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Eclipse Season commencements with Mars and Mercury Squaring Saturn in Aquarius whilst Conjunct in Scorpio November 10th 2021

Star Medicine TarotbyTashi 2021 Nov 10

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

Hello dear hearts,

How are you?

As the Mars and Mercury conjunction blasts its way into the 10th of November and simultaneously squares Saturn, please do not expect this week, leading up to the partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 18th/19th to be that of an easy one.

Scorpio intensity meeting with the Aquarian energy riffling through Saturn is a mess of its own.

If the days are heavy-weight, confrontational, slower paced and yet full of irony, connect it to the message of these planetary events and give way for working with those skeletons in our closet.

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

So, what is the actual tension all about? Could it be that such conjunctions and squares are fighting for the same King? I would like to think so but there is actually a catch, and we are all going to be potentially deceived by it.

Before I announce in red-writing what the catch here is, could we take a sweet moment to examine just how impatient we are becoming? If we are noticing our anxieties, needs and expectations getting raised without explanation, we can too, connect this to the “oh so intense” cosmic condition.

There are a handful of reasons for this fuss and one of them is ”another voice” that wishes to speak. If we just take the time to listen, or rest enough to let the communication process through us, the entire approach to this Eclipse Season should firmly align.

A dear friend of mine has made her way into the mountains to simply be, the call for solitude and contemplation are speaking to her. I concur, as such planetary influences need all the quiet and aloneness we can get. They are not silent diggers of our fates! These planetary influencers are the bigger players when it comes to what makes and shakes this world, we need to know how strongly placed such squares and conjunctions can be, as well as the “leap of opportunity” that is often underestimated within them.

If we read my own Diary entry from the last few days, it would read how heavy things have been atmospherically and, how hard it has been to adjust to the cosmic condition well-enough to enable its opportunities. You would also read about the weather itself and how the grey in the Sky strengthened as Saturn’s squaring approached. I wrote in bold: “please do not condemn your anxieties, needs and impatient demands, for them to be calling out to you with more emphasis proves of their importance.”

Going over this with you now confirms that we have to enthusiastically apply a gentleness as all of this dirt starts to become visible. I am not solely referring to a personal level here, a lot of collective dirt is about to present itself and as that becomes apparent, I do not think it is going to be easy for us to all emit tenderness, but we are going to have to try.

It is going to be natural to witness flair ups of power-struggles, the blame game and long put to rest disappointments resurface. We will too, hear about just how fed up so many of us are and borderline incapable of marching on with the same optimism that was present when 2020 first started.

The Catch is however: “to not assume the exhaustion a permanent phase, to not get comfortable in the will of stagnation. We will be deceived if we think this slump is part of the long-term cosmic condition for it is not.”

Since we rarely can control the pressure-cooker like experience of Eclipse Season, let us do what we can to be present for how it wishes to exchange with us. As many Astrologers are saying, this month is cosmically noisy and so will the dying portion of the year be. In apprehending all of this, you may stumble into that ticket of opportunity and unleash what both Scorpio and Aquarius have in common: “POWER.”

Even though the Planets are currently challenging they are simultaneously empowering, and Scorpio won’t shy away from the challenge, Scorpio organically thrives when provoked.

Let’s pick up the pieces of where our POWER currently lives by noting down where the Scorpio/Taurus axis is situated in our Star Maps. To understand how the lessons will unfold for us personally, let us make a note of where Aquarius and Leo is.

Whatever rugged sense of progress is in the air, appreciate the grounding because whether Saturn in Aquarius likes it or not, Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio are going to kick that discipliner in his bottom. Uranus in Taurus as well as the upcoming Eclipse is supporting this.

What exactly happens when Saturn gets a big kick in the bum?


He no longer manoeuvres the fates so rigidly.

He will have to negotiate.

So, I guess what this means is, NO World War 3.

Love, Light and Cosmic Conditions,


Ps. As we are magnetised towards the Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, “things” will matter. I am talking about literal, useful and collected things. What we own, our possessions, what makes us feel safe, our self-worth, our bare and naked essentials, all of what we refer to, our references and above all, that which we earn to survive. As these themes start to make noise, please keep a pen and paper handy as there will come a time, wherein you will need to remember. If you ask me personally, I am sincerely looking forward to this Eclipse Season.

This Scorpio Full Moon With 4 Planets in Opposition and The Black Moon Lilith in Taurus April 27th 2021

The Pulse: a rhythmic dilation of an artery generated by the opening and closing of the aortic valve in the heart. This is one of the many ways to describe “The Pulse”- that which pulsates, that which actuates life and that which communicates blood.

Hello dear hearts,

This upcoming Scorpio Full Moon, taking place on the 27th of April 2021, to peak at approximately 5:30am Paris Time, is marked as the: “Revealing Moon.” 

I have chosen this word “revealing” due to the common Scorpionic wish to swim at the depths. What we tend to forget, is that, Scorpionic energy can also be deceptive!

Because this Moon will be opposed by 4 heart piercing and Venus themed Planets, coupled with the Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, the darker shade to Scorpio will not be able to seduce us. Instead, we will be forced to commune with the higher vibration of Scorpio, which most just cannot grasp. That higher vibration is of the most honest and illuminating. It is also evident that such a vibration rarely presents the Truth on a silver platter. 

This Scorpio Full Moon will not be easy if we are scared of change. If any of you are already experiencing unusually raw emotions swinging themselves into your conscious mind, please embrace this as a door to healing and try your best to be patient.

We have in fact, just entered the opening to the next Eclipse Season Portal as well, and, this will amplify all experiences to therefore create a sensation that we are not at all in control. 

The trick here is, to let the changes happen and with Scorpio to now be “highly placed” in our heavens, there is no other way but…up.


Let me now,

Open you up,

In a way that will have your mind resting in the words thus spoken.

If we are relating to a Scorpio Moon, when full, we must understand that her expression is that of a bleeding woman, a woman who is at the peak of her menstrual cycle and lets the blood of life pour. 

The gravity of such a Moon pulls us inward, transforms all of our rotten ways and gives way for the healing. This is an empowering Moon that cannot be approached without respecting the pain of life. 

To know someone with a Scorpio Moon is to witness a heart that is always closer to what we prefer to reject. Such Moons are the store-house of all of our garbage, they kindly collect what we cannot hold and burn it, burn it in the blood of creation. They bleed for us and sacrifice their own pleasures, because they do not reject what we often do. They survive even in the most atomic of weathers. They are very very strong.

I speak of an exalted Scorpio Moon, learning to aim for its highest potential. This Moon lets the rage of the pain of the world dissolve and starts to BE power. There is no Moon more capable of collecting your very ills and wiping them clean. There is no Moon more valuable than a Moon willing to show you just how extreme, extreme can be. 

Many whom hold this Moon in their Star Map live in fear of it, because even they tremble at the thought of “totality” that can swirl into the heart and consume everything. 

I know people, who prefer to not work with their Scorpio Moon because they have claimed it as being “too much” “too full” “too honest.” So then, in saying this, where does the deception of a Scorpio Moon live? 

….well, we find it, in the conscious mind, in the conscious mind that riots against the undercurrent. 

The conscious mind, a friend to the ego, wants matters to seemingly appear as though they are in control, as though they are well placed and yet, the Scorpio Moon, has a different voice, a voice that knows everything and can instantly irritate the enthusiast. 

The deception then becomes armour, forcing us to ignore our Truths because no Moon can feel further than a Scorpio Moon. Would you want to know everything? To sense your way through every wrong, to be a frequent visitor in Hade’s lair? 

This is why, when not exalted, a Scorpio Moon lies and hides in a world that no one will ever know about, such a Moon may even love so much and yet, dare not share it.

What is worth looking forward to is that, this Full Moon promises the passage to the most beneficial frequencies of the Scorpio Star. We will need to examine where Taurus and Scorpio are placed in our own Star Maps and this way, we can best understand how this Moon will be working us personally. 

I see the light of Venus, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus, all in Taurus, squishing any last drop of an enemy within us. Lilith in Taurus will too, make our foes surrender. 

The Scorpio Star is willing as she paces herself in this Moon. Her gratitude rises as all becomes revealing. 

There are many whom have wronged us, in lifetimes and not just one, yet, a Scorpio Moon, just like this, will have all such wrongs, undone. 

We too have been the enemy, within and throughout, this Moon is the journey of all the negativity we, as the tortured, carry about. 

Let there be no more…

….for we can be sorry, for we CAN forgive.

Keywords to this FULL MOON in Scorpio

  • Transformation 
  • Revealing 
  • Honesty in Relationships
  • Loyalty
  • Sudden Ends
  • Breakups 
  • Death
  • Extremes
  • Fear VS Trust
  • Divine Union 
  • Inner Alchemy 
  • The Forbidden Fruit
  • Vices 
  • Vengeance VS Letting Go
  • Letting Go
  • Empowerment in Letting Go
  • Pitting those whom create their own undoing 
  • SEX
  • Taking what is yours
  • Power
  • Empowerment 
  • Being Naked
  • Our Genitalia and Reproductive System
  • Blood
  • Anger into Truth
  • Tolerance into Boundaries 
  • Confronting Oneself 
  • Intensity 
  • Healing
  • Resurrection 
  • The Great Mother Goddess in her most rawest forms
  • True Beauty
  • Ground Zero
  • Matchless-ness
  • Awakening 

The matchless-ness that is held by the current Planetary positions, proves just how capable a Scorpio Moon really is. The 4 Planet and Lilithian confrontation does not intimidate a Scorpio Full Moon and this is indeed noteworthy. 

What Scorpio begs for is exactly this: “a chance to be seen and not left to retain the shadows.” When the cosmos offer such light upon this Moon, she openly dances in appreciation. 

The Scorpio energy cannot tolerate the weak and it is a persistent discipliner, setting a mark for us to aim for. When perceived as cold, it is only because the force that is needed, to work with Scorpio, wasn’t embraced. You’ll always find a Scorpio continuing where we have left off. They continue on and this can be seen as a boon but also as a curse. That is why, the sudden and raw release or cataclysmic change works through them. It is often because they have carried the weight of too much, for too long and perhaps denied it.

We must give thanks to cosmic cleaners, who do what no other Star Sign can do, who live where we all prefer to drift away from, who carry the pain of this world and free it, even if it hurts. Such Stars cry for more than their own, they live through the voices we cannot hear and are a medium between Living and Dying. 

There is no other Star Sign that knows death like this and what the death of anything can bring. They actively invoke this portion of the cycle whenever life is not soothing. They find peace within ends, they find solace knowing that death can happen. Death as a passage, the proof of change and the home of possibility.

One of the grandest lessons of a Moon like this, is to step away from being so hard on ourselves and instead of wearing the shackles of a Martyr, step up and taste the juice of LIFE. Taurus, which sits in the cosmic opposition, knows very well how to indulge in the pleasures of our senses and to live. 

If you weep yourself to rest, beneath the rays of this Full Moon, do not stop it. This is the psyche, accumulated across lifetimes that you just cannot count, and, this is her way of healing you.

Let the Scorpionic depths be made known, 

You will heal if the heart is willing.

You will see your life as one more,

This understanding will be revealing!

Perhaps you were your own worst enemy once, could this be true?

It is time,





You will and….all the universe is here, should you need it.

Love, Light and Scorpionic Depths,


Scorpio Full Moon, The High Priestess
and Almighty May 2017

Are we already in May? I blinked and here we are, almost at the half way mark of 2017!

This year appears to flow smoother than the year gone by. It is smooth yet full of speedy opportunities and even those are missed should we not pay head.

I promised to write about how this year is indeed the year of the High Priestess. The year where if we honour the Divine Feminine principals (#inallherforms), we will be lead to the mysteries that she keeps. Such mysteries are easily ignored and this year is somewhat forcing us to face the depths and the most secret parts of our own lives and the lives of those around us. There is a hymn that is always sung by this Divine Feminine principal and it calls for respect. If we step away from our desk, take a look out the window, we will see it and even hear its call. The madness is out there, the chaotic and wild fires of truth are blazing away and some are acting to serve their highest purpose, others are scared, scared of the day. To live by the day, to really let the clock tick and pretend life isn’t slipping away is almost as idiotic as the hellos we share. This astrological write up is coming from a Scorpionic tone and since the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 10th is ever so near now, it is important to acknowledge the raw and vacant gift of truth the cosmos are sharing.

scorpionI love Scorpionic energy. I love how it forces us to affirm boundaries, to die and be reborn in one life again and again and again. I love how it never leaves a single leaf unturned and when worked with correctly, can heal and support us in such profound manners.

When the Moon dances with Scorpio we will not be able to avoid emotion. The ice that freezes will melt as will the “up keep”. We are like walking storehouses, we swallow and ingest so much yet do we ever really process anything? The levels of distraction are endless and the choices we make tend to not be as healthy as they could should we slow down a little more. How rare is it to slow down in such times? How rare is it to pay attention to what we are doing in an actual moment? The mind is always busy and the heart rarely gets heard yet this Full Moon will not allow the same degree of distraction. It will loudly arrive and loudly depart. If you want to really find where you are wasting yourself then this Full Moon wont fail. The power that comes from integrity and the wish to be free of the “up keep” is yours – should you let it.

It is also a divinely sexual time and that raw energy can give birth to magnificent transformation. Every Scorpionic affair comes with a price and a good slogan for the typical Scorpio Moon situation is: PAIN IS GAIN. Knowing this, you mustn’t fear how powerful it will be. Let the divine mystery in and find the wisdom that you seek.

High PriestessThe High Priestess energy holds onto this Moon like her child, if you want to honour the Divine Feminine principal in you and in the world around you, work with this Moon to receive her grace. Hear the forgotten hymn and ask for protection. The Divine Feminine wants to protect all that call to her. This magic truth is in you and yes, it is a time for protecting our minds, our hearts and our actions. We must take a Scorpionic approach and be extreme with our most sincere beliefs. It is NOT a time for procrastination. If you want to have a meaningful life, now is the moment. If you want to protect yourself from hurdles and mess, now is the moment. Think of this Full Moon as a door to the endless treasures the Great Mother Goddess can give. We all have this nature within us and to allow its grace to deepen and protect we need to create the space. With the North and South Nodes shifting on the same day as this Full Moon, a worthwhile pride and grand view enters the equation. Not only will we get closer to the supreme truth, we will also have available conditions to want to serve others for the same reasons.

It is a highly spiritual time and a time of relevance.

This Full Moon will have the general public asking the right questions. The world will start to speak and want to awaken from a very sophisticated dream. Isn’t that a cool thing?


How can we help?
How can we really make the most of this time?

I advise you to treat May like a secret masterpiece. What is accomplished in this month is greater than perceived. It will pass in a “behind the scenes” manner yet bite the world with its statements. We must not waste a single day in May and really listen to the subtle communication as well as embrace the conflict that is knocking at the door. I wouldn’t call it an argumentative time, I see it more as a time to get to the bottom of things and let a lot go.

If you are a lover of totality, depth and challenging questions…your moment has come. Seize it with bells on!

Now for the shadows…

The one Star Sign that can sip a cocktail with Hades and not fear its return home is Scorpio. There was a time when we could say the same for Aries yet things have changed and now only Scorpio can really be that daring!

Scorpionic energy can easily support us in reaching divine levels of consciousness but it can also take us down to the pits that are ever so haunting. Such power can destroy or create; such psychic potency can lead to our making or undoing! It is not a time to gamble, it is not a time to ignore the cold, hard and sometimes pretty truth. Take the surge of energy and focus on what counts. The depths are calling, as are the needs for protection. How can we better serve these needs and be leaders of inspiration in our environment?

“Do not waste your life” is the real message of this Full Moon. Make it meaningful and sincere. However it is that you wish to give birth to this truth, know that the creativity in the cosmos will support you.

Finances and the topic of making money are also in the atmosphere now; we need to work with the astrological support to plan the next few months with eloquence and refinement. Trust your instincts with finances and do not let anybody fool you, you can receive the support you need in May so long as you are clear and fair with your negotiations.

I get the feeling that a lot of what is going on will not make sense and will not be crystalized until late June however… we cannot undervalue how beneficial this month can be. We should now work with the subtle parts of our being and write down the revelations that come to us. The synchronicity is not a joke; it is a loud and proud statement from the universe. Pay attention to the omens, the hunches, the dreams and the signs. Be available to the subtle communication and learn from it with ease.

Tis the year of the High Priestess and this Full Moon is the activation point!

If you really wish to understand and work with the Divine Feminine principal you really need to get to know this Moon.

The High Priestess is known for her secrecy and strength. There is fearlessness in the presence of such energy. There is a constant search to understand what is concealed and an obvious hunger for the arcane. The High Priestess reminds us of the vastness of our own unique potential and the unlimited possibilities that hide in the depths of the subconscious plains. Through opening up to what could be we allow development. Through sensing what is secret and hidden we can also come to trust that inner truth. The link between the Moon in Scorpio and the Divine Feminine principal is large. Just think of all the moods the Great Mother Goddess possesses, think of all the flavors the mysterious plains contain. Scorpio and the High Priestess understand each other, they compliment each others work and on this Full Moon shatter whatever nonsense blocks us from being complete and sincere human beings.

The year of the High Priestess is about TRUTH. Rude, Loud and Powerful Truth. Let this Full Moon remind you.

Her Hymn

“Come come, O children of the stars, fear not the wisdom within
and let the magic save you. Come come, O dancers above the clouds, rise up,
you know what made you.”

I look forward to hear how this month unfolds for you. Feel free to share your experiences here.

May this Almighty month of May be that of an awarding one and lead us all to a sincerer state of being.

Love and light,
