As the Moon prepares to enter Cancer and greet us with a New Moon in her preferred home…the cosmic Crab or Karkinos (as the Ancient Greeks would call it) I would like to remind you of the importance of Moon Bathing.
In the Photograph below, you will see an image of me Moon Bathing under a Full Moon. As you will notice, I am wearing my clothes.
One of the biggest misconceptions about Moon Bathing is in fact, that one must be nude, this is not at all the case! One can work with the healing and magnetising energy of the Moon, simply by looking at her.
I am grateful to reopen this subject now, especially since SO MANY of us are still in lock down and LONG for nature.
Moon Light carries so much of nature and all of her elements, so this too is a helpful way to mirror our own natural law and to reconnect when we feel overburdened by the weight of these times.
“All Moon Phases have their own unique way of working with us. Just as they do at the time of our birth.”
Such wisdoms, I recall eavesdropping on when I was growing up and feeling fascinated by the power of the Moon. The woman and men in my family would talk about the Moon all the time and her mesmerising presence, that held space for the path of a Mystic.
“Whatever draws you to her, know that she too is drawn to you. Our Moon.”
So, prepare to better connect with the Moon, especially now, when she will be at home in Cancer, united with the Sun.
Love, Light and MoonBeams,
In May 2020, I was interviewed by the lovely Iman Balagam on behalf of Sunday Riley, for the Sunday Edit Magazine and the theme was Moon Bathing. Here is the unedited version of my Q&A with Iman:
For those new to Moon Bathing, can you break down what exactly it is?
Moon Bathing is the practice of placing oneself under the Moon, either seated or laying down, clothed or disrobed, just as you would when you Sun Bathe. We do this to receive the nourishing rays of the Moon Light and healing energy that is ever-present when working with the Moon and it’s phases. Moon Bathing is also a helpful tool for woman to help stabilise their Moon cycles and connect with the natural rhythms. This practice is known to support the alignment of ones being and when practiced correctly is indeed helpful.
Would you need any materials? Are there things you can purchase to supercharge the activity?
This is a natural practice so nothing is needed other than your own presence. If you would like to enhance your experience you can always create a relaxing atmosphere for the practice you embark on however, the act of laying down or sitting upright, under the Moon, is enough.
What is the difference in energies between Moon Bathing and Sun Bathing?
Sun Bathing is scientifically known to directly provide Solar Energy and Vitamins associated with the energy. It is also the key ingredient to all life on Earth. The heat in which it provides stimulates circulation, allows for the elimination of toxins in the body and is a remedy for various ailments.
When we Moon Bathe, we are receiving a combination of Star Light, Sun Light and Light from our Planet Earth, with the greater portion being Sun Light that get’s reflected back to Earth from the Moon. The singling out of this practice is known to balance our internal waters and provide a soothing effect to our nervous system as well as instantly calm the mind. It can also raise us up, in a subtle way, releasing energy through a slower pace than the instantaneous frequency of the Sun.
To the Mystics and many others, Solar Energy is a powerful force which awakens life in all matter and has an energetic affiliation with the Divine and Sacred Masculine principle, which acts as a counterpart to the Moon and its affiliation with the Divine and Sacred Feminine principle. When we start to look at both of these energies we are then beginning to understand the sacred polarities that make us who we are, so therefore, Sun Bathing and Moon Bathing compliment each other and work together to assist the Divine Equilibrium of our being as well as the natural order on our Planet.
Does it matter what the Phase of the Moon is?
Yes, it does.
For example, if we are considering to Moon Bathe, the Moon Phase we are most attracted to will say a lot about our inner state and need. Also, each phase of the Moon will influence us differently and since we are working with the Moons rays and Stars in which the Moon is reflecting, the intensity of the light and influence will differ.
Are there health benefits?
Scientists are continuing to look into such questions but I will say that, the Ancients have always claimed that yes, there are! You can hear such claims passed down through folkloric tales, the advices of our elders and through the people who work very closely with the land and skies. You will also hear about such benefits when talking with sailors or anyone who makes his life by the sea. Wise Woman Traditions throughout various cultures have keenly connected the Moon Phases and their influences on woman’s menstrual cycles. It is NOT fiction that the Moon alters Earths ecosystems through gravity and has the power to charm the tides. The Moons pull is stronger than the Suns, as it is positioned closer to our Earth and therefore we are naturally drawn to it.
How are the Moon Cycles correlated to human behaviour?
Just as the Moon influences the tides, so can it influence the over 60% of water that we have in our body. You may notice that as the Moon becomes fuller, many of us gain a bit of weight and some studies have linked this to the fluid retention that gets triggered through the Moons growth. This influence isn’t limited to the body, our emotions and the state of our mind are triggered too. Folklore talks about the wildness of man/woman and how the fuller a Moon becomes, the crazier man/woman will become. This wildness, when understood in a positive sense, refers to the uninhibited connection to ones deeper callings. Emotions appear to rise up as do our feelings, closer to any Full Moon time and for the Mystics, the magnetising energy of the Moon ignites spiritual practice.
If you notice yourself having a good cry during the peak of a Full Moon, know that this is a natural and healing process. See your tears as offerings to the Moon and her phases. Tears are too, connected to the Moon.
How can Moon Bathing help us in a stressful time like now?
We need to return to our truest of places, we need to learn how to return to our authentic presence. Such stressful times are a reminder of the imbalances on an internal and external level, if we can learn to heal the inner imbalances, the outer difficulties will begin to subside. Working with the Moon through a practice as simple as Moon Bathing, can support this divine communing with the subtle body and the more sincere parts of our being. If we can learn to listen to all of what is and not just parts, a supreme healing will happen and divine harmony is key. All of us need nourishing, all of us need to at times, slow down and connect with an ever-flowing grace. The Moon is a direct opening to the grace within us and when sat with, she will always bring a comforting touch, she will always listen.
Are there any other rituals we can add to our daily practice that you would recommend?
Yes, I call it: “The Way of the Heart.”
This practice/ritual reconnects you to your heart, to your central channel and can be completed during your Moon Bathing time.
We spend so much of our lives in our minds, taken from one thought to the other, very rarely do we just rest where we are, appreciating where we are and not leaping into the past or future.
The heart is an anchor and a point of truth, the way it beats reminds us that we are alive but at the exact same time, there is a rhythm that we know will someday stop.
That hearts rhythm is unique to all beings, to our body, mind and soul. Remembering the temporariness of life and all things, when connecting with the heart in this way is crucial. Such remembering opens the door to tenderness and our innate ability to love truly.
“The way of the Heart” practice/ritual is easy, all you have to do is place one or both of your hands on your heart, feel your heart beating, rest your mind on this sensation. Just be with each beat, do not let anything else get in the way of you and your hearts natural rhythm. When you start to relax and become one with the beating of your heart, start to hear what the heart may wish to tell you. For some, the oneness of you and your hearts rhythm will take time to emerge as we often get distracted, tired or impatient, but, do not lose hope nor give up. You can take your time with this practice or dedicate a few moments to it. The aim here is, to return to the way of the Heart. What makes a human all he is, is his capacity to feel, to connect and to truly experience. When we return to the heart, remembering the impermanence of all things and hear what the heart has to say, choosing how we live and love will become so much clearer. Our hearts and minds will naturally begin to connect and in this connection, the meaning to life will return. To me, this meaning of life is just as you would find inscribed at the Oracle of Delphi. It is: “To know thyself.” To know thyself through wanting the truth, yearning for it and that truth is our very own authentic presence, our very own truest place. Communing with the heart is where such truth is born. Communing with the heart is returning to our authenticity.
Some people take a bath before heading outside. Is that something you suggest?
Only if doing so makes you feel comfortable. It is not compulsory.

So dear hearts, what draws you to our Moon? I invite you to ponder over this question and of course, feel free to share your answers in the comments below.
Now for some Excerpts from my writings on Moon Bathing in 2013/2014:
“Most of us love to laze about under the Sun, but have we ever considered the benefits of doing the exact same thing under a bright Moon? Just as the hot hot Sun has its healing energy so does our intuitive Moon. You see, Moonlight is a combination of Starlight, Sun Light and Earth light. This crisp light should be bathed in from approximately 8:40pm, until any time you please. Think about relaxing into the experience and lay down as you would under a hot Sun. Look up at the enchanting Moon and let her soft, healing, and calm light soothe you, balance your internal waters, move the parts of you that were blocked or stagnant and purify your nervous system. Because the Moon is associated with the sacred feminine/shakti principle, it is only normal that the results of your experience will work on a subtle level. If you are a sensitive soul, you will easily notice the gentle massage of the Moons magic. Ancient cultures believe that meditating on a Full Moon for even a short period of time, will heal and cleanse the Chakras. Try to acknowledge what Astrological Sign the moon is in when you dip into her light, as this too will play an important role in the effects of your experience. Do keep in mind that when Moon Bathing under a Full Moon, the day before the Full Moon and after is still a good time for potent Full Moon light and healing energy.”
Oh and…the New Moon at 28 degrees in Cancer will peak on the 20th of July 2020 at 1:32pm NYC time and this New Moon opposes Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter!
….with the Moon very much at home in Cancer, supported by the alignment with the Sun and Mercury at his early degrees in the constellation, we have a clear AXIS of emphasis and this is…the constant/persistent 2020 theme of all that Cancer/Capricorn represents. Consider this New Moon a chance to further work with all that this year has been insisting, without disregarding Key Words such as: Safety, Homeland, Nourishment, Planet Earth, Food, Ancestors, The Elderly, Bones and Ones Physical Structure, Emotions, Longings, Desires, Motherhood, Mother as an Archetype, The Sacred Feminine in All Her Forms, Plants, Water, People in Power, Ambitions, World Affairs, World Resources, The Father Archetype, The Patriarch, Interconnectedness, Imbalance into Balance, Fear into Fearlessness and Respect.”
These are just some of the Key Words to to mention, which are affiliated with the message of this New Moon. I know however, that your own, personal, Moon Bathing experience will reveal so much more and remember to please, always dedicate the goodness of your Moon Bathing for the benefit of all the universe. You can do this after you have completed your meeting with the Moon or beforehand too.
Lastly, please do not feel discouraged if you cannot see the Moon, Moon Bathing still works wonders, even if the Moon is not directly visible.
Wishing you all closer, healing and meaningful encounters with our Moon.
Love and Light Forever,