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Moon Ritual

The Full Moon in Virgo and the Coronavirus

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Get ready Virgos, Pisceans, Capricorns and Cancers. This Full Moon in Virgo, to peak at 17:46 Universal Time on March the 9th 2020, will be extra charged for you.

This Full Moon is a highly energetic Moon, with not the usual methodological Virgoan flair. We are talking about a Jupitarian Trine and the Sun in Conjunction with Neptune in Pisces opposition.

Can you feel the emphasis?

As Mercury prepares to Station direct at approximately 10 hours after this Full Moons peak, the strategy in action or required “in action” must come from realms beyond what is obvious.

Let’s look at the Coronavirus for instance, it wouldn’t surprise me that after this Full Moon, we will be hearing about some “newfound” not so obvious truths connected to this outbreak and updated ways on how the body is responding to the infection.

This Virus is a subject on everyone’s mind, however, we need to go further than what meets the eye, to tackle the true energy/influence behind all of what is manifesting. Perhaps the truth is under our noses and not at eye-view.

If there is a lesson here, what would it be?

Not too long ago, several parts of our Globe, with an extra focus on Australia, were up in flames. Entering 2020 has been a clear indicator of the saying: “you reap what you sow.”

YES, 2020 is all about reaping what we have sown, if we have been exploiting, ignorantly abusing and taking all of what is available for granted, then, this is the year we learn where such actions will lead! This Moon too, kindly reminds us of that.

There is also an urgent hermit-like calling, when we communicate with this Moon. The hermit-like calling can offer us Peace, should we let it. Sitting with the Virgo Full Moon energy will be as powerful as you allow, but please, don’t disregard just how aware this Full Moon is.

Miracles, do they happen? and what exactly defines “Miracle?” If we look at the dictionary meaning of Miracle, it reads: “a surprising and welcomed event, that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a Divine agency.” Ok, so, with this interpretation in mind, let us now look into the dictionary meaning of the word Divine: “of, from, or like God or a God.”…interesting interpretation isn’t it? …now, let us define the word “GOD”…“The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority, the supreme being.” Now that we have looked into Miracle and established that a Miracle is therein classed as a manifestation of something supreme, perhaps a result of a series of sincere actions and aspirations, we can now too, approach this Moon through it’s correct title and that title is: “a Miracle Moon.” 

This Full Moon has the power to ease the current worldwide panic, it has the power to instil a sense of duty in our collective connection and this does not exclude a single being.

Let us see the animal realm and how many sacrifices are being made on a minute to minute basis, through angel like animals, who are used as specimens to find a cure to this Virus and so many other medical related needs. 

TarotbyTashi March 2020 Astro Post

Virgoan Moon energy walks with the Animal Kingdom, it communicates to those lesser than whoever or whatever is at the top of the food-chain. It does so with poise and humility and through this, discusses the many truths that such Kingdoms have to share. The cure and pacification of the Coronavirus is right under our NOSE, we are not looking in the correct place, we need to converse with the energy and platform of the animals in question, the animals who have been stripped of their voice and harmed, harmed for what? A five minute sense of satisfaction. How irrelevant!

The Animal Kingdom is calling us to work with the infinite care and natural law that is available, this Moon will prove miraculous if we can humbly bow to the realm that does so much and doesn’t even ask for a title or stamp of recognition. 

Can we all give back to the Animal Kingdom, whether this involves us going inward, connecting from the heart and apologising/connecting or literally, heading “out there” and doing something that helps a member of the Animal Realm? I think we most certainly can and whilst doing so, knowing that this act will help cure the current state of things.

Once upon a time, human beings who worked in accordance with the natural law, did not need to torture animals or fellow humans to discover cures for sicknesses or imbalances in the realm of existence.

Communication happened from the heart and through the natural depth of “frequencies.” Over time, as the world grew dark and human beings gave into fear, greed and aggression, the natural law was of course forgotten and very few now, can access what is natural, can access the infinite languages of the universe and can do so without agenda or pre-conceived thought. 
What is true though is, we all have such abilities within us, the problem is, we have just become lost, taken away from our truest states and thrown into rough seas. There are ways to return and this Moon speaks of the respect in the Natural Law of things, the respect needed to therefore receive the kind miracles that are so eagerly wanting to extend themselves.

The hermit-like pull of this Moon is also wanting to shelter us so that we can purify, cleanse and strengthen. This can only be done through an understanding of all that has been written here and a wish to absorb the information, not through the intellect but through the frequency that is being projected. I too can feel it and it is all of our truest states, you, me and all beings alike, wishing for the openness to return, wishing for the purity to be restored in a wish a heart makes and wanting the mother-like care to still be available to us all. I think it will be, but we have to work for this and not just through understanding. There needs to be a clear acceptance of the errors that have lead us to where we all are now and a trust in our own right/will to transform the times, which as we all know, is indeed possible.

Isn’t it?!

Wishing you all a purifying, healing and strengthening Full Moon in Virgo.

May all be Auspicious!

Love, Light and Universes,


The Benefits of Capricorn Season
New Moon Bloom
& My Love of Stelliums in Astrology

When I think of a Sea Goat, I think of the true exemplification of the Star Sign Capricorn and the interesting blend of Fish and Goat (water and earth) that takes us on to explore various Secrets of The Ancients.

To understand the current Capricornian influence and to reap the rewards that the next few Capricorn themed years will offer, you will need to get to know the Sea Goats secret symbolism.

The head being the Goat here is the domain of the mind and represents the consciousness-energy of the Sign. In this case a Mountain Goat. What do Mountain Goats do? They climb all their way up to the peak of any mountain, rarely stopping until they have reached the top! Mountain peaks are also the HIGHEST point in our physical realm….and before I continue, please just EXPERIENCE this statement for a minute.

This ability to always climb to the very peak of any mountain, the highest point in our physical realm and to be able to dwell there, with the sages, gods and heavenly presences is interpreted as “the hunt for a greater state of being.” Some others may call it “the pursuit of a higher consciousness.”

So what is so great that gets the Mountain Goat all the way up there….to the very very top? Is it his eyes? Or….his legs? Perhaps his horns? Hmmm, I would say it is his feet and this is because they are sure-footed, determined and adroit in an aware and effortful way. There is also something so playful and nimble about Mountain Goats feet.

The lower part of the Sea Goat is depicted as a Fish, which automatically takes us to the very depths. When we think of depths we instantly see the opposite to mountain peaks don’t we? The big blue Ocean is the grandiose habitat for Fish and the deepest point in our physical realm. Some of these points have yet to be discovered by man! Many would say that the Ocean represents the subconscious, intuition, the mysteries of our world and Gnosis (an understanding and inner knowing.)

To accept the obviousness of dualism/extreme that is presented in the representation of the Sea Goat is to capture the world we live in, in its totality and therefore, when working with the energy of this Star correctly, we will learn to go beyond both logic and intuition, the rational and the mysterious, consciousness and subconscious-ness. I am not joking when I say the next few years will bring us “up close and personal” with the outer and inner extremes. Thanks to the cosmic line up, we will receive various collective opportunities to actually experience what the extreme of dualism really means and we will be propelled to aspire for something more, something beyond both.

The Sea Goat uses both the depths and the peaks to arrive beyond both and how does he do this? By simply being both equally, which automatically makes him something more. He doesn’t lose his depths to his peaks nor does he lose his peaks to his depths. He is one with ALL he is, always.

Let us not forget this 4000+ year old symbol and a Star indeed capable of awakening us all. Capricorn Season, we embrace you!


Now for the practical bits…

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Hasn’t this New Year started ever so LOUDLY? I am still in awe of how busy everyone and everything is. We could easily blame the Capricorn Stellium that is taking place in our skies. There are currently 6 planets in Capricorn coupled with Lilith and her glare. I have been posting a lot about this moment and if you feel inspired, do back track and listen to my audios in previous posts as well as read what I have been saying on social media. My anticipation for this moment in time has been ongoing and now that it has arrived, I just want to capture it tightly. The concentration of energy and direction points to our outer collective projection…”who do we all want to be as a whole and what will it take for us to raise our collective consciousness effectively.” The race up to 2020 is making such questions boil and there will be forces trying to pull us down, seduce us into the overindulgent desirous realms so we must keep the Mountain Peak goal in view without forgetting the depths.

This New Moon in Capricorn (the first New Moon of 2018) is exposing us to our collective responsibility and an urgent demand to learn from our elders, the ones who have come before us as well as preserve their wisdom by sharing and practicing it. There is also a call for getting our s*** together and this could be as plain as not arriving to work late. We have to look at what we are presenting to the world around us, do we like the person we are trying to be? Who are we wishing to be really? All of these questions have the support of the stars and when the effort is put in, the result will be plentiful.

To receive the maximum that I am offering in this newsletter, please have a listen to the Audio Files below. Today I have decided to go over my beloved theme “Stelliums in Astrology” and to provide you with some useful New Moon in Capricorn Rituals.

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New Moon in Capricorn to Peak at 2:17am in London on the 17th of January 2018

For those of you who missed my 2018 Forecast Marathon with Astrology Hub, do not worry….there is more in stall for you this year and….I am pleased to announce my participation in their Inner Circle program. You can read all about it here. 

I shall sign off now by providing you with some excerpts from my recent writings on the Divine and Sacred Feminine / Masculine principal which is very relevant for such times.

“Can you feel that? That’s infinite woman of our world healing…healing because woman in power are rising up and using their positions to really speak their truth!

The abuse of this Sacred Feminine Energy has been taking place for way too long and if your waking up today with a tender sensation in your heart, one that feels so much more tender than normal, please know that you are feeling the deep healing that is taking place right this very moment!

When power is robbed, stolen and taken away, it leaves enormous holes in our collective make-up and now that a start to a correct level of honour is being poured into its rightful place, we are collectively experiencing “a return” and this return of truth into our very own cores will echo for days.

As the Rise of the Divine and Sacred Feminine Energy continues and many out there do their best to restore honour and respect in its rightful place, the fire of truth will rise from the ashes within.

To really heal our world is to heal the imbalances…starting with our Sacred Mother Earth, her ever-flowing generosity and how we fail to value it, this is the first and obvious example of such grand abuse to this Sacred Feminine Energy.

When we talk about the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy we are NOT excluding the Sacred and Divine Masculine energy. Both are interlocked, united and cannot function properly without a healthy level of equilibrium.  

When one is lacking or imbalanced within us, we eagerly search for it “out there.” This quest can be as simple as looking for a suitable partner or someone to share love with. This obvious imbalance on the subtlest of levels is what needs to be addressed first. 

For so long now, the Divine and Sacred Feminine energy has been suppressed in both Men and Woman.  It has been torn down, feared and refused. The mystery of the energy put many in a state of panic around the 12th and 13th Century, which lead to a grand rejection of the glory of what this energy contains. Since then, our Western World has seen gruesome witch-hunts, the end to woman’s rights, a suppression that created even woman themselves to fear their very own power. This extreme divide of polarities, which actually depend on each other, only really started to yearn for a homecoming in the 19th Century. That’s a bit too long of a wait for respecting an energy that flows through all of us and in everything we see, consume and experience!

Since the scales were tipped so strongly in the direction of refusing to embrace the mystery of this energy, the normal effect or consequence is that the scales will now tip in the exact opposite direction! Astrology confirms it, with Lilith in Capricorn and various other history changing planetary alignments, its as though the reclaiming of this energy wont be peaceful. So what to expect if the reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy manifests as extreme?

  1. There will be many natural disasters and those that come from nowhere and without sense.
  2. Large imbalances will take place with the elements that make up our world, for example, obtaining clean water will be as hard as pulling a diamond out of a crocodiles jaw.
  3. The concept of family will lose its worth and we will find less and less people wanting to make a life together.
  4. The confusion as to how we apply ourselves, as human beings will increase and the concept of a purposeful life will diminish.
  5. There will be an upsurge of destructive tendencies.

This is just a bit of what can happen when extreme outer divides take place in energies that so eagerly depend on each other. We were pulled into one extreme for centuries and now we are on the brink of being pulled into another.

The deep and tender healing that can happen and must happen needs to start from an awareness of how these energies live within us! The Divine and Sacred Feminine and Masculine energies are what make us complete. When this truth is ignored and disrespected, extreme imbalances take place and then we grow further and further apart as if we are not interdependent. As if we are rivals on a numberless battlefield.  

Does it need to be so destructive, this reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy? Perhaps!

The healing energy we are feeling due to the woman of the world rising up and speaking their truth, bringing a needed voice back into our world is evidence of the urgency such imbalances demand.

We all felt it, something like a deep and nourishing peace when Oprah told it how it is. We all connected in ways that had no space for ego during that moment of energetic honesty.

It’s the divine energy itself that goes beyond gender, which shook inside us, singing its melody of confirmation. On the gross level, we see this manifestation as “woman of the world” but what its really all about is an energetic representation. See it for what it really is and embrace the energy without rejection.

The ever-flowing great mother goddess energy is forgiving, it will help us if we honour and respect it. It will heal its wounds if we start to heal ours and through a collective understanding the destructive results may even subside.”

– TarotbyTashi

Do connect anytime and share your expressions with me. You can also forward this wisdom on to your friends. I will welcome your extended networks into my community wholeheartedly.

May the dark of the Moon remind us of the birth of the light and the birth of the light remind us of the dark of the Moon. All united, dependent and yearning for each other.

Infinite blessings,


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Full Moon in Taurus
November 2017

“Are you ready for the Full Moon in Taurus on the 3rd/4th of November? Do you know how to ride a wild Bull? Can you befriend what is uncontrollable and demanding? With some loud contradictions in our night sky, this Full Moon in Taurus will take us for an untamable ride! The influences will bring about the chance to defend ourselves, to stand up for our rights, to be stubborn in the midst of struggle and to indulge in our irrepressibly earthly needs. When the Moon is in Taurus it is often pleased and our senses will want to explore and unravel. Our moods will lean to the self and what the self requires to feel luxuriating. The Bulls ways must not be misinterpreted, he knows where he stands and is feeling exhausted by the lack of sturdy direction in the recent months, he will force us to step again, down on the earthly terrains and prepare to charge forward. There cannot be compromises, just a willingness to befriend the wild and the untamed. Just a trusting willingness.”

I posted the above blurb on Instagram earlier today; it was a spontaneous expression that arose after sitting with the vibration of our glorious sky. The mood was wild and forceful….but….as the day died down, this odd sorrow started to linger. I could attempt to call it a “sweet sorrow” or a sorrow that moves through the hours without giving way to silly interventions. A sorrow that presents humanness; a humanness eager to give in!

The interesting Saturn Square Chiron effect (that is gently drifting from us) could have something to do with the apparent presentation of grief and tenderness. With Mercury in a glaring Trine with Chiron, an enhanced urge to decode hidden problems and to connect with these tender parts is essential.

The Taurus Full Moon will bring forth reality to us BLUNTLY and it shouldn’t really matter if we want to see it or not, we should just do what we can to be as sincere and grounded as possible.

Some of us may leave others hanging, and not communicate clearly due to fear or unnecessary entanglements. If we could take a look at our department of communication and see if we are ignoring or diverting ourselves from simple and necessary chats, it will really really help!

The Taurean lunar energy wants us to honour our commitments because the strength that comes with this Moon is ever so mighty and if we fail to show up (to the most basic of tasks) we will find the remaining portion of this month to be quite the burden.

Taureans in general are simple and like things to be straightforward and clear. When this vibration embraces the Moon, it can easily turn into something enchanting. The Venusian kiss wants LIFE TO BE EASY! So…let us assist the Taurus Moon power by clearing out the mental clutter, taking action as apposed to over thinking and to simply get real, get back into the magnificence of the moment.

The “sweet sorrow” is the pre Full Moon reminder to return to the now, to get back into ones body and to connect with the palpable interconnection. Once this is established the luxuries of the Taurean mood will follow. You can then prepare for sensual delights and a complete recharge of ones emotional battery.

Let this Full Moon return to you the ground that has been missing. Let it be the bringer of the foundations needed to surge forward in sureness. Your heart will feel tender and willing to live, so… give in to that HUMANNESS.

How To Work With This Full Moon

  • Make love not war
  • Spend time gardening
  • Indulge in the pleasure of eating
  • Wear nice perfume
  • Have slow yet committed hours
  • Finish that book
  • Take a nice long bath with scented candles
  • Moon-bathe
  • Make a budget book / monitor finances
  • Speak your truth
  • Communicate clearly
  • Tie up any loose ends
  • Just be still, be in the now
  • Do wholesome yoga
  • Make some Jewellery
  • Window shop
  • Tell those you love how you feel
  • Embrace confrontation with heart
  • Be tender
  • Believe in interconnectedness
  • Make aspirations for abundance
  • Light a Green or Purple candle

Do note that the Full Moon will peak at 6:22am in Paris on the 4th of November. I believe it will be approximately 11:22pm on the 3rd of November in Denver, USA. Please convert the times accordingly to match your area. I mention the peak of the Full Moon specifically so that we can work with the time to make positive prayers and aspirations for our world.

An Invitation To Raise The Universal Frequency

We will be Raising The Frequency on the New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of November 2017 between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (Parisian Time.) The invitations will be sent out shortly via Facebook. This is a FREE event and it will be our 6th Union! In the last Union we gathered from all around the world (a few hundred of us) and joined hearts to meditate on loving kindness for each other and all beings. All we need to do, during the hours listed, is to simply sit quietly, wherever we feel comfortable and send love and light to the entire universe (including ourselves.) Since we are all uniting to make this possible, from all around the globe, the effect will prove potent and therefore shall Raise The Universal Frequency!

For more information please click here and feel free to share this will all of your friends.

Full Moon in Taurus Cleansing Ritual

Under the light of this Full Moon, prepare a bath with salts, essential oils and some mood setting candles. Pour the bath salts (magnesium flakes or any salts that you prefer) into the bathtub and watch them dissolve as the bathtub fills with warm water. Add some drops of your favourite essential oils; some to list are Rose, Cypress, Clary Sage and Peppermint. Light some candles (ideally green, white and / or purple) and then turn off the lights.

When the temperature of the water is agreeable, step into your magical cleansing bathtub and disappear into stillness. Whilst there, healing and cleansing, make your aspirations and good intentions that will cleanse you from any unwanted negative hooks and patterns. I like to add some Rose petals to the bathtub and sink some of my beloved Crystals into the water to enhance the healing experience. If you are also hoping to invoke some abundance, my ancestors would drop in well washed gold or silver coins, you can put them on the rim of the bathtub if that makes you feel more comfortable. This can distract the theme a little….but…the Taurus Full Moon only comes once a year and has a tendency to assist us with wealth too.…should we let it! When you feel it is time to get out, ensure to dedicate the merit of your experience for the highest and utmost benefit. Close your ritual by saluting the Moon and thanking it for the generous blessings.

I send you all endless wishes of good fortune and strength and do look forward to connect again soon.

Happy Full Moon In Taurus Blessings!

Love and light,


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