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Black Moon February
The Age of Aquarius
Solar Eclipse Transformation

“The reverberations of no Moon, no brightly full moon night, summon the Black Moon and return her to our sight. I speak of a beckoning, when the darkness calls our name and here in this signaling, we inaugurate the journey to mysticisms array.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

Take your heart and mind back to 1999 for a moment. What were you doing? How were you feeling? Take some time to recollect “the you” that lived then, what were your fears and hopes? Do you even recognize who you were?

We have come a very long way since then, now haven’t we? Our collective lessons have been associated with speed, a speed that the Age of Aquarius seems to harness like a log.

To rewind the video of life to 1999 comes with reason, you see, what if this Black Moon month of February 2018 can pull into the present, a concealed personal potential of that old version of you? Before I go into the specifics of how and why this is possible, I will touch on the Astrological and Mystical significance of when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month.

The label “Black Moon” is a label of many meanings and one of them (the one I am referring to now) is when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month. Some Astrologers would call this cosmic event the “Lilith Moon.” The last time a no Full Moon month happened was in February 1999.

We always hype up Blue Moons, this is fair because we can witness their graciousness and they light up the entire sky and leave us in a trance like awe. It is completely normal that we notice them! Black Moons, on the contrary, are rarely spoken of….but…are equally as important and to the Mystics even more so.

Think of a no Full Moon month as a storehouse of energy, energy that is hidden, concentrated and raw. The lack of obviousness to this presence makes us drowsy and our need for solid rest coagulates.

This deep rest that we long for, is actually a good thing because, it will make the cosmic transmissions easier. When in a restful place, the energetic transference can enter us and rejuvenate the cells to awaken the hidden bits.

It is no coincidence that a Black Moon month coincides with the Ecliptic portal and the Lunar New Year. This to the wise ones is a month of “certainty.” A month where whatever we were meant to do and did not do… will happen.

I see February as the silent killer, the killer of fears, unnecessary dreams and focus points. The blessing here is, it’s as though we wont actually have to do anything to make things happen. They will simply happen and….wearing the costume of CHANGE!

A no Full Moon month, to the Astrologers is like a New Moon set on fire. The darkness of the month calls for subconscious renewal, cleansing and also a deep surrendering to the subtle mysteries. Even if we cannot see or comprehend what is happening, the energies are active and completing their mighty tasks.

We as observers, can work with this prolonged pitch-black night to set a multitude of intentions, ones that will take us through the next 20 years. I say this because; a Black Moon month like this one, only happens every couple of decades and the power of intention setting under such influences in stronger than usual.

Think of a Black Moon month as an opportunity to purge, with the support of the Eclipses and Lunar New Year, your bound to feel like a new born baby come April.

Now, back to 1999….

…..the Mystics of the world believed (and still believe) that every no Full Moon month (sometimes called a February Moon) had the capacity, to rekindle us with our forgotten aims. Normally these aims are in alliance with the aspirations of the year the previous no Full Moon month shared. So what this means is, whatever we forget to fulfill in 2018, that has significant importance, will come back to bite us in approximately 20 years from now. This exact same theme is taking place this month and it is linked to 1999. So, what is coming back to nibble on your ear? Are you experiencing any resonance? I know I am.

One last point about the Black Moon month……
….working with Lilithian energy is extremely beneficial during a month like this one. The forgotten Queen rules such domains and supports any quest to get to know our hidden bits. If you want to know more about Lilith, you can read my detailed article here.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, will mark an end to our in-between Eclipses portal and draw a line that marks the closing conclusion, to many experiences that have been shaping us since August 2017. This is it, things are about to get so much clearer and we will be fresh in our collective frequency come this April. I keep mentioning the month of April because it really is a precious time. Not only are we heading towards a new degree of collective understanding but we are also finding new ways to heal and our tolerance levels are increasing as a whole. The princess and the pea syndrome just wont be possible anymore….as this universe expands and contracts (wink wink.)

For a deeper understanding about this Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and how it will influence you personally, please have a listen to my Audio here:

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This Partial Solar Eclipse will take place on the 15th of February 2018 at 18:55pm UTC time and shall end at 22:48 UTC time.

Our beloved Venus is in Pisces until March the 6th 2018

Listen to Venus in Pisces Audio here:

Audio Player

Mystical Tour of Greece in May 2018

Throughout the year, I run various Mystical Tours and some I run in person and others from a distance. I tend to keep these activities low key, because I prefer to offer these experiences intimately. Since the service I offer is so unique, it only makes sense that it can’t be packaged in a standard way. Europe is where most of my tours have been taking place however, I have also guided people through their journeys in India, Nepal and similar lands. You can contact me for a Mystical Tour or Sojourn for practically any location, they do take some time to prepare so ensure to give me ample amounts of notice. When I am arranging tours for the major cities in our world, I don’t need as much notice so; a good 2 weeks or 3 are fine. Mystical Sojourns make divine gifts and….if you want to know all about what I offer you can take a peak here.

Would you like to join me and 5 other delightful hearts on a Mystical Tour in Greece? The focus will be on the Divine and Sacred Feminine Principal. I have 1 spot left for this amazing opportunity and this all-inclusive 2-week package (excluding flights) costs a non refundable $2500 USD approx. If you would like to know more, please connect via email. The sooner I hear from you the better. I am finalising this “in person” Tour this month and wont be accepting anyone else after the 25th. Do keep in mind that I run tours frequently and you can also request to tour Greece with me at a later date. Looking forward to Mystical Touring with you.

Some Closing Notes

The Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog commences on the 16th of February 2018. Earth Dog energy is loyal, steadfast, responsible, fun and committed. It will be a beneficial year to revise where our loyalties live and who or what we can rely on. My intuitive hunch is that we can gain long lasting and sincere friendships this year. There is also an element of simply sticking to the tasks at hand, getting on with everything and without delay. Our planet Earth will also be calling for our loyalty, our love and our friendship….so please be loyal to her. She needs it the most.

Wishing you all a healing and clearing month of February. May this Eclipse season realign you divinely and for the utmost benefit

Infinite blessings dear hearts and thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Love and light,


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