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Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
Free Yourself
Nurture The Truth Within
January 31st 2018

Have we been lying to ourselves? Refusing to remember the truth that exploded in our hearts during the months that preceded last August? Something happened then, the truth was raw, our inner and outer veils came down and as hard as it may have been, we got to feel and remember the underlying sadness. Many of us experienced it and washed away all worries through tears of release. Some got through with ritual and prayer. Others paid their way by accepting endings that led to wonderful beginnings and there were some, (like me) who delayed the rightful action and are now being confronted to let Mother Nature lead.

On the 31st of January 2018 at 17:53 New Delhi time, a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will take place and command our skies. It is said to peak at around 18:59 New Delhi time and this anticipated phenomena will last approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes.

The influential energies have been with us for some months now and will continue to influence us for the initial portion of the year. Depending on where the light of this Full Moon in Leo sits in your birth map, it will determine a lot about how you will be impacted personally. You should also take any Aquarian placements into account and work with the degrees of this Full Moon and upcoming New Moon in Aquarius/Solar Eclipse to deliberate your predictions.

The Heart of IT

The Oxford dictionary meaning for the word Man is…”Human beings in general; the human race.”

….We human beings in general, also considered as MAN, with our top of the food-chain status here on Earth, still marching away in a body that carries over 100,000 kilometres of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries, are actually capable of so much more than simply pumping away 1 million barrels of blood, during a single lifetime!  Yes….you heard me, we are producing around 600 millilitres of saliva each day and probably not even noticing it!

So then…the magical question is “what for?” …why all this activity to keep a human body functioning? Well….the general person would probably only ponder over this question a few times in one lifetime. Normally, the depth of thought comes from health complications, losing something we love or perhaps being high on a meditative drug. Whatever the case, do we even thank the heart that beats around 35 million times a year to ensure we are breathing? And…what is it that stops us from experiencing the 300 kilometres an hour message, which travels from our brain through our nerves? Are we even capable of unparalleled foresight?

Yes we are.

Yes we truly truly are.

And this Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will ensure it!

Being Human

We humans are distinguished from other species by our superior mental development, upright/vertical stance and power of articulate speech. The healthy and harmonious combination of elements enables imagination, creation and more but…what makes us particularly unique is our intuitive yearning. This “yearning” can lead to spiritual attainments as it can lead to infinite perils. The point is that, so many of us have the best faculties in place, to assist some form of TOTAL experience that can free us and those around us, from whatever it is that keeps us bound. This rare yearning is also felt in our bittersweet symphonies of love. Our love can be felt from our central channel as it can be experienced as unconditional when raised to the highest degree. In better words, we are fundamentally kind. Most species however, simply feel to survive.

We, Kings and Queens at the top of the food chain, need to take a moment or two and reflect on what we can do with these privileges? It actually really is a privilege to have a so-called mind and heart which functions in an almost harmonious way. This mind and heart once united in intention can manifest the Pyramids of Giza as it can live in the past, present and future all in the now!

Our regal status as Humans is something the Lion of this Moon would like us to consider and really evaluate. Our independent and collective responsibilities as humans are dangling on the surface of all themes now. As Aristotle would say, “in order for Man to perfect his humanity, he must be the best man he can be.”

This is it! We all, as Kings and Queens on this Earth need to rule our lives again by honoring that we can achieve greatness, by rejoicing that we can love, by believing that we can arrive to a land beyond dualism and by experiencing what it truly means to be human….and….simply being it.

Last August united us in the outer sorrows of change, we came to a visual understanding of how the world we live in, isn’t as easy as we would like it to be. The outer curtains were pulled away and we humans got a glimpse of how such privileges are abused. This is the danger of dishonoring our human-ness. In fact, the term “inhumane” implies that when someone is being cold hearted they are not being “human.” This then would further imply, that to be human is to be kind and not because we are seeking out fans or validation. This perfected kindness is the fundamental nature of all humans and when this kindness is not accepted we fall pray to silly distractions that turn us away from “in” and definitely delay our ability to experience a 300-kilometer an hour message travelling from our brain through our nerves.

This Lunar Eclipse in Leo has a heart of gold, waiting to burst into infinite pieces so that the value of our supreme fundamental nature can be cherished. We all deserve this treasure, this treasure within. It is our right as the lords of this earth to use the greatest weapon “LOVING KINDNESS” and through that….raise ourselves to the highest degree. We are the example, we are leading the way and through this cosmic reminder may we lead it well. The journey is shorter than we know and this swiftness called LIFE mustn’t be underestimated. Our 1 million barrels of blood, pumping away in one lifetime as well as the 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries are all distinctively cheering aloud, for our lives to NOT be wasted.

Make the most of this generous life by accepting your fundamental nature that is no other than the glory of being human.

Astrological Eclipse Tips Audio


Infinite Full Moon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

in Leo Blessings Dear Hearts

Love and light,


Locational Astrology   Dream Divination   Make a Donation

Welcoming Saturn Home
The Dying Part of the Year
In All Her Forms
December 22nd 2017

“Dance Dance dear goddesses of naked awakening. Sing to us your song of sorrow; remind us how the taste of every feeling dwells well within your all-embracing bosom.

Dance dance dear goddesses of the silent mystery, seduce our every curiosity and take the dream to where it belongs, beyond the horizon in a land truly given.

Dance dance dear goddesses of mayhem, we need the shock, the constant reminder. Speak to us your secret tongues and allow the movement of the elements divine to spin their way back within our nature.

Dance dance dear goddesses of artistic magic, caste your spells of a purifying touch, let the liquids of false action pour out of us and fill our vessels with nectar so pure.

Dance dance dear goddesses of union, hold ever so dear your inseparable quality, and let us witness the joy, the pleasing joy when love is free, when love is everlasting.

Dance dance dear goddesses of anger, your wrath well transformed is better used than any weapon given, turned into an army of supreme force, no affliction can match its power!

Dance dance dear goddesses of harmony, balance out our petty miscalculations, let the peace that appreciates all that is, let that peace be present forever.

Dance dance dear protector goddesses of words so holy, encourage our young kings to learn the language of truth and spread its glory in all the directions and throughout all the times.

Dance dance dear goddesses of creation, we throw our tender hearts at your feet, we beg of you to keep us safe, safe in loving hands that let our fragile roots spread well anchored. 

Dance dance dear goddesses within, we know you live well kept, well kept in our own inner sanctuary!

So dance dance your loudest dance, may the thumping within deafen our grandest doubts and may we all forever remember your perfect home, your perfect world deep deep within us. 

Dance dance dear Goddesses, dance your dance, dance your endless dance, dance your endless golden dance.”

– TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

Welcome to the final chapter of 2017. I feel privileged to be able to share and connect and I appreciate you all very much for it!

I wrote the above praises and invocation to the Great Mother in Boudhanath, Nepal on the 22nd of June 2014. I felt compelled to share this now and the reason behind my decision stems from the wish to continue with our #inallherforms project.  For those of you who do not know or do not remember, around 3 years ago I started a little ongoing project that brings back the Divine and Sacred Feminine into our memory, invoking the Great Mother Goddess “In All Her Forms.”

This project generally starts on or around Decembers Solstice and this year, I feel inspired to add some interesting flavors into the mix.

The way we normally collaborate is to share and post our favourite goddesses, deities and woman of cultural importance on the TarotbyTashi Facebook Page and Instagram Page including notes of inspiration.

This year, we are going to do this AGAIN and this time with a little more zest!

I have decided to extend the honouring period from now until the end of January 2018. I have also decided to fill a cute Navy Blue Box with all the names of everyone who participates and on the 31st of January 2018 I will draw 3 random winners!

What is there to win?

A Personalised Astrological Forecast on how the 2018 Eclipses will be influencing YOU!

I want everyone to go ALL OUT with this project…get your friends on board too and honour the GREAT MOTHER through Video Posts, Images, Poetry, Hymns, Quotes, Art… basically share with us whatever inspires you most.

If posting on Instagram or Facebook, please tag me “TarotbyTashi” and hashtag #inallherforms. This way I will be able to track all the participants and draw 3 lucky winners at the end of January.

If you are not fond of Facebook or Instagram you can always email me your expressions, photos etc and I will post them on your behalf.

I do look forward to make this possible YET AGAIN and to honour the Divine and Sacred Feminine IN ALL HER FORMS.

Some excerpts from the December 2016 Solstice Write Up

What is the Winter Solstice?

The word “Solstice” is derived from two Latin words: sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still.) So basically, Solstice is the time when the Sun stands still.

Speaking in astronomical terms, Solstice is the time when the Sun reaches its highest (summer Solstice) and lowest (winter Solstice) point in the sky. During the winter Solstice we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice usually occurs on December 21st to the 23rd and on June 20th to the 23rd in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Spiritual Importance of Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice was always one of the greatest events on any calendar cycle. This event had deep spiritual meanings in many cultures and in various cases, Winter Solstice was associated with the birth of the Sun.

In Ancient Egypt people celebrated the birth of Horus, in Ancient Rome it was the birth of the unconquered Sun. Ancient Persia celebrated the birth of Mithra and in Ancient Mexico it was the Feathered Serpent.

It seems that all Ancient cultures had similar spiritual meaning for Winter Solstice. This means that all cultures had almost the same interpretation of this astronomical event. This also means that humanity always cared deeply about the rebirth of light.

– Dr. Carpenter

How did you spend Solstice this December 2017?

I ask because it was extra special symbolically and astrologically. I spent mine gathering the last ingredients for the new Solstice Sacred Scent and watched the first light enter a 2700 BC Megalithic Monument, built in homage to the Summer and Winter Solstice. It was a deeply moving moment and I carried all of you in my heart whilst committing to prayers and ceremony. There was an intimate group with me, Mystical Touring and we all felt the deep nourishing silence that only such potent moments can bring forth. You can still capture this silence, right up until the first Full Moon of 2018. So please, do sit with it, retreat if you can and work with the subtle influences divinely.

Astrologically Speaking

  • Saturn has just returned home into Capricorn.
  • Mercury is no longer in Retrograde!
  • The Sun, (almost Venus), Lilith, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn.

Do have a listen to this Voice Recording:


I go into some expressions on Saturn returning home. I will be saying more on the Saturn in Capricorn effect very soon.

What I must emphasis on right now is the major Capricornian action in our skies. Just feel it for a second… what do you think will happen when Venus, The Sun, Lilith, Saturn and Pluto all dance with Capricorn? The exact SMASH will take place on Christmas Day (25th of December at 16:25 GMT.) Mercury will soon too enter the show, shifting into Capricorn on the 11th of January 2018. Watch out because this Stellium will ROAR.

How can such intensity be captured written down? I have recorded all of my thoughts on a series of Mp3’s and can send them to you via email. I know y’all are making requests that I set up a formal podcast…and I WILL….I promise…..but for now, do email me if you are interested in hearing all there is to know about this remarkably influential time. Click here to receive these free insights via Mp3.

A Ritual for the Capricornian Stellium on the 25th of December 2017

Ambitions, what motivates us, our status in society, who we are out there and who that is really are all key themes now.

Take the time on the 25th to assess what motivates you? What is the driving force pushing you forward? Is it a healthy force or are you driven by poisonous emotions? All poisonous emotions can be transformed…so work with the magic of the 25th to have a good look into what it is that moves you forward? Are you doing all you do for the utmost benefit or not? Just how much of your intentions are pure? All these questions are worthy of answers and you need to answer them to you. Only to you! After you have assessed your ambitions and the governing forces beneath them, take the time to really confirm if you are happy with them, if your heart is pleased? How does your heart feel? Note down your discoveries and re-set your divine intention wherever it is lacking. When we talk about divine intention we are talking about being of a sincere service to all beings, far and wide and to our Earth and its elements. The Capricornian Stelliums influence tends to do really well in a worldly sense so please ensure to harness the energy in a GREATER way and go beyond the narrowness of the ego. A lot of GREAT work can be accomplished under this influence and through simply setting ones intentions, starting a blessed project or planning something out, the 25th is a guaranteed portal towards success when used correctly.

Are you in a GENEROUS mood?

To get in touch with the festive season generously, I am listing 3 of my favorite NFP’s that are doing amazing work in the world!  Take a peak and donate as you please.

Wow, so many Sacred Scents…

Can you keep up with the Sacred Scent rush? I know I am releasing one Scent after the other but this is due to a year and a half of preparations and now all of these divine bottles of power are coming to get you!

Some Sacred Scents to Mention:

  • Lilith
  • Mercury in Retrograde
  • Saturn at 0degrees in Capricorn
  • Solstice
  • The Birth, Life and Death line
  • New Moon
  • Full Moon

I want to let you know that I have 4 15ml bottles left from the 1st Mercury in Retrograde batch and will be going to the post office on the 27th.  1 bottle costs $28.00 USD + postage and these make wonderful gifts. If you are interested in getting your hands on one, do email me now.

Saturn at 0degrees in Capricorn is on the shelf and ready to send off into the world. I sealed the creation under the influence of Saturn’s return back home. Some ingredients to mention are: Juniper, Patchouli, Cypress and sacred Earth.  Working with this Essential Oil Perfume Blend is grounding; anyone who would like to experience the benefits of Saturn should get their hands on one of these. If you are going through your Saturn Return then I feel this Sacred Scent will bring a transformative power over the influence. The Cypress in particular, when blended with Juniper can ease off any hard to process potency. 1 15ml Dropper Bottle costs $33.00 USD + Postage and you can register your interest here.

sacred scents

Is 2017 REALLY over? Almost….

Lets all join hearts to release 2017 into Divine Light and appreciate what it gave us. I know it has been a VERY hard yard for many and here we still are, enduring. Lets be proud of just how strong we all are, marching forward and still willing to love and share. This purity of the heart is freeing so please enter 2018 with a heart of gold, ready to do whatever it takes for the highest of benefits. No matter where you are in the world and no matter what you are doing, you can always set a few moments a day aside to aspire for the best for all of the universe. Making this wish with all of your heart, each and every day, that the entire universe will be happy, free of any suffering and evolve profoundly, is one of the best things you can do.

Stay sunny dear ones and see you soon…

….2018 is a’coming!


Love and light,


New Moon in Sagittarius
The Last New Moon of 2017
5 Planets 5 Strengths
Long Live The Divine Archer

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mercury all in Sagittarius, we will be gifted with the opportunity of Divine Goal Setting and if we allow it, this New Moon will knock our socks off towards greater realizations. The New Moon will take place on the 17th / 18th of December 2017 and peak at around 7:30am on the 18th (Parisian Time.) To be ready for the last New Moon of 2017, prepare for spiritual “take off” and open your heart to the swiftness of advancement. We are all natural born seekers and this Divine Archer won’t let our targets get away, so do ask for your wishes to be granted and they will! The strength of these 5 planets will provide us with a Jupiterian boon, Saturn has been in Sagittarius for a while now and just before its departure into Capricorn, it will offer us some final teachings on a needed cosmic order. With the support of so many juicy planets, we are destined to grow and in speeds unimaginable. This portal of advancement is short so please soak it up until the 20th because after that, the lights will dim and the REAL discipliner shall arrive.

How can we explore the immense wonders of this universe through our heart and soul? When can we just leap off into the unknown risk free? Sagittarius knows the path and never fakes a quest. The movements of this lucky Star have infinite benefits. There will always be some rough edges and difficult to control outcomes but the ride is well worth it and so is the wisdom obtained once done.

We all have some of this lucky Star within us; the Jupiterian blessings are vast and love to influence us into “believing.” Take these next few days as a precious reminder of how grand the universe is and contemplate on how we fit into it, what are we really? Aren’t these all worthwhile queries? A Sagittarius Moon would say YES and leap to the challenge of seeking out a supreme freedom! If it is a supreme freedom you want, aspire for it now! Wish with all your heart that this entire universe will be free of its misery and obtain the greatest gift of all… “Liberation.” This is where the last New Moon of 2017 is taking us; it is showing us the way to awakening and through a one pointed, fearless sense of certainty. It wants us to believe in more than what the rational mind permits. It wants us to believe in worlds beyond this one, in lands that exist far far away or deep deep within.  Do we ever wonder what is happening in the eye of a storm? Maybe there is an elegant party occurring or a stage of wild, glittery singers!

This stellium of Sagittarian power must be used alchemically and for the greater good. If you feel pain in your thighs, hips, lower back and pelvic area it is due to the concentrated planetary influences. A useful way to let the massive surge of new energy flow through you is to stabilize it by some deep stretches and by working with simple meditation practices. If the energy is too loud please have long and peaceful walks where you are focusing on your body and its movements. I will provide us with a New Moon Ritual now that will support the harnessing of this energy and please, do not be alarmed with the intensity of this time, it has come to recharge our spiritual batteries and reactivate our trust in the universe.

New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual, the Last New Moon of 2017

Why would such an opposite of subtle Star shine forth in the dying part of the year? Isn’t it a time for quiet and silencing so that we can work with our hidden and more delicate energies?

It does seem ironic that such a grandiose Sign influences us with chunks of intensity during this part of the year yet there is a profound reason and let me explain why…..

.…….the ascended Sagittarius influence is all about the inner quest and the inner Holy Grail retrieval. Sure, we need infinite outer journeys to arrive deep within ourselves but when we do arrive we are stunned by the glowing magnificence. It takes boosted levels of confidence and devotion to NEVER GIVE UP, so doesn’t it make sense that our Divine Archer arrives just before Solstice to enable an optimistic focus throughout the death of many layers? I sincerely think so!

We secretly want the Jupiterian emphasis because if we really think about it, it wouldn’t fit if the New Moon were in Libra or Pisces during the dying part of the year. We need something ALL-EMBRACING and large. This is exactly what we have; the luckiest signs of them all and this Star is here to remind us of the TRUEST QUEST.  If we remember we will be able to see in the dark and win our way towards the birth of the new light. We mustn’t give up nor fear the infinite roads, the journey will end and we will be victorious through our trust and fearless belief in a deeper sense of being. This Sagittarius New Moon coupled with the force of many other planets is blessing us with the energy we need to get through and ascend, high above the petty borders of the ego. Rise up dear hearts and enjoy the glory of this time.

The Rituals….

  1. Focus on your dreams, keep a dream journal beside your bed and pay attention to the visions you have during this New Moon. The Divine Archer is also a Shaman and can aid you through the magical world of dreams and sleep. I recommend that you specifically set the intention on the 18th night to receive a prophetic dream / vision that will help you on your soul-life journey. To assist this intention light a purple candle and place an amethyst crystal near your pillow. If you would like to complete an elaborate Prophetic Dream Ritual that was handed to me by my ancestors, please email me here and I will provide it to you.  If a prophetic dream / vision did not arrive, please look out for serendipitous signs on the 19th and 20th and ensure to write them down. For further information on working with Dreams and their Interpretations click here.
  2. As my mother and I would always do, CREATE A DIVINE VISION BOARD on the New Moon in Sagittarius! You will need a large coloured piece of paper ideally A2 in size. Cut out desired images from various magazines or print images of your goals from the Internet. Stick them all onto your Divine Vision Board and mark this as your wishes and aspirations of what you would like to accomplish in 2018. Feel free to draw on the board and write on it if you cannot find the matching images. I remember writing poetry on mine to cryptically express my goals. Be as creative as you please! Once you are done, burn the Divine Vision Board created under the light of the Sunrise on the 20th. Whilst burning this, see and feel all your aspirations succeeding and becoming complete in their nature. Children love this exercise so have fun getting all the family involved.
  3. Broaden your own Cultural or Religious perspective via researching / investigating something that attracts you. Honoring the New Moon in Sagittarius is to honor cultures from all around the world and their belief systems. If it is Astrology that interests you, read about a new theme linked to the subject. Our Divine Archer wants you to expand your horizons by watching an informative documentary or by actually going on a pilgrimage to a sacred place somewhere out there! Where will you go? Sometimes just sitting by the seaside or resting at the top of a nearby mountain is enough. Do something under the light of this New Moon to feed your soul and its curiosity. Be a pilgrim in whatever way that may mean to you! If you’re interested in Mystical Touring with TarotbyTashi in 2018 click here.
  4. The bright light of optimism is available so gather if you can around an open fire and tell wholehearted stories. Laugh at the magic of life and laugh because you love it. Laugh because you know life deserves to be celebrated. Have a cheerful and freeing time. Being beside an open fire is an instant way to feel the blazing splendor of this planetary influence.
  5. Soak your feet in a warm saffron infused bath. You can also add some Essential Oils and beneficial Salts. I recommend Honeysuckle, Jasmine and / or Amber.

I will be sharing a lot more with you soon as there will be MAJOR ACTION in our skies this December. I am tempted to start the #inallherforms ceremony on or around solstice (stay tuned.)

Did you know that my Mercury in Retrograde Sacred Scent is now ready to send off out into the world? If you would like to know more about this needed Essential Oil Blend made under the influence of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius and with ingredients picked from a Temple dedicated to Hermes / Mercury himself, please email me here. This particular Sacred Scent will get us through any future Mercury in Retrograde event and is made with 100% natural ingredients. Some ingredients to mention are Mugwort, Basil, Marjoram and hand picked Blossom. I can ship to anywhere in the world and the promotional price for a 15ml Bottle is $28.00 USD. I have various Sacred Scents available and can custom make a blend to benefit your Star Map and wishes.

Some Closing Notes…

On this New Moon you are being called to overcome your procrastinations. Be bold and take action in aiming towards your hearts quest. Do not be tactless; instead, know your worth and be a divine recipient of supreme wisdom. Feel motivated by the constant question of “what is my main purpose in this life?” Be motivated by the answers that arise and inspire a generous service to humanity! There is no frustration where divine intention is set, under this New Moon know your worth and aim higher. If there are patterns we need to overcome and habits we yearn to exhaust, this New Moon shall speed up the process of purification. Whatever occurs, see it as a chance to purify and cleanse the various layers that need to die down pre-solstice. If you can make the time to play, to be playful and create ways to express your creativity it will be healing and supportive. No need for point blank honesty now, turn it inward and ascend.

An Affirmation / Invocation

“I rise above all of the egos limitations and offer myself to the supreme service of humanity. My thoughts are as powerful as my eyes; what I think, is what I see, and what I think is what I am. May my thoughts never sway from the True Quest and may my eyes always be aligned firmly with the eyes of the Divine Archer.”


 Infinite New Moon Blessings Everyone!

Love and light,


Testimonials   Lilith in Astrology   Tarot Card Readings

Astrological Update
Full Moon in Virgo
12th March 2017

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

March is in flames and this upcoming Full Moon on the 12th of March in Virgo is the spark before the fire.

Get ready to want to work harder, think deeper and feel the future a little too close.

Let us welcome this weekend with humbling influences from the Full Moon in Virgo.

To some it is called a Miracle Moon and the reason behind this (from a western astrological perspective) is the strong link between Virgo and purity. When we talk about purity here we are invoking something fragile, vulnerable and capable of healing through adequate sensibility. The power of this Moon will bring us back into our bodies, to hear and feel what has been neglected or is currently out of balance.

The heightened emotional worries around this Moon may alarm some but please do not take the events that are brewing to heart just yet, see them as a needed expression that will give birth to a potential miracle. The miracles wanting to be born are freeing because of the capability to see our own fragile points and through this understanding AN HONESTY that compliments our long-term wishes will arrive.

What this all means is, even if we are tired, picky and getting overtly neurotic, this miracle moon will remove what pins our minds to the pits of worry. We just have to let it do its job, a good starting point is to feel the body and what it will say to us over the next week. If there is time, use this weekend to reconnect with the body, our breath and carnal necessities. All of this will help the miracle process. All of this need for ground and actively seeking it out in nature or through our own meditation will soften the loudness of the mind that may not quiet down until late April. As unbelievable as this may sound, we are in for some action oriented months and with very minimal opportunities for processing the cosmic boost that is currently flaming.

It would make sense to say that there is a gift from the cosmos for all of us taking place RIGHT NOW, a gift that could appear like a high speed download of needed upgrades to our entire heavenly system.

After the Eclipses and a very rough testing patch we are presently in the shiny zone, getting plugged into a kind and enriching offering from the universe. This is why the Virgo vulnerability is important and with the power of the Full Moon the chance to miraculously “get it” and “connect the dots well” will bring a wished for peace. A peace that can have us relax into certain professional matters as the months unfold, a peace that can have us accept situations without all the doubts and added pressures in our mind. A peace that will eliminate overthinking and return to us the gift of experiential acceptance!

All that is occurring now astrologically is for our collective advantage.

March is a BOON and will fuel us with insights that need to be protected so that we can use them later, when they are really really needed.

This month is stable and consistent in its ability to provide us with the “doing part” of all our well thought out plans. We can really get things done this month and get to the bottom of so many long awaited results.

Some Key Dates To Consider:

11th of March

a powerful day for healing communication

15th of March

the gift of opportunity to change stubborn habits and apply new perspectives

18th of March

excellent time for social settings and fun, a day to remember friends and expand from the heart

26th of March

a day that will not succeed if we plan it out. use the spontaneity of this day and feel boosted with the electric unpredictability

In general, it will seem hard for us to embrace the present because the fire of the future is already burning and very brightly.

Think of March as a FIRE BIRD racing its way through every corner and only stopping to fill up the tank. This FIRE BIRD has a destination and it wont stop because it is bringing us to energized states, resetting us so that we can cope with the already burning future.

We need to accept the new cosmic download, and work with the nourishment of this Full Moon to add earth where it is lacking and gain a little more control over the steering so that we can park at a mountain peak to sit on warm and solid soil that will centralize this rush.

If you are a Virgo or have your Moon in Virgo consider minimizing your opinions this weekend and give back to yourself through indulging without calculation. You deserve it!

People with Pisces, Aries, Virgo, Libra and / or Gemini dominant in their Natal Birth Chart will benefit most from this Full Moon.

May I hear from you and come to know about your experiences.

Have a quirky and healing time.

Love and light,


Coming Soon Via TarotbyTashi:

Did you know that 2017 is the year of the High Priestess? A year deeply dedicated to the Divine Feminine #inallherforms?

I will be writing in detail about this magical year soon and in the meantime invite you to share your love for her!

You can share your thoughts, art and devotion to the Great Mother here or via Facebook and Instagram.

Feel free to be as artistic as you like and make sure to hashtag #inallherforms

Offerings For These Times:

Space Sounds

Closing Notes:

The TarotbyTashi 2017 services profile is now available for download.

If you would like to schedule in an appointment please note that I am taking bookings now for April.

May all be auspicious!
