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New Moon

The Benefits of Moon Bathing and Especially During this New Moon in Cancer on the 20th of July 2020

As the Moon prepares to enter Cancer and greet us with a New Moon in her preferred home…the cosmic Crab or Karkinos (as the Ancient Greeks would call it) I would like to remind you of the importance of Moon Bathing.

In the Photograph below, you will see an image of me Moon Bathing under a Full Moon. As you will notice, I am wearing my clothes.

One of the biggest misconceptions about Moon Bathing is in fact, that one must be nude, this is not at all the case! One can work with the healing and magnetising energy of the Moon, simply by looking at her.

I am grateful to reopen this subject now, especially since SO MANY of us are still in lock down and LONG for nature.

Moon Light carries so much of nature and all of her elements, so this too is a helpful way to mirror our own natural law and to reconnect when we feel overburdened by the weight of these times.

“All Moon Phases have their own unique way of working with us. Just as they do at the time of our birth.”

Such wisdoms, I recall eavesdropping on when I was growing up and feeling fascinated by the power of the Moon. The woman and men in my family would talk about the Moon all the time and her mesmerising presence, that held space for the path of a Mystic.

“Whatever draws you to her, know that she too is drawn to you. Our Moon.”

So, prepare to better connect with the Moon, especially now, when she will be at home in Cancer, united with the Sun.

Love, Light and MoonBeams,


In May 2020, I was interviewed by the lovely Iman Balagam on behalf of Sunday Riley, for the Sunday Edit Magazine and the theme was Moon Bathing. Here is the unedited version of my Q&A with Iman:

For those new to Moon Bathing, can you break down what exactly it is?

Moon Bathing is the practice of placing oneself under the Moon, either seated or laying down, clothed or disrobed, just as you would when you Sun Bathe. We do this to receive the nourishing rays of the Moon Light and healing energy that is ever-present when working with the Moon and it’s phases. Moon Bathing is also a helpful tool for woman to help stabilise their Moon cycles and connect with the natural rhythms. This practice is known to support the alignment of ones being and when practiced correctly is indeed helpful.

Would you need any materials? Are there things you can purchase to supercharge the activity? 

This is a natural practice so nothing is needed other than your own presence. If you would like to enhance your experience you can always create a relaxing atmosphere for the practice you embark on however, the act of laying down or sitting upright, under the Moon, is enough. 

What is the difference in energies between Moon Bathing and Sun Bathing? 

Sun Bathing is scientifically known to directly provide Solar Energy and Vitamins associated with the energy. It is also the key ingredient to all life on Earth. The heat in which it provides stimulates circulation, allows for the elimination of toxins in the body and is a remedy for various ailments. 

When we Moon Bathe, we are receiving a combination of Star Light, Sun Light and Light from our Planet Earth, with the greater portion being Sun Light that get’s reflected back to Earth from the Moon. The singling out of this practice is known to balance our internal waters and provide a soothing effect to our nervous system as well as instantly calm the mind. It can also raise us up, in a subtle way, releasing energy through a slower pace than the instantaneous frequency of the Sun.

To the Mystics and many others, Solar Energy is a powerful force which awakens life in all matter and has an energetic affiliation with the Divine and Sacred Masculine principle, which acts as a counterpart to the Moon and its affiliation with the Divine and Sacred Feminine principle. When we start to look at both of these energies we are then beginning to understand the sacred polarities that make us who we are, so therefore, Sun Bathing and Moon Bathing compliment each other and work together to assist the Divine Equilibrium of our being as well as the natural order on our Planet.

Does it matter what the Phase of the Moon is? 

Yes, it does. 

For example, if we are considering to Moon Bathe, the Moon Phase we are most attracted to will say a lot about our inner state and need. Also, each phase of the Moon will influence us differently and since we are working with the Moons rays and Stars in which the Moon is reflecting, the intensity of the light and influence will differ.

Are there health benefits? 

Scientists are continuing to look into such questions but I will say that, the Ancients have always claimed that yes, there are! You can hear such claims passed down through folkloric tales, the advices of our elders and through the people who work very closely with the land and skies. You will also hear about such benefits when talking with sailors or anyone who makes his life by the sea. Wise Woman Traditions throughout various cultures have keenly connected the Moon Phases and their influences on woman’s menstrual cycles. It is NOT fiction that the Moon alters Earths ecosystems through gravity and has the power to charm the tides. The Moons pull is stronger than the Suns, as it is positioned closer to our Earth and therefore we are naturally drawn to it.  

How are the Moon Cycles correlated to human behaviour? 

Just as the Moon influences the tides, so can it influence the over 60% of water that we have in our body. You may notice that as the Moon becomes fuller, many of us gain a bit of weight and some studies have linked this to the fluid retention that gets triggered through the Moons growth. This influence isn’t limited to the body, our emotions and the state of our mind are triggered too. Folklore talks about the wildness of man/woman and how the fuller a Moon becomes, the crazier man/woman will become. This wildness, when understood in a positive sense, refers to the uninhibited connection to ones deeper callings. Emotions appear to rise up as do our feelings, closer to any Full Moon time and for the Mystics, the magnetising energy of the Moon ignites spiritual practice. 

If you notice yourself having a good cry during the peak of a Full Moon, know that this is a natural and healing process. See your tears as offerings to the Moon and her phases. Tears are too, connected to the Moon.

How can Moon Bathing help us in a stressful time like now? 

We need to return to our truest of places, we need to learn how to return to our authentic presence. Such stressful times are a reminder of the imbalances on an internal and external level, if we can learn to heal the inner imbalances, the outer difficulties will begin to subside. Working with the Moon through a practice as simple as Moon Bathing, can support this divine communing with the subtle body and the more sincere parts of our being. If we can learn to listen to all of what is and not just parts, a supreme healing will happen and divine harmony is key. All of us need nourishing, all of us need to at times, slow down and connect with an ever-flowing grace. The Moon is a direct opening to the grace within us and when sat with, she will always bring a comforting touch, she will always listen.

Are there any other rituals we can add to our daily practice that you would recommend? 

Yes, I call it: “The Way of the Heart.” 

This practice/ritual reconnects you to your heart, to your central channel and can be completed during your Moon Bathing time.

We spend so much of our lives in our minds, taken from one thought to the other, very rarely do we just rest where we are, appreciating where we are and not leaping into the past or future. 

The heart is an anchor and a point of truth, the way it beats reminds us that we are alive but at the exact same time, there is a rhythm that we know will someday stop. 

That hearts rhythm is unique to all beings, to our body, mind and soul. Remembering the temporariness of life and all things, when connecting with the heart in this way is crucial. Such remembering opens the door to tenderness and our innate ability to love truly.

“The way of the Heart” practice/ritual is easy, all you have to do is place one or both of your hands on your heart, feel your heart beating, rest your mind on this sensation. Just be with each beat, do not let anything else get in the way of you and your hearts natural rhythm. When you start to relax and become one with the beating of your heart, start to hear what the heart may wish to tell you. For some, the oneness of you and your hearts rhythm will take time to emerge as we often get distracted, tired or impatient, but, do not lose hope nor give up. You can take your time with this practice or dedicate a few moments to it. The aim here is, to return to the way of the Heart. What makes a human all he is, is his capacity to feel, to connect and to truly experience. When we return to the heart, remembering the impermanence of all things and hear what the heart has to say, choosing how we live and love will become so much clearer. Our hearts and minds will naturally begin to connect and in this connection, the meaning to life will return. To me, this meaning of life is just as you would find inscribed at the Oracle of Delphi. It is: “To know thyself.” To know thyself through wanting the truth, yearning for it and that truth is our very own authentic presence, our very own truest place. Communing with the heart is where such truth is born. Communing with the heart is returning to our authenticity.

Some people take a bath before heading outside. Is that something you suggest? 

Only if doing so makes you feel comfortable. It is not compulsory.

So dear hearts, what draws you to our Moon? I invite you to ponder over this question and of course, feel free to share your answers in the comments below.

Now for some Excerpts from my writings on Moon Bathing in 2013/2014:

“Most of us love to laze about under the Sun, but have we ever considered the benefits of doing the exact same thing under a bright Moon? Just as the hot hot Sun has its healing energy so does our intuitive Moon. You see, Moonlight is a combination of Starlight, Sun Light and Earth light. This crisp light should be bathed in from approximately 8:40pm, until any time you please. Think about relaxing into the experience and lay down as you would under a hot Sun. Look up at the enchanting Moon and let her soft, healing, and calm light soothe you, balance your internal waters, move the parts of you that were blocked or stagnant and purify your nervous system. Because the Moon is associated with the sacred feminine/shakti principle, it is only normal that the results of your experience will work on a subtle level. If you are a sensitive soul, you will easily notice the gentle massage of the Moons magic. Ancient cultures believe that meditating on a Full Moon for even a short period of time, will heal and cleanse the Chakras. Try to acknowledge what Astrological Sign the moon is in when you dip into her light, as this too will play an important role in the effects of your experience. Do keep in mind that when Moon Bathing under a Full Moon, the day before the Full Moon and after is still a good time for potent Full Moon light and healing energy.”

Oh and…the New Moon at 28 degrees in Cancer will peak on the 20th of July 2020 at 1:32pm NYC time and this New Moon opposes Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter!

….with the Moon very much at home in Cancer, supported by the alignment with the Sun and Mercury at his early degrees in the constellation, we have a clear AXIS of emphasis and this is…the constant/persistent 2020 theme of all that Cancer/Capricorn represents. Consider this New Moon a chance to further work with all that this year has been insisting, without disregarding Key Words such as: Safety, Homeland, Nourishment, Planet Earth, Food, Ancestors, The Elderly, Bones and Ones Physical Structure, Emotions, Longings, Desires, Motherhood, Mother as an Archetype, The Sacred Feminine in All Her Forms, Plants, Water, People in Power, Ambitions, World Affairs, World Resources, The Father Archetype, The Patriarch, Interconnectedness, Imbalance into Balance, Fear into Fearlessness and Respect.”

These are just some of the Key Words to to mention, which are affiliated with the message of this New Moon. I know however, that your own, personal, Moon Bathing experience will reveal so much more and remember to please, always dedicate the goodness of your Moon Bathing for the benefit of all the universe. You can do this after you have completed your meeting with the Moon or beforehand too.

Lastly, please do not feel discouraged if you cannot see the Moon, Moon Bathing still works wonders, even if the Moon is not directly visible.

Wishing you all closer, healing and meaningful encounters with our Moon.

Love and Light Forever,


Black Moon February
The Age of Aquarius
Solar Eclipse Transformation

“The reverberations of no Moon, no brightly full moon night, summon the Black Moon and return her to our sight. I speak of a beckoning, when the darkness calls our name and here in this signaling, we inaugurate the journey to mysticisms array.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

Take your heart and mind back to 1999 for a moment. What were you doing? How were you feeling? Take some time to recollect “the you” that lived then, what were your fears and hopes? Do you even recognize who you were?

We have come a very long way since then, now haven’t we? Our collective lessons have been associated with speed, a speed that the Age of Aquarius seems to harness like a log.

To rewind the video of life to 1999 comes with reason, you see, what if this Black Moon month of February 2018 can pull into the present, a concealed personal potential of that old version of you? Before I go into the specifics of how and why this is possible, I will touch on the Astrological and Mystical significance of when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month.

The label “Black Moon” is a label of many meanings and one of them (the one I am referring to now) is when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month. Some Astrologers would call this cosmic event the “Lilith Moon.” The last time a no Full Moon month happened was in February 1999.

We always hype up Blue Moons, this is fair because we can witness their graciousness and they light up the entire sky and leave us in a trance like awe. It is completely normal that we notice them! Black Moons, on the contrary, are rarely spoken of….but…are equally as important and to the Mystics even more so.

Think of a no Full Moon month as a storehouse of energy, energy that is hidden, concentrated and raw. The lack of obviousness to this presence makes us drowsy and our need for solid rest coagulates.

This deep rest that we long for, is actually a good thing because, it will make the cosmic transmissions easier. When in a restful place, the energetic transference can enter us and rejuvenate the cells to awaken the hidden bits.

It is no coincidence that a Black Moon month coincides with the Ecliptic portal and the Lunar New Year. This to the wise ones is a month of “certainty.” A month where whatever we were meant to do and did not do… will happen.

I see February as the silent killer, the killer of fears, unnecessary dreams and focus points. The blessing here is, it’s as though we wont actually have to do anything to make things happen. They will simply happen and….wearing the costume of CHANGE!

A no Full Moon month, to the Astrologers is like a New Moon set on fire. The darkness of the month calls for subconscious renewal, cleansing and also a deep surrendering to the subtle mysteries. Even if we cannot see or comprehend what is happening, the energies are active and completing their mighty tasks.

We as observers, can work with this prolonged pitch-black night to set a multitude of intentions, ones that will take us through the next 20 years. I say this because; a Black Moon month like this one, only happens every couple of decades and the power of intention setting under such influences in stronger than usual.

Think of a Black Moon month as an opportunity to purge, with the support of the Eclipses and Lunar New Year, your bound to feel like a new born baby come April.

Now, back to 1999….

…..the Mystics of the world believed (and still believe) that every no Full Moon month (sometimes called a February Moon) had the capacity, to rekindle us with our forgotten aims. Normally these aims are in alliance with the aspirations of the year the previous no Full Moon month shared. So what this means is, whatever we forget to fulfill in 2018, that has significant importance, will come back to bite us in approximately 20 years from now. This exact same theme is taking place this month and it is linked to 1999. So, what is coming back to nibble on your ear? Are you experiencing any resonance? I know I am.

One last point about the Black Moon month……
….working with Lilithian energy is extremely beneficial during a month like this one. The forgotten Queen rules such domains and supports any quest to get to know our hidden bits. If you want to know more about Lilith, you can read my detailed article here.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, will mark an end to our in-between Eclipses portal and draw a line that marks the closing conclusion, to many experiences that have been shaping us since August 2017. This is it, things are about to get so much clearer and we will be fresh in our collective frequency come this April. I keep mentioning the month of April because it really is a precious time. Not only are we heading towards a new degree of collective understanding but we are also finding new ways to heal and our tolerance levels are increasing as a whole. The princess and the pea syndrome just wont be possible anymore….as this universe expands and contracts (wink wink.)

For a deeper understanding about this Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and how it will influence you personally, please have a listen to my Audio here:

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This Partial Solar Eclipse will take place on the 15th of February 2018 at 18:55pm UTC time and shall end at 22:48 UTC time.

Our beloved Venus is in Pisces until March the 6th 2018

Listen to Venus in Pisces Audio here:

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Mystical Tour of Greece in May 2018

Throughout the year, I run various Mystical Tours and some I run in person and others from a distance. I tend to keep these activities low key, because I prefer to offer these experiences intimately. Since the service I offer is so unique, it only makes sense that it can’t be packaged in a standard way. Europe is where most of my tours have been taking place however, I have also guided people through their journeys in India, Nepal and similar lands. You can contact me for a Mystical Tour or Sojourn for practically any location, they do take some time to prepare so ensure to give me ample amounts of notice. When I am arranging tours for the major cities in our world, I don’t need as much notice so; a good 2 weeks or 3 are fine. Mystical Sojourns make divine gifts and….if you want to know all about what I offer you can take a peak here.

Would you like to join me and 5 other delightful hearts on a Mystical Tour in Greece? The focus will be on the Divine and Sacred Feminine Principal. I have 1 spot left for this amazing opportunity and this all-inclusive 2-week package (excluding flights) costs a non refundable $2500 USD approx. If you would like to know more, please connect via email. The sooner I hear from you the better. I am finalising this “in person” Tour this month and wont be accepting anyone else after the 25th. Do keep in mind that I run tours frequently and you can also request to tour Greece with me at a later date. Looking forward to Mystical Touring with you.

Some Closing Notes

The Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog commences on the 16th of February 2018. Earth Dog energy is loyal, steadfast, responsible, fun and committed. It will be a beneficial year to revise where our loyalties live and who or what we can rely on. My intuitive hunch is that we can gain long lasting and sincere friendships this year. There is also an element of simply sticking to the tasks at hand, getting on with everything and without delay. Our planet Earth will also be calling for our loyalty, our love and our friendship….so please be loyal to her. She needs it the most.

Wishing you all a healing and clearing month of February. May this Eclipse season realign you divinely and for the utmost benefit

Infinite blessings dear hearts and thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Love and light,


Contact Tashi   Mystical Tours Testimonials   Make a Donation

The Benefits of Capricorn Season
New Moon Bloom
& My Love of Stelliums in Astrology

When I think of a Sea Goat, I think of the true exemplification of the Star Sign Capricorn and the interesting blend of Fish and Goat (water and earth) that takes us on to explore various Secrets of The Ancients.

To understand the current Capricornian influence and to reap the rewards that the next few Capricorn themed years will offer, you will need to get to know the Sea Goats secret symbolism.

The head being the Goat here is the domain of the mind and represents the consciousness-energy of the Sign. In this case a Mountain Goat. What do Mountain Goats do? They climb all their way up to the peak of any mountain, rarely stopping until they have reached the top! Mountain peaks are also the HIGHEST point in our physical realm….and before I continue, please just EXPERIENCE this statement for a minute.

This ability to always climb to the very peak of any mountain, the highest point in our physical realm and to be able to dwell there, with the sages, gods and heavenly presences is interpreted as “the hunt for a greater state of being.” Some others may call it “the pursuit of a higher consciousness.”

So what is so great that gets the Mountain Goat all the way up there….to the very very top? Is it his eyes? Or….his legs? Perhaps his horns? Hmmm, I would say it is his feet and this is because they are sure-footed, determined and adroit in an aware and effortful way. There is also something so playful and nimble about Mountain Goats feet.

The lower part of the Sea Goat is depicted as a Fish, which automatically takes us to the very depths. When we think of depths we instantly see the opposite to mountain peaks don’t we? The big blue Ocean is the grandiose habitat for Fish and the deepest point in our physical realm. Some of these points have yet to be discovered by man! Many would say that the Ocean represents the subconscious, intuition, the mysteries of our world and Gnosis (an understanding and inner knowing.)

To accept the obviousness of dualism/extreme that is presented in the representation of the Sea Goat is to capture the world we live in, in its totality and therefore, when working with the energy of this Star correctly, we will learn to go beyond both logic and intuition, the rational and the mysterious, consciousness and subconscious-ness. I am not joking when I say the next few years will bring us “up close and personal” with the outer and inner extremes. Thanks to the cosmic line up, we will receive various collective opportunities to actually experience what the extreme of dualism really means and we will be propelled to aspire for something more, something beyond both.

The Sea Goat uses both the depths and the peaks to arrive beyond both and how does he do this? By simply being both equally, which automatically makes him something more. He doesn’t lose his depths to his peaks nor does he lose his peaks to his depths. He is one with ALL he is, always.

Let us not forget this 4000+ year old symbol and a Star indeed capable of awakening us all. Capricorn Season, we embrace you!


Now for the practical bits…

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Hasn’t this New Year started ever so LOUDLY? I am still in awe of how busy everyone and everything is. We could easily blame the Capricorn Stellium that is taking place in our skies. There are currently 6 planets in Capricorn coupled with Lilith and her glare. I have been posting a lot about this moment and if you feel inspired, do back track and listen to my audios in previous posts as well as read what I have been saying on social media. My anticipation for this moment in time has been ongoing and now that it has arrived, I just want to capture it tightly. The concentration of energy and direction points to our outer collective projection…”who do we all want to be as a whole and what will it take for us to raise our collective consciousness effectively.” The race up to 2020 is making such questions boil and there will be forces trying to pull us down, seduce us into the overindulgent desirous realms so we must keep the Mountain Peak goal in view without forgetting the depths.

This New Moon in Capricorn (the first New Moon of 2018) is exposing us to our collective responsibility and an urgent demand to learn from our elders, the ones who have come before us as well as preserve their wisdom by sharing and practicing it. There is also a call for getting our s*** together and this could be as plain as not arriving to work late. We have to look at what we are presenting to the world around us, do we like the person we are trying to be? Who are we wishing to be really? All of these questions have the support of the stars and when the effort is put in, the result will be plentiful.

To receive the maximum that I am offering in this newsletter, please have a listen to the Audio Files below. Today I have decided to go over my beloved theme “Stelliums in Astrology” and to provide you with some useful New Moon in Capricorn Rituals.

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New Moon in Capricorn to Peak at 2:17am in London on the 17th of January 2018

For those of you who missed my 2018 Forecast Marathon with Astrology Hub, do not worry….there is more in stall for you this year and….I am pleased to announce my participation in their Inner Circle program. You can read all about it here. 

I shall sign off now by providing you with some excerpts from my recent writings on the Divine and Sacred Feminine / Masculine principal which is very relevant for such times.

“Can you feel that? That’s infinite woman of our world healing…healing because woman in power are rising up and using their positions to really speak their truth!

The abuse of this Sacred Feminine Energy has been taking place for way too long and if your waking up today with a tender sensation in your heart, one that feels so much more tender than normal, please know that you are feeling the deep healing that is taking place right this very moment!

When power is robbed, stolen and taken away, it leaves enormous holes in our collective make-up and now that a start to a correct level of honour is being poured into its rightful place, we are collectively experiencing “a return” and this return of truth into our very own cores will echo for days.

As the Rise of the Divine and Sacred Feminine Energy continues and many out there do their best to restore honour and respect in its rightful place, the fire of truth will rise from the ashes within.

To really heal our world is to heal the imbalances…starting with our Sacred Mother Earth, her ever-flowing generosity and how we fail to value it, this is the first and obvious example of such grand abuse to this Sacred Feminine Energy.

When we talk about the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy we are NOT excluding the Sacred and Divine Masculine energy. Both are interlocked, united and cannot function properly without a healthy level of equilibrium.  

When one is lacking or imbalanced within us, we eagerly search for it “out there.” This quest can be as simple as looking for a suitable partner or someone to share love with. This obvious imbalance on the subtlest of levels is what needs to be addressed first. 

For so long now, the Divine and Sacred Feminine energy has been suppressed in both Men and Woman.  It has been torn down, feared and refused. The mystery of the energy put many in a state of panic around the 12th and 13th Century, which lead to a grand rejection of the glory of what this energy contains. Since then, our Western World has seen gruesome witch-hunts, the end to woman’s rights, a suppression that created even woman themselves to fear their very own power. This extreme divide of polarities, which actually depend on each other, only really started to yearn for a homecoming in the 19th Century. That’s a bit too long of a wait for respecting an energy that flows through all of us and in everything we see, consume and experience!

Since the scales were tipped so strongly in the direction of refusing to embrace the mystery of this energy, the normal effect or consequence is that the scales will now tip in the exact opposite direction! Astrology confirms it, with Lilith in Capricorn and various other history changing planetary alignments, its as though the reclaiming of this energy wont be peaceful. So what to expect if the reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy manifests as extreme?

  1. There will be many natural disasters and those that come from nowhere and without sense.
  2. Large imbalances will take place with the elements that make up our world, for example, obtaining clean water will be as hard as pulling a diamond out of a crocodiles jaw.
  3. The concept of family will lose its worth and we will find less and less people wanting to make a life together.
  4. The confusion as to how we apply ourselves, as human beings will increase and the concept of a purposeful life will diminish.
  5. There will be an upsurge of destructive tendencies.

This is just a bit of what can happen when extreme outer divides take place in energies that so eagerly depend on each other. We were pulled into one extreme for centuries and now we are on the brink of being pulled into another.

The deep and tender healing that can happen and must happen needs to start from an awareness of how these energies live within us! The Divine and Sacred Feminine and Masculine energies are what make us complete. When this truth is ignored and disrespected, extreme imbalances take place and then we grow further and further apart as if we are not interdependent. As if we are rivals on a numberless battlefield.  

Does it need to be so destructive, this reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy? Perhaps!

The healing energy we are feeling due to the woman of the world rising up and speaking their truth, bringing a needed voice back into our world is evidence of the urgency such imbalances demand.

We all felt it, something like a deep and nourishing peace when Oprah told it how it is. We all connected in ways that had no space for ego during that moment of energetic honesty.

It’s the divine energy itself that goes beyond gender, which shook inside us, singing its melody of confirmation. On the gross level, we see this manifestation as “woman of the world” but what its really all about is an energetic representation. See it for what it really is and embrace the energy without rejection.

The ever-flowing great mother goddess energy is forgiving, it will help us if we honour and respect it. It will heal its wounds if we start to heal ours and through a collective understanding the destructive results may even subside.”

– TarotbyTashi

Do connect anytime and share your expressions with me. You can also forward this wisdom on to your friends. I will welcome your extended networks into my community wholeheartedly.

May the dark of the Moon remind us of the birth of the light and the birth of the light remind us of the dark of the Moon. All united, dependent and yearning for each other.

Infinite blessings,


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New Moon in Sagittarius
The Last New Moon of 2017
5 Planets 5 Strengths
Long Live The Divine Archer

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mercury all in Sagittarius, we will be gifted with the opportunity of Divine Goal Setting and if we allow it, this New Moon will knock our socks off towards greater realizations. The New Moon will take place on the 17th / 18th of December 2017 and peak at around 7:30am on the 18th (Parisian Time.) To be ready for the last New Moon of 2017, prepare for spiritual “take off” and open your heart to the swiftness of advancement. We are all natural born seekers and this Divine Archer won’t let our targets get away, so do ask for your wishes to be granted and they will! The strength of these 5 planets will provide us with a Jupiterian boon, Saturn has been in Sagittarius for a while now and just before its departure into Capricorn, it will offer us some final teachings on a needed cosmic order. With the support of so many juicy planets, we are destined to grow and in speeds unimaginable. This portal of advancement is short so please soak it up until the 20th because after that, the lights will dim and the REAL discipliner shall arrive.

How can we explore the immense wonders of this universe through our heart and soul? When can we just leap off into the unknown risk free? Sagittarius knows the path and never fakes a quest. The movements of this lucky Star have infinite benefits. There will always be some rough edges and difficult to control outcomes but the ride is well worth it and so is the wisdom obtained once done.

We all have some of this lucky Star within us; the Jupiterian blessings are vast and love to influence us into “believing.” Take these next few days as a precious reminder of how grand the universe is and contemplate on how we fit into it, what are we really? Aren’t these all worthwhile queries? A Sagittarius Moon would say YES and leap to the challenge of seeking out a supreme freedom! If it is a supreme freedom you want, aspire for it now! Wish with all your heart that this entire universe will be free of its misery and obtain the greatest gift of all… “Liberation.” This is where the last New Moon of 2017 is taking us; it is showing us the way to awakening and through a one pointed, fearless sense of certainty. It wants us to believe in more than what the rational mind permits. It wants us to believe in worlds beyond this one, in lands that exist far far away or deep deep within.  Do we ever wonder what is happening in the eye of a storm? Maybe there is an elegant party occurring or a stage of wild, glittery singers!

This stellium of Sagittarian power must be used alchemically and for the greater good. If you feel pain in your thighs, hips, lower back and pelvic area it is due to the concentrated planetary influences. A useful way to let the massive surge of new energy flow through you is to stabilize it by some deep stretches and by working with simple meditation practices. If the energy is too loud please have long and peaceful walks where you are focusing on your body and its movements. I will provide us with a New Moon Ritual now that will support the harnessing of this energy and please, do not be alarmed with the intensity of this time, it has come to recharge our spiritual batteries and reactivate our trust in the universe.

New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual, the Last New Moon of 2017

Why would such an opposite of subtle Star shine forth in the dying part of the year? Isn’t it a time for quiet and silencing so that we can work with our hidden and more delicate energies?

It does seem ironic that such a grandiose Sign influences us with chunks of intensity during this part of the year yet there is a profound reason and let me explain why…..

.…….the ascended Sagittarius influence is all about the inner quest and the inner Holy Grail retrieval. Sure, we need infinite outer journeys to arrive deep within ourselves but when we do arrive we are stunned by the glowing magnificence. It takes boosted levels of confidence and devotion to NEVER GIVE UP, so doesn’t it make sense that our Divine Archer arrives just before Solstice to enable an optimistic focus throughout the death of many layers? I sincerely think so!

We secretly want the Jupiterian emphasis because if we really think about it, it wouldn’t fit if the New Moon were in Libra or Pisces during the dying part of the year. We need something ALL-EMBRACING and large. This is exactly what we have; the luckiest signs of them all and this Star is here to remind us of the TRUEST QUEST.  If we remember we will be able to see in the dark and win our way towards the birth of the new light. We mustn’t give up nor fear the infinite roads, the journey will end and we will be victorious through our trust and fearless belief in a deeper sense of being. This Sagittarius New Moon coupled with the force of many other planets is blessing us with the energy we need to get through and ascend, high above the petty borders of the ego. Rise up dear hearts and enjoy the glory of this time.

The Rituals….

  1. Focus on your dreams, keep a dream journal beside your bed and pay attention to the visions you have during this New Moon. The Divine Archer is also a Shaman and can aid you through the magical world of dreams and sleep. I recommend that you specifically set the intention on the 18th night to receive a prophetic dream / vision that will help you on your soul-life journey. To assist this intention light a purple candle and place an amethyst crystal near your pillow. If you would like to complete an elaborate Prophetic Dream Ritual that was handed to me by my ancestors, please email me here and I will provide it to you.  If a prophetic dream / vision did not arrive, please look out for serendipitous signs on the 19th and 20th and ensure to write them down. For further information on working with Dreams and their Interpretations click here.
  2. As my mother and I would always do, CREATE A DIVINE VISION BOARD on the New Moon in Sagittarius! You will need a large coloured piece of paper ideally A2 in size. Cut out desired images from various magazines or print images of your goals from the Internet. Stick them all onto your Divine Vision Board and mark this as your wishes and aspirations of what you would like to accomplish in 2018. Feel free to draw on the board and write on it if you cannot find the matching images. I remember writing poetry on mine to cryptically express my goals. Be as creative as you please! Once you are done, burn the Divine Vision Board created under the light of the Sunrise on the 20th. Whilst burning this, see and feel all your aspirations succeeding and becoming complete in their nature. Children love this exercise so have fun getting all the family involved.
  3. Broaden your own Cultural or Religious perspective via researching / investigating something that attracts you. Honoring the New Moon in Sagittarius is to honor cultures from all around the world and their belief systems. If it is Astrology that interests you, read about a new theme linked to the subject. Our Divine Archer wants you to expand your horizons by watching an informative documentary or by actually going on a pilgrimage to a sacred place somewhere out there! Where will you go? Sometimes just sitting by the seaside or resting at the top of a nearby mountain is enough. Do something under the light of this New Moon to feed your soul and its curiosity. Be a pilgrim in whatever way that may mean to you! If you’re interested in Mystical Touring with TarotbyTashi in 2018 click here.
  4. The bright light of optimism is available so gather if you can around an open fire and tell wholehearted stories. Laugh at the magic of life and laugh because you love it. Laugh because you know life deserves to be celebrated. Have a cheerful and freeing time. Being beside an open fire is an instant way to feel the blazing splendor of this planetary influence.
  5. Soak your feet in a warm saffron infused bath. You can also add some Essential Oils and beneficial Salts. I recommend Honeysuckle, Jasmine and / or Amber.

I will be sharing a lot more with you soon as there will be MAJOR ACTION in our skies this December. I am tempted to start the #inallherforms ceremony on or around solstice (stay tuned.)

Did you know that my Mercury in Retrograde Sacred Scent is now ready to send off out into the world? If you would like to know more about this needed Essential Oil Blend made under the influence of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius and with ingredients picked from a Temple dedicated to Hermes / Mercury himself, please email me here. This particular Sacred Scent will get us through any future Mercury in Retrograde event and is made with 100% natural ingredients. Some ingredients to mention are Mugwort, Basil, Marjoram and hand picked Blossom. I can ship to anywhere in the world and the promotional price for a 15ml Bottle is $28.00 USD. I have various Sacred Scents available and can custom make a blend to benefit your Star Map and wishes.

Some Closing Notes…

On this New Moon you are being called to overcome your procrastinations. Be bold and take action in aiming towards your hearts quest. Do not be tactless; instead, know your worth and be a divine recipient of supreme wisdom. Feel motivated by the constant question of “what is my main purpose in this life?” Be motivated by the answers that arise and inspire a generous service to humanity! There is no frustration where divine intention is set, under this New Moon know your worth and aim higher. If there are patterns we need to overcome and habits we yearn to exhaust, this New Moon shall speed up the process of purification. Whatever occurs, see it as a chance to purify and cleanse the various layers that need to die down pre-solstice. If you can make the time to play, to be playful and create ways to express your creativity it will be healing and supportive. No need for point blank honesty now, turn it inward and ascend.

An Affirmation / Invocation

“I rise above all of the egos limitations and offer myself to the supreme service of humanity. My thoughts are as powerful as my eyes; what I think, is what I see, and what I think is what I am. May my thoughts never sway from the True Quest and may my eyes always be aligned firmly with the eyes of the Divine Archer.”


 Infinite New Moon Blessings Everyone!

Love and light,


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Full Moon in Taurus
November 2017

“Are you ready for the Full Moon in Taurus on the 3rd/4th of November? Do you know how to ride a wild Bull? Can you befriend what is uncontrollable and demanding? With some loud contradictions in our night sky, this Full Moon in Taurus will take us for an untamable ride! The influences will bring about the chance to defend ourselves, to stand up for our rights, to be stubborn in the midst of struggle and to indulge in our irrepressibly earthly needs. When the Moon is in Taurus it is often pleased and our senses will want to explore and unravel. Our moods will lean to the self and what the self requires to feel luxuriating. The Bulls ways must not be misinterpreted, he knows where he stands and is feeling exhausted by the lack of sturdy direction in the recent months, he will force us to step again, down on the earthly terrains and prepare to charge forward. There cannot be compromises, just a willingness to befriend the wild and the untamed. Just a trusting willingness.”

I posted the above blurb on Instagram earlier today; it was a spontaneous expression that arose after sitting with the vibration of our glorious sky. The mood was wild and forceful….but….as the day died down, this odd sorrow started to linger. I could attempt to call it a “sweet sorrow” or a sorrow that moves through the hours without giving way to silly interventions. A sorrow that presents humanness; a humanness eager to give in!

The interesting Saturn Square Chiron effect (that is gently drifting from us) could have something to do with the apparent presentation of grief and tenderness. With Mercury in a glaring Trine with Chiron, an enhanced urge to decode hidden problems and to connect with these tender parts is essential.

The Taurus Full Moon will bring forth reality to us BLUNTLY and it shouldn’t really matter if we want to see it or not, we should just do what we can to be as sincere and grounded as possible.

Some of us may leave others hanging, and not communicate clearly due to fear or unnecessary entanglements. If we could take a look at our department of communication and see if we are ignoring or diverting ourselves from simple and necessary chats, it will really really help!

The Taurean lunar energy wants us to honour our commitments because the strength that comes with this Moon is ever so mighty and if we fail to show up (to the most basic of tasks) we will find the remaining portion of this month to be quite the burden.

Taureans in general are simple and like things to be straightforward and clear. When this vibration embraces the Moon, it can easily turn into something enchanting. The Venusian kiss wants LIFE TO BE EASY! So…let us assist the Taurus Moon power by clearing out the mental clutter, taking action as apposed to over thinking and to simply get real, get back into the magnificence of the moment.

The “sweet sorrow” is the pre Full Moon reminder to return to the now, to get back into ones body and to connect with the palpable interconnection. Once this is established the luxuries of the Taurean mood will follow. You can then prepare for sensual delights and a complete recharge of ones emotional battery.

Let this Full Moon return to you the ground that has been missing. Let it be the bringer of the foundations needed to surge forward in sureness. Your heart will feel tender and willing to live, so… give in to that HUMANNESS.

How To Work With This Full Moon

  • Make love not war
  • Spend time gardening
  • Indulge in the pleasure of eating
  • Wear nice perfume
  • Have slow yet committed hours
  • Finish that book
  • Take a nice long bath with scented candles
  • Moon-bathe
  • Make a budget book / monitor finances
  • Speak your truth
  • Communicate clearly
  • Tie up any loose ends
  • Just be still, be in the now
  • Do wholesome yoga
  • Make some Jewellery
  • Window shop
  • Tell those you love how you feel
  • Embrace confrontation with heart
  • Be tender
  • Believe in interconnectedness
  • Make aspirations for abundance
  • Light a Green or Purple candle

Do note that the Full Moon will peak at 6:22am in Paris on the 4th of November. I believe it will be approximately 11:22pm on the 3rd of November in Denver, USA. Please convert the times accordingly to match your area. I mention the peak of the Full Moon specifically so that we can work with the time to make positive prayers and aspirations for our world.

An Invitation To Raise The Universal Frequency

We will be Raising The Frequency on the New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of November 2017 between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (Parisian Time.) The invitations will be sent out shortly via Facebook. This is a FREE event and it will be our 6th Union! In the last Union we gathered from all around the world (a few hundred of us) and joined hearts to meditate on loving kindness for each other and all beings. All we need to do, during the hours listed, is to simply sit quietly, wherever we feel comfortable and send love and light to the entire universe (including ourselves.) Since we are all uniting to make this possible, from all around the globe, the effect will prove potent and therefore shall Raise The Universal Frequency!

For more information please click here and feel free to share this will all of your friends.

Full Moon in Taurus Cleansing Ritual

Under the light of this Full Moon, prepare a bath with salts, essential oils and some mood setting candles. Pour the bath salts (magnesium flakes or any salts that you prefer) into the bathtub and watch them dissolve as the bathtub fills with warm water. Add some drops of your favourite essential oils; some to list are Rose, Cypress, Clary Sage and Peppermint. Light some candles (ideally green, white and / or purple) and then turn off the lights.

When the temperature of the water is agreeable, step into your magical cleansing bathtub and disappear into stillness. Whilst there, healing and cleansing, make your aspirations and good intentions that will cleanse you from any unwanted negative hooks and patterns. I like to add some Rose petals to the bathtub and sink some of my beloved Crystals into the water to enhance the healing experience. If you are also hoping to invoke some abundance, my ancestors would drop in well washed gold or silver coins, you can put them on the rim of the bathtub if that makes you feel more comfortable. This can distract the theme a little….but…the Taurus Full Moon only comes once a year and has a tendency to assist us with wealth too.…should we let it! When you feel it is time to get out, ensure to dedicate the merit of your experience for the highest and utmost benefit. Close your ritual by saluting the Moon and thanking it for the generous blessings.

I send you all endless wishes of good fortune and strength and do look forward to connect again soon.

Happy Full Moon In Taurus Blessings!

Love and light,


Find out more about Tashi

Find out more about Astrology

New Moon In Libra
Uranus in Opposition
October 2017

There is a lot to compliment when looking up at our frequently undervalued sky, there is a lot to absorb and appreciate when looking up.

The October Astrological Influences are just a little too good and just a little too useful, yet we could go missing a whole lot, should we pretend that a whole lot isn’t going down! The remainder of this month’s theme challenges us quite remarkably and wants us to take off our sleeping masks to have a clear and wise look at what is floating in our atmosphere. We may notice the odd and unusual right there, right in our bedrooms and then turn away as though it never really happened or it wasn’t all that big of a deal. The deliciously lazy and beautiful Libran would want a few “no need to worry” encounters and is probably urging some to take of their pants!

There are oodles to notice when we start to look well at what surrounds us and decipher if this lightness of a Libra infused occasion is what we really want? Libra has bundles more to offer than the initial lazy, pensive and socially pleasing style. To really cash in on the remaining portion of October you will need to take the days ahead with precision and do not let the preliminary “easy does it” charm steal the way. Grab a hold of what a Libra really intends and that I tell you is far more daring and life changing than meets the eye.

The New Moon in Libra said to rise on the 19th / 20th is in a complimentary alliance with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. There are quite a few joyous appearances in our star-lit sky confirming the fun yet….

…..do we really want to bypass growth whilst sipping on chardonnay?

The secret to unlock this New Moons blessings is to let the opposition of Uranus in Aries actually happen! Because things just feel pretty cool right now, we could frankly end up missing the main events.

Why is the Uranus opposition so important? To put it crudely, Uranus stands for revolutionary enlightenment and will push for radical approaches and fresh starts. The simple way would be to continue enjoying our Venusian time but….if we really want to see just how fair and grandiose a Libra provoked month can be, let this signs influence amaze you and prepare you to pull out that sword.

How To Work With This New Moon In Libra

  • Attend to any legal matters
  • Open your heart to change through precision
  • Hold an event
  • End or start a relationship
  • Clean out your Laptop or PC
  • Write a formal complaint or compliment
  • Run a leadership program
  • Make sweet love
  • Take poetry writing seriously
  • Finish a book or two
  • Organize your life
  • Learn about anything that brings in beauty
  • Hire or fire someone
  • Apply for a promotion or raise
  • Really start something

A Little More Juice On Uranus

Did you know that Uranus moves through the Signs every 7 years? Uranus is at its final months of a cycle in Aries and will move into Taurus in May 2018. Whenever Uranus makes a shift, so do we, and the shifts tend to be experienced somewhat ferociously. The trick is to not resist and to collectively understand what is changing before the change actually happens. Let’s talk a bit about this erratic and futuristic planet. Uranus is unpredictable and a very loud messenger. The energy of such cosmic influences cannot be tamed nor understood. Uranus is always in the future, advancing, evolving and managing matters linked to technology, invention and information. This planet praises individuality and vomits at conventions. All that is eccentric, surprising, rebellious and uncanny dwells here. We can often link electricity to this planet as we can lightning, the sky and chaos. Many of us appreciate Uranus for it is never still nor stuck and is constantly encouraging what it touches to take risks and to take action through spontaneity. When Uranus is at the final moments of a 7-year cycle, we must open up to a collective awareness and gather information as to what’s to come. Since Uranus is making a shift into Taurus, we need to ask ourselves how can we learn from the last gifts of Uranus in Aries? How can we let the fire become earth? This icy planet spins from east to west and is lonely in its rotation with only Venus to accompany it. With 27 moons and out of character expressions, the shift from bold and authoritative Aries into Taurus will equal to a lot of financial woes. We need to take control of our finances and practical concerns because when Uranus steps into Taurus some will win big and others will lose all.

The Uranus and New Moon Opposition Opportunity

This passage brings an encounter with the Awakener!

Some may say that this could come in the form of another person or outside situation that wiggles you far away from your comfort zone.  Others would say that an inner flash of lightning will take place and a new path or plan that was never expected nor called for will appear. With such oppositions life will take an unpredictable turn, requiring us all to be, innovative or unprompted in the way we respond. We may find ourselves reacting to others with a powerful impulse to throw off the fetters of anything that feels limiting (like taking off our pants.) The last time this opposition took place, I recall a friend of mine just getting up and walking out of a job, quitting right there and then!

I also recall another friend of a friend getting down on one knee, a day after promising himself he would never ever get married. The extreme impulses under such planetary influences CAN be trusted. They need to be seen as a needed “new character or plot twist” in our lives. Let us open up to this opposition and the challenge of change will impress, whatever the musings, action is ultimate.

I sign off now wishing you all a wisdom bringing New Moon time and will close up with a Homage to the element Air.

According to Plato, Air it is associated with the octahedron and is considered to be both hot and wet. The Ancient Greeks used two words for Air: aer meant the dim lower atmosphere, and aether meant the bright upper atmosphere above the clouds. Plato, for instance writes that “So it is with Air, there is the brightest variety which we call aether, the muddiest which we call mist and darkness, and others for which we have no name.” Among the early Greek Pre-Socratic philosophers, Anaximenes (mid-6th century BCE) named Air as the arche. A similar belief was attributed by some ancient sources to Diogene Apolloniates (late 5th century BCE), who also linked Air with intelligence, wisdom and the soul (psyche), but other sources claim that his arche was a substance between air and fire. Aristophanes parodied such teachings in his play “The Clouds” by putting a prayer to Air in the mouth of Socrates.

Homage to you Air, who brings forth the Wit of a Gemini, the Aspiration of an Aquarian and the Precision of a Libra. Homage to you!

Love and light,


Find out more about Tashi

August 2017 Astrology
Total Solar Eclipse
The Rishi Stars &
The Way of The Heart

We are approaching the end of a powerful Eclipse Season Vortex, with less than 24 hours until the Final and Total Solar Eclipse arrives. There is so much to go over and yet so little words to communicate just how mighty this time will be. Let us witness history together, joining hearts and preparing to never see anything again, as it was or as it is right now! When the Sun dances in Leo it dances in its most prized and powerful place, predictions and magical convictions are all underway. Let there be light, a blazing light of renewal. Yes, let there be light!

Hello dear ones,

The Total Solar Eclipse in Leo is just around the corner and this in-between Eclipse time is moments away from coming to an end. I don’t know if I want it to end, and I want to talk about why.

It’s been almost 3 years since I have seen my mother. It actually feels a lot longer than that. I didn’t expect to see her so soon, during such Astrologically significant times and in the condition I was in. Seeing her face always gives me the sweetest hope. I have never met a more positive and openhearted person. Seeing her makes me want to curl up in a warm bed and sleep a deep and restful sleep because I know I am safe.

As you may recognize, I have lived so much of my life alone, far away from family and many that I love and cherish. It was never really a choice; it was more along the lines of my destiny…to be zapped out of a typical family setting and hermit myself through life and it’s countless songs. From the age of 12 I was already independent and had to be. By 15 I was travelling the world and never really stopped. No, I didn’t do any of that with Mum and often wished I could. It was really only me for the most part. Me and the wind and the water and all the other elements! I had my purpose of-course and wishes that extended further than just necessity yet I never, ever wanted to leave her. I bring this all up because these current times have a lot to say about our deepest and truest relationships (including our relationship with ourselves.)

They have much to say about how we really feel about those we love most and bring to light the areas we have so strangely ignored. It is not because we need to rethink anything or understand it; it’s just a time to clearly release ourselves from how we were. Or in better words, to free ourselves from projections of how we wanted things to be / ourselves to be.

A lot gets locked away; the subconscious is full of endless trails that lead to endless caverns and it is not easy managing all of what is hiding beneath. I mean, how can we if we have a day job to maintain, kids to feed and our basic needs to attend to?! The subconscious hollows are not areas we can just tap into nor comprehend overnight but we need to remember that such hollows must not be flouted. Such hollows are the key to good health, our awakening and many other alchemical treats! So, make it possible to explore them and to listen when they speak.

This is a period where quite a BIG LOVE is needed, the center stage and loud kind of love. If we have been holding back to give a little more, to love a litter louder, well, there is no need for that. Love is all there is, I believe it and always will. I mean, doesn’t it come back down to that? Isn’t it the love we seek, whether it is altruistic, romantic, physical or spiritual?

It is – isn’t it!

You see, we demand love in what we eat, in the way we dress, in how we get things done at work or when we are simply trying to unwind. We search for it through our favourite Netflix shows and in a melody. Some of us look for it in more obvious places, like in the warm embrace of a loved one, yet all of this happens and who knows if we even notice.

The point is, this LOVE you seek needs YOU.

Have you thought like this before?

To really get to this Lighter State of Being a leap of faith is needed, a leap that requires the courage of a Lion and the view of an Eagle. This Solar Eclipse in Leo will support you if you choose to give yourself back to LOVE. And what is love?

The way of the HEART!

Yes, the way of the HEART is calling you back. Not in an emotional way but in a way that is noble and fair. The heart is noble and when left to rest in its natural state it will explode in generous gestures that will not omit anyone or anything.

So why do I not really want this Eclipse Vortex to end?

Because… it is pouring onto us, quite forcefully what we really need and it is ripping away all that we do not. I appreciate amplified cosmic help and appreciate it even more when we work with the themes correctly.

Ok, yes, a finish line makes sense and we are really almost there. I just need to remind you that what we should be valuing here is all the insights that have tickled our core in the last 6 weeks and especially in the last 2 weeks. We need to value the intensity of how we have been feeling and even if it doesn’t make any sense we must somehow find a way to learn from it, or record it to reflect over at a later date.

The influences will continue to churn until early October though what we have established during this Eclipse Vortex time is really the FEATURE.

Some Practical Tips:

Eclipses force us into action and never take NO for an answer. When in an Eclipse Vortex it is the perfect moment to allow major changes and to be receptive to them even if they are appearing cruel, eventually the results will be kind.

This Total Solar Eclipse in Leo will take place on the 21st of August between the hours of 3:30pm and 9:10pm UTC.

Total Solar Eclipses are rare and to put a little more zest into this, the Sun rules Leo so therefore the effects of this Eclipse will be amplified even more so.

The Sun also rules our persona, what we project onto the world, our characteristics, who we wish to be, our creativity, the ego, our traits and initiatives. The Sun in Astrology is a major influencer and one to respect so in this case, we are being asked to see ourselves clearly and from the heart. If we see ourselves clearly we will also be able to then see the truth around intimate situations or anyone who is linked to ones identity. There are strong cosmic requests around healing certain bonds and allowing ourselves to feel for those we love, to not block out feelings because they are too painful or overwhelming. We really need to feel for those we love or have lost and let the healing rays in.

The post Aquarian Full Moon Eclipse energy is telling us to basically prepare to be reborn during this New Moon in Leo / Total Solar Eclipse and emerge from what may have felt like being rushed off in a haze somewhere in the lonely desert. We have been wandering in the quantum field of a powerful Eclipse Season Vortex with intense groundless-ness smashed up by Mercury retrograde, along with 5 other planets keeping us on the inner and silent journey. What planets are these?

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron and Pluto

This is indeed absurdity at its finest hour and we are almost there, at a needed conclusion.

The Aquarian Full Moon Lunar Eclipse flushed out so much useless information, old energies and habits that really were not helping us. Many are continuing to deal with the release of these energetic blocks and are trying to work with ancestral cleansing. Some of what may have come to light would have challenged us deeply. Yet we must carry on forward and trust in the support for renewal in ways that are not comprehensible on an intellectual level. We are being driven to Lighter States of Being and need this deep elimination of the muck – however it emerges.

Through the portal of the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at 28 degrees and the last rays of this Star, a surge of confidence to see us clearly will emerge and through that knowing a renewal will be possible. All intimate relationships and what is linked to our identity are under deep investigation. Matters long hidden or situations we thought were already dealt with will resurface for a final evaluation.

In the momentary darkness brought on by the presence of this Solar Eclipse, a magical gateway that will support truth and the way of the heart will appear. The inner works we have been yearning to complete, the years of accumulated subconscious callings and missed opportunities to evolve are all available again NOW to act upon. It is really remarkable what can be accomplished in as little as 5 hours of this Eclipse, if we just sit and feel it out, so much will be possible. We can relax and start by making the best of aspirations and prayers for our universe followed by some serious sitting. When I say sitting I mean being still and letting the mind rest, this will allow clarity and a sincere present moment understanding. After this you can write down what appears and close your sessions with some loving dedications. There are so many ways one can work with this energy however it really is optimal to dedicate sometime to be still and feel it, let it flow through you and clean you whilst you rest your mind and watch your breath. The intention needs to be clear and as you already know, the intention is for the benefit of the entire universe, this should be your mindset and aspiration before commencing.

I see this as quite the pinnacle, and not something that can be easily described in words so therefore have selected a song that captures a lot of what this Eclipse is trying to say. The only lyrics in this song are as follows, please listen and try to do so LOUDLY…..

“When I listen to the old voice of my blood that sings and cries remembering past centuries of horror, I feel God, who scents my soul and in the world I keep on sowing roses instead of pain.”

….some closing points

The Rishi Stars will return to us again next month. According to Tibetan and Vedic Astrology there are clusters of seven stars called the Rishi Stars that appear once a year – usually in September. This year (according to Tibetan Astrology) the Rishi Stars will be blessing us from September the 9th until the 15th.

Lama Dawa Rinpoche explains that according to a Hindu legend, these stars (called Sapta Rishi – the seven Rishis) were once great sages of the past, who, upon their death, rose up into the heavens and became these stars. When they are visible in the night sky, their light is said to possess special healing powers that transform all water into healing nectar. Typically, Tibetan Doctors and healers would place buckets of water outside during this time, and then use this water for making their medicines.

Another way of benefiting from this healing water is to bathe in pools, ponds or rivers during this time. One could collect water in buckets and use that for bathing. Any water – whether it is ocean, river, stream, or water in pools, is imbued with the healing qualities of the Rishi Stars. This water can be used to make healing tinctures, or for giving to pets and plants. Even the water in our own bodies can be blessed and purified by this special healing energy by exposing our body to the night sky when the stars are out.

We will be Raising the Universal Frequency on the 21st of August 2017 between the hours of 6pm and 8pm UTC. You can learn more about this free event here:



Please continue to take part in Freeing Lives, August is a highly beneficial time to do so. If you want to know more about what this means, please read the part 1 of my 2 part Astrological post for August here.

With anything but logic available, let the fires of renewal burn and dance yourself a passionate dance. The fire is burning now, with so many planets joined by fiery Stars, we cannot avoid the heat nor the truth of expression that Leo is offering. All that is unnecessary can be eliminated now and all that brings on fear, hate and aggression must be faced with noble clarity. We must combat these poisons with LOVE, a love that is large and wide, that fears not and acts gracefully. These times command this wide and grand way of the heart. Just being still, and feeling it all flow through you, will be enough to allow the giant change and evolution of being.

Thank you so much for being a part of all of this with me.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions here.

May all be auspicious!

Love and light,


Jolly and Beneficial
Planetary Movements
June 2017

June has arrived and I am so happy! The lightness of this Astrologically beneficial month can already be felt.

We have so much to look forward to and I will start by mentioning the important Planetary Movements…..

  • Mars in Cancer from June 4th
  • Jupiter goes direct in Libra from June 9th
  • Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9th
  • Gemini enters Mercury from June 6th
  • Venus in Taurus from June 6th
  • Neptune retrograde in Pisces from June 16th
  • Solstice on 21st
  • New Moon in Cancer on 24th

Tashi with Tarot Cards….as you can see, there are many yummy and juicy cosmic forms of support. To spell it out for you, it will REALLY be a beneficial month!

Make the most of this month by being as present with yourself as possible and on a daily basis. The effort and concern put into rekindling old flames, reuniting with loved ones and being open to meeting sincere connections will not go to waste. There is so much long awaited beauty and joy in the atmosphere that we must soak up and share! It is not often that we get to have so many yummy Planets dancing with the Star Signs that they rule.

The fact that Jupiter goes direct in Libra on the exact same day as the capacious and sanguine Full Moon in Sagittarius implies how easy it will be to start anew, connect with soul level friends, travel for fun and relaxation, plus to reinvent the way we approach our work for the world.

There is a chunk of romance in the air and this is not the average kind of romance. It is going to appear hot and steamy with a pace that will exceed expectations. If new flames light up in June please trust the mystery and be open to the explorative fast paced degree of a union. The friends we make in June will be made in a cosmically supportive manner and are destined to last for a VERY LONG TIME.

The wonderful world of work will shine bright if we utilize the combination of the Full Moon, Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter’s forward movement in Libra. These are all powerful buddies in professional matters and to avoid complication, be willing to socialize, be happy to focus on partnerships, appreciation of colleagues and clients as well as simply taking action rather than being still. There are fortunate features in all matters related to networking and meeting the right people at the right time so please please do get out there!

It hasn’t been easy adjusting to the over all frequency of the current times and we have been quite worked, tested and poked yet….if there was one month that allows a real celebration this year I am pointing to this one.

Let the lightness and cheerful expressions of June support your creativity, spiritual practice and optimistic wishes for yourself and others. Let it reach into your heart and make it playful again. Any new ventures started this month will have the blessings of the sky, think of June as a godsend. Think of June as a pleasantly healing and uplifting song. If we do face any troubles this month know that they shouldn’t last too long and are pushing us forward, forward out of anything stagnant.

Direct and playful communication is encouraged so let the child within take a bit of the center stage and live curiously.

After the 21st of June the watery covens will boil and the magic within will be expressed in our dreams, it will also be expressed in how we nurture others and in the readiness to go again, deep into the womb of truth. I can not say July will be as jolly because it will not however all that will come forth hereon in will not seem as difficult should we fill our tanks with fun this month and work with the positive energy to do many positive things!

Here is a short video going over this months beauty:


To compliment the blessings of June, do delight in this TarotbyTashi promotion:

2 Specific Queries $18.00
Twisted Fates Reading for $35.00
For more information on what these readings entail click here.

I close up by offering you a song and want you to know that you are indeed with me in spirit, valued and cherished – through it all.



May all be auspicious dear ones and yes… share this, share your thoughts and dance dance dance.

Love and light,


Important News
End of Year & 2017

The Message:

The period of days leading up to the Eastern New Year (February 27/28), and Western New Year (January 1) are traditionally seen as a time of transition when we are most vulnerable to various obstacles and negativity.

These can manifest as anything from feeling spaced out, having a migraine, to finding that your email got hacked. They can also be felt as episodes of depression, resentment, rage, or any other poisonous emotion that can create unwanted imbalances.

Some great teachers have said that in the tradition of Shambhala, it is important to remember that obstacles are not punishments but reminders to become more mindful and aware, to decrease our habitual speediness, to pay attention to our precious life and sacred world!

It really is an important time to reflect and be gentle, let the dying and rebirth take its natural process as we enter new numerological and astrological frequencies.
Respecting the elements is also important now. Doing what we can to care for the environment will ease the transition.

The opportunities in such times are connected to healing through meditation, respecting the elements, appreciating nature and silent time linked up with spiritual practice / attention.

The last New Moon of 2016 is taking place now and is a good marker to sail in the direction of new and positively infused intentions.

2017 will not be easy and I cannot sugar coat this fact. 2017 will test our patience with ourselves, with each other and universally. Numerologically we are collectively entering a complete new level of energy and state of existence. This is a 9-year cycle that will spin faster than usual. Time will not feel fair nor will the demands in outer phenomena. The insomnia most of us have been experiencing these last 5 days is due to the shift of energy, being released from 9 years of advancement and now being bounced off to an entirely new level of being. In such changes there is no good nor bad, it’s simply ENERGY (pure and raw) and what matters is how we use it.

Since the world is quite taken now by this sense of self and quite lost in a self-involved dream, we all need to ensure we step further and further away from the shell that disconnects us from each other. The more we can sincerely care for one another, all living creatures and really love everything from the depths of our hearts, the more we will be able to rise above this dream. This numerological and astrological wish is not requesting us to be stupid, it is just urging us to see the bigger picture and to utilise whatever time we have left to live from a sincere place. Intention is so important and the more we can generate the correct intention / motivation for even the tiniest of acts, the more in tune we will be with a diviner purpose in life. That intention / motivation must be for the supreme benefit of others and must not exclude a single living creature (including ourselves).

There are many many pathways to the divine and one of the most sincere and important ones is the path of the HEART. Do not let the outer steer you away from the golden light of the inner palace. Everything you need is there, within you and the more secure you are in that true and blessed place, the more you will be able to bring peace to those near you and eventually be free from all that binds.

Take the time this end of year to understand and reflect where you are, to understand and feel how those you love are and to open your heart to where the world is at present. For example, try and think of how a Seal would feel when they find their babies tied up on the seashore in a cage of plastic. Think about what the trees may be saying to each other, how much they have to kindly adapt to things like electrical cords and unwanted toxins floating in the water that is supplied to them. One exercise that really helps me is to do a web search of the names of the most unknown and poverty stricken lands and then to really look into what is going on in those lands. To feel and to try and generate appreciation for my own conditions whilst simultaneously wishing that all beings will be free of such unimaginable misery!

This is not intended to sound gloomy, it is just a needed expression for all of us, so that we remember to use our conditions, to never get taken by our laziness and to make the very most of the time we have. This New Moon demands it in fact, it demands the Capricorn like ambition coupled with a humanitarian flair and rush to really “do something.”

May we all continue to spread our inner light and use what we have to be a true and supreme service to all who really need it! This supreme service can be in anything or for anything. It can be activated if you are a home dweller, a cook, a garbage collector a prince or even a world famous singer. I mean, if the intention is pure and if the heart is beating we can pretty much do anything and make it meaningful.

Astrological Insights:

This Capricorn New Moon is one to appreciate because it takes us away from unnecessary indulgences and has us actually caring for what matters.

Remember all the goals, plans and nitty gritty tasks that we didn’t want to attend to? Well… now we will…and we will also be extra useful this next week professionally. It may seem odd since most of us are on holidays, though don’t be alarmed if your holiday takes a more “work inspired” turn!

On a deeper level…

With the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn you can go over a chunk of mistakes made in 2016 and actually learn from them for good. This supportive cosmic time will last until the 8th of January 2017. The Mercury in Retrograde vibration will support healing and almost check mate us into learning what hasn’t been learnt yet. Most of the lessons are connected to power, status, distortions of image / projections and fear.

Use this New Moon time to reset divine intentions and work a little harder towards what counts.

Raising the Frequency:

This event is an invitation to all beings to unite at the exact same moment, whilst joining hearts and meditating on raising the frequency on New Years.

The idea is that we all connect from wherever we are devoting a few moments to meditate on love and compassion.

We simply need to sit quietly wherever we feel comfortable within the hours listed and send out love and light to the entire universe.

Since we are all uniting to make this possible, the effect will prove potent and therefore shall Raise The Universal Frequency.

Anyone can participate… all you need is your heart.

The 2nd Union to Raise The Frequency will take place on the 1st of January 2017 between the hours of 8:30pm-10:15pm UTC/GMT.

Follow news regarding this event.

Video re: Raising the Frequency and Astro News here:

How the Divine and Sacred Feminine can help:

Thank you so much to all of you who honoured the divine feminine in #allherforms this Solstice!

Over 100 photos were sent in along with inspirational quotes. I will make a video in the New Year to capture all that was contributed.

We need to continue to honour and respect the Sacred Feminine. With such devotion the elements and complications we are all currently facing on earth will find the means of pacification.
I am a strong believer that our entire world is suffering so much due to this lack of understanding and embracing of the divine feminine.

We all have it in us, the seed of creation, the deep dark mystery, the madness and the calm. We all have it in us, the colourful dance, the playful encounter, the wrath of a lion and the birth of a child. We all have the raw and pure nature of the sacred feminine and must remember her.

Please continue to share and bring back this truth into our memory, honour and worship this more now than ever before.

The Sacred and Divine Feminine can help us because of the swiftness connected to the energetic principal. No energy can nurture at the speed of Sacred and Divine Feminine. We need to reconnect, in nature, within ourselves and with each other in creative ways that encourages this principal. We need to use this principal in how we teach our children and how we educate in general.

What has been suppressed shall be suppressed no more.

Let us take the time to meditate on this powerful and true energy and offer ourselves to the service of restoring all imbalances to their natural state.

Let us make friends with this loud and also serenely gentle multifaceted beauty in us.

Blessings for ALL in 2017

Love and light,


New Moon in Cancer Emotional Flowing Moon

New Moon in Cancer Happening Now!

Please connect with the New Moon by making heartfelt aspirations for yourself and others.
This New Moon is particularly supporting our emotions and preparing us for a refreshed approach towards intimacy and all that makes us feel safe.

A good way to magically work with this energy is to write down all our aspirations and burn them under the light of the New Moon. You can also moon-bathe to channel the tenderness this evening.

New Moons support rest, recuperation and bring us inwards. They allow us to “check in” with ourselves and clean some ground before the next monthly cycle.

Depending on where the New Moon sits it will activate a certain theme and have us work on that in alliance with our own natal charts.

As mentioned, todays New Moon embraces Cancer and this is always beneficial since the Moon rules Cancer. Another good way to understand New Moon magic is to see it as a plunge into the darkness, to not fear the unknown and to wish to go inward so that necessary releases can occur.

Astro advice for the next 3 days:

  • Some adjustments need to be made before we can be clear about what we want or are aspiring towards emotionally
  • Working with our intuition and the subtle world is easily accessible now
  • The heart chakra is communicating truth and has allot to say
  • The turbulence and loud changes that arose over the last 3 weeks are settling down
  • Peace will arise if we are willing to listen to the subtle voice within and learn from it
  • Looking into the topic of what makes us feel sate, loved and secure needs revising
  • Cooking a delicious meal, creating a cosy environment and being tender with yourself is encouraged
  • Making some inner space for new found truths is needed


“To love is to know uncertainty and to still love.”
“We can tenderly light up this world from within and use the night sky as our compass.”
“The light is everywhere, even in the dark.”

Wishing you all a harmonising New Moon time that is full of heart opening clarities.
Feel free to write your feedback here, share pictures and to pass this on.

Do check out my 1st Astro Video post. The volume is quite low but you can hear it well with earphones.

If you are interested in a personalised astrological reading or a TarotbyTashi divination please email me. I am taking bookings for July and August now.

Love and light,
