in Leo sits in your birth map, it will determine a lot about how you will be impacted personally. You should also take any Aquarian placements into account and work with the degrees of this Full Moon and upcoming New Moon in Aquarius/Solar Eclipse to deliberate your predictions.

The Heart of IT

The Oxford dictionary meaning for the word Man is…”Human beings in general; the human race.”

….We human beings in general, also considered as MAN, with our top of the food-chain status here on Earth, still marching away in a body that carries over 100,000 kilometres of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries, are actually capable of so much more than simply pumping away 1 million barrels of blood, during a single lifetime!  Yes….you heard me, we are producing around 600 millilitres of saliva each day and probably not even noticing it!

So then…the magical question is “what for?” …why all this activity to keep a human body functioning? Well….the general person would probably only ponder over this question a few times in one lifetime. Normally, the depth of thought comes from health complications, losing something we love or perhaps being high on a meditative drug. Whatever the case, do we even thank the heart that beats around 35 million times a year to ensure we are breathing? And…what is it that stops us from experiencing the 300 kilometres an hour message, which travels from our brain through our nerves? Are we even capable of unparalleled foresight?

Yes we are.

Yes we truly truly are.

And this Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will ensure it!

Being Human

We humans are distinguished from other species by our superior mental development, upright/vertical stance and power of articulate speech. The healthy and harmonious combination of elements enables imagination, creation and more but…what makes us particularly unique is our intuitive yearning. This “yearning” can lead to spiritual attainments as it can lead to infinite perils. The point is that, so many of us have the best faculties in place, to assist some form of TOTAL experience that can free us and those around us, from whatever it is that keeps us bound. This rare yearning is also felt in our bittersweet symphonies of love. Our love can be felt from our central channel as it can be experienced as unconditional when raised to the highest degree. In better words, we are fundamentally kind. Most species however, simply feel to survive.

We, Kings and Queens at the top of the food chain, need to take a moment or two and reflect on what we can do with these privileges? It actually really is a privilege to have a so-called mind and heart which functions in an almost harmonious way. This mind and heart once united in intention can manifest the Pyramids of Giza as it can live in the past, present and future all in the now!

Our regal status as Humans is something the Lion of this Moon would like us to consider and really evaluate. Our independent and collective responsibilities as humans are dangling on the surface of all themes now. As Aristotle would say, “in order for Man to perfect his humanity, he must be the best man he can be.”

This is it! We all, as Kings and Queens on this Earth need to rule our lives again by honoring that we can achieve greatness, by rejoicing that we can love, by believing that we can arrive to a land beyond dualism and by experiencing what it truly means to be human….and….simply being it.

Last August united us in the outer sorrows of change, we came to a visual understanding of how the world we live in, isn’t as easy as we would like it to be. The outer curtains were pulled away and we humans got a glimpse of how such privileges are abused. This is the danger of dishonoring our human-ness. In fact, the term “inhumane” implies that when someone is being cold hearted they are not being “human.” This then would further imply, that to be human is to be kind and not because we are seeking out fans or validation. This perfected kindness is the fundamental nature of all humans and when this kindness is not accepted we fall pray to silly distractions that turn us away from “in” and definitely delay our ability to experience a 300-kilometer an hour message travelling from our brain through our nerves.

This Lunar Eclipse in Leo has a heart of gold, waiting to burst into infinite pieces so that the value of our supreme fundamental nature can be cherished. We all deserve this treasure, this treasure within. It is our right as the lords of this earth to use the greatest weapon “LOVING KINDNESS” and through that….raise ourselves to the highest degree. We are the example, we are leading the way and through this cosmic reminder may we lead it well. The journey is shorter than we know and this swiftness called LIFE mustn’t be underestimated. Our 1 million barrels of blood, pumping away in one lifetime as well as the 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries are all distinctively cheering aloud, for our lives to NOT be wasted.

Make the most of this generous life by accepting your fundamental nature that is no other than the glory of being human.

Astrological Eclipse Tips Audio


Infinite Full Moon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

in Leo Blessings Dear Hearts

Love and light,


Locational Astrology   Dream Divination   Make a Donation

The Benefits of Capricorn Season
New Moon Bloom
& My Love of Stelliums in Astrology

When I think of a Sea Goat, I think of the true exemplification of the Star Sign Capricorn and the interesting blend of Fish and Goat (water and earth) that takes us on to explore various Secrets of The Ancients.

To understand the current Capricornian influence and to reap the rewards that the next few Capricorn themed years will offer, you will need to get to know the Sea Goats secret symbolism.

The head being the Goat here is the domain of the mind and represents the consciousness-energy of the Sign. In this case a Mountain Goat. What do Mountain Goats do? They climb all their way up to the peak of any mountain, rarely stopping until they have reached the top! Mountain peaks are also the HIGHEST point in our physical realm….and before I continue, please just EXPERIENCE this statement for a minute.

This ability to always climb to the very peak of any mountain, the highest point in our physical realm and to be able to dwell there, with the sages, gods and heavenly presences is interpreted as “the hunt for a greater state of being.” Some others may call it “the pursuit of a higher consciousness.”

So what is so great that gets the Mountain Goat all the way up there….to the very very top? Is it his eyes? Or….his legs? Perhaps his horns? Hmmm, I would say it is his feet and this is because they are sure-footed, determined and adroit in an aware and effortful way. There is also something so playful and nimble about Mountain Goats feet.

The lower part of the Sea Goat is depicted as a Fish, which automatically takes us to the very depths. When we think of depths we instantly see the opposite to mountain peaks don’t we? The big blue Ocean is the grandiose habitat for Fish and the deepest point in our physical realm. Some of these points have yet to be discovered by man! Many would say that the Ocean represents the subconscious, intuition, the mysteries of our world and Gnosis (an understanding and inner knowing.)

To accept the obviousness of dualism/extreme that is presented in the representation of the Sea Goat is to capture the world we live in, in its totality and therefore, when working with the energy of this Star correctly, we will learn to go beyond both logic and intuition, the rational and the mysterious, consciousness and subconscious-ness. I am not joking when I say the next few years will bring us “up close and personal” with the outer and inner extremes. Thanks to the cosmic line up, we will receive various collective opportunities to actually experience what the extreme of dualism really means and we will be propelled to aspire for something more, something beyond both.

The Sea Goat uses both the depths and the peaks to arrive beyond both and how does he do this? By simply being both equally, which automatically makes him something more. He doesn’t lose his depths to his peaks nor does he lose his peaks to his depths. He is one with ALL he is, always.

Let us not forget this 4000+ year old symbol and a Star indeed capable of awakening us all. Capricorn Season, we embrace you!


Now for the practical bits…

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Hasn’t this New Year started ever so LOUDLY? I am still in awe of how busy everyone and everything is. We could easily blame the Capricorn Stellium that is taking place in our skies. There are currently 6 planets in Capricorn coupled with Lilith and her glare. I have been posting a lot about this moment and if you feel inspired, do back track and listen to my audios in previous posts as well as read what I have been saying on social media. My anticipation for this moment in time has been ongoing and now that it has arrived, I just want to capture it tightly. The concentration of energy and direction points to our outer collective projection…”who do we all want to be as a whole and what will it take for us to raise our collective consciousness effectively.” The race up to 2020 is making such questions boil and there will be forces trying to pull us down, seduce us into the overindulgent desirous realms so we must keep the Mountain Peak goal in view without forgetting the depths.

This New Moon in Capricorn (the first New Moon of 2018) is exposing us to our collective responsibility and an urgent demand to learn from our elders, the ones who have come before us as well as preserve their wisdom by sharing and practicing it. There is also a call for getting our s*** together and this could be as plain as not arriving to work late. We have to look at what we are presenting to the world around us, do we like the person we are trying to be? Who are we wishing to be really? All of these questions have the support of the stars and when the effort is put in, the result will be plentiful.

To receive the maximum that I am offering in this newsletter, please have a listen to the Audio Files below. Today I have decided to go over my beloved theme “Stelliums in Astrology” and to provide you with some useful New Moon in Capricorn Rituals.



New Moon in Capricorn to Peak at 2:17am in London on the 17th of January 2018

For those of you who missed my 2018 Forecast Marathon with Astrology Hub, do not worry….there is more in stall for you this year and….I am pleased to announce my participation in their Inner Circle program. You can read all about it here. 

I shall sign off now by providing you with some excerpts from my recent writings on the Divine and Sacred Feminine / Masculine principal which is very relevant for such times.

“Can you feel that? That’s infinite woman of our world healing…healing because woman in power are rising up and using their positions to really speak their truth!

The abuse of this Sacred Feminine Energy has been taking place for way too long and if your waking up today with a tender sensation in your heart, one that feels so much more tender than normal, please know that you are feeling the deep healing that is taking place right this very moment!

When power is robbed, stolen and taken away, it leaves enormous holes in our collective make-up and now that a start to a correct level of honour is being poured into its rightful place, we are collectively experiencing “a return” and this return of truth into our very own cores will echo for days.

As the Rise of the Divine and Sacred Feminine Energy continues and many out there do their best to restore honour and respect in its rightful place, the fire of truth will rise from the ashes within.

To really heal our world is to heal the imbalances…starting with our Sacred Mother Earth, her ever-flowing generosity and how we fail to value it, this is the first and obvious example of such grand abuse to this Sacred Feminine Energy.

When we talk about the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy we are NOT excluding the Sacred and Divine Masculine energy. Both are interlocked, united and cannot function properly without a healthy level of equilibrium.  

When one is lacking or imbalanced within us, we eagerly search for it “out there.” This quest can be as simple as looking for a suitable partner or someone to share love with. This obvious imbalance on the subtlest of levels is what needs to be addressed first. 

For so long now, the Divine and Sacred Feminine energy has been suppressed in both Men and Woman.  It has been torn down, feared and refused. The mystery of the energy put many in a state of panic around the 12th and 13th Century, which lead to a grand rejection of the glory of what this energy contains. Since then, our Western World has seen gruesome witch-hunts, the end to woman’s rights, a suppression that created even woman themselves to fear their very own power. This extreme divide of polarities, which actually depend on each other, only really started to yearn for a homecoming in the 19th Century. That’s a bit too long of a wait for respecting an energy that flows through all of us and in everything we see, consume and experience!

Since the scales were tipped so strongly in the direction of refusing to embrace the mystery of this energy, the normal effect or consequence is that the scales will now tip in the exact opposite direction! Astrology confirms it, with Lilith in Capricorn and various other history changing planetary alignments, its as though the reclaiming of this energy wont be peaceful. So what to expect if the reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy manifests as extreme?

  1. There will be many natural disasters and those that come from nowhere and without sense.
  2. Large imbalances will take place with the elements that make up our world, for example, obtaining clean water will be as hard as pulling a diamond out of a crocodiles jaw.
  3. The concept of family will lose its worth and we will find less and less people wanting to make a life together.
  4. The confusion as to how we apply ourselves, as human beings will increase and the concept of a purposeful life will diminish.
  5. There will be an upsurge of destructive tendencies.

This is just a bit of what can happen when extreme outer divides take place in energies that so eagerly depend on each other. We were pulled into one extreme for centuries and now we are on the brink of being pulled into another.

The deep and tender healing that can happen and must happen needs to start from an awareness of how these energies live within us! The Divine and Sacred Feminine and Masculine energies are what make us complete. When this truth is ignored and disrespected, extreme imbalances take place and then we grow further and further apart as if we are not interdependent. As if we are rivals on a numberless battlefield.  

Does it need to be so destructive, this reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy? Perhaps!

The healing energy we are feeling due to the woman of the world rising up and speaking their truth, bringing a needed voice back into our world is evidence of the urgency such imbalances demand.

We all felt it, something like a deep and nourishing peace when Oprah told it how it is. We all connected in ways that had no space for ego during that moment of energetic honesty.

It’s the divine energy itself that goes beyond gender, which shook inside us, singing its melody of confirmation. On the gross level, we see this manifestation as “woman of the world” but what its really all about is an energetic representation. See it for what it really is and embrace the energy without rejection.

The ever-flowing great mother goddess energy is forgiving, it will help us if we honour and respect it. It will heal its wounds if we start to heal ours and through a collective understanding the destructive results may even subside.”

– TarotbyTashi

Do connect anytime and share your expressions with me. You can also forward this wisdom on to your friends. I will welcome your extended networks into my community wholeheartedly.

May the dark of the Moon remind us of the birth of the light and the birth of the light remind us of the dark of the Moon. All united, dependent and yearning for each other.

Infinite blessings,


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