![]() “Have you ever whispered in the ear of a beggar, in the way that Lilith-Lilitu does? Her kindness never falls for the greedy, nor is she tempted to calm those whom waste their life-away in vain. Lilith-Lilitu is for those who have begged, who have searched every corner of this earth in need of a truth spell, Her heart can’t be misused nor woven into an ordinary existence. Her very own children, my people, the Gypsies, a blood cursed to always roam free and yet, have we ever found the courage to beg for such a curse? Lilith-Lilitu, demonised, hunted down because she cannot be taught nor lied to! For she is the teacher and the force of every breaking point, never to allow for a return after we have found her home…. ….those who have let her in, as she is, have only found healing, even if it hurts – the cure in the pain, even if her night-vision provokes insomnia, remember this, her hiss, her ever-knowing hiss.” -Tashi Dos Santos Excerpts from Tashi’s writings on Lilith-Lilitu January 2025 ![]() The Black Moon Lilith sounds her strongest hiss in Scorpio, a 9.5 month transit to commence at the end of March 2025. This forgotten Queen and 4 Pillared Astrological Goddess will claim the throne and not just any throne, she will claim the one that was hers all along. As the world shivers and quakes, Lilith in Libra continues to declare order, her rulership during these final 2 months in the sign makes a global comeback – which only paves the way to full power by the March Equinox. So what does Lilith exalted mean?“NO MORE LIES” And yet, a Scorpionic hiss will deceive to protect the Truth!What deadly crossroads…… How are you empowered through Lilith in Scorpio? Her captivating potency takes you to the very end point and there the most feared fear will be revealed. There are no Limits during such a transit, Lilith will do “whatever it takes” and won’t take YOU for granted. We are in visual awe of the power amidst the unwanted extremes, will we trust her? Especially since the blood talks without whispering in Scorpio, who dares wins, the only option: the forgotten Queen and this Earth knows it. A song for Lilith who rules the Judaean Desert “All you Liliths Rise, It is time, It is time to heal the Middle East and Africa! You, Queen Lilith, Ruler of Palestine, Protectress of the Desert, Original Goddess, Cure the wounds of all men and women weeping in the cracking loss, Return to your throne Queen Lilith, For you are not man, nor woman, You are fearless, raw, The first, The last, Of Earth and Sky, Sacred. Return, it is time!” -Tashi Dos Santos In praise of what will end the war 5 February 2025 Love, Light and Lilith, Tashi To order or learn about the following you can click here: Lilith Sacred Scent Lilith 10 Hour Mystery School Lilith in Libra Talks Lilith in Scorpio Talks Lilith – the path of the original Goddess Lilith a Visual Journey |
Great Mother Goddess
The early weeks of December will lack the texture we desire. The stampedes of noise, a lot of noise and most of it stemming from our heads, will leave us heavily cluttered. Don’t believe the cosmic tricksters that play about, they want us to lose our grip and miss the Bull’s Eye of a season! Sure, December will be grand but this may seem impossible to consider just now. If you are asking yourself “why all this confusion, why all this weight?” believe me, it’s my question too and I can finally present you with an answer.
December kicks off with some annoying cosmic oppositions and this naturally manipulates us into a halt or a lengthy pause of some kind. We are silly if we think we are not manipulated by planetary influences because we frequently are. What bothers me most is how gloomy some influences can be…..but of course….there are always tricks and ways to steer clear from such influences. Just know, for the most part, they catch us when they catch us!
The current line up isn’t your straightforward blast of an influence like that blazing Full Moon in Aries we shared on October the 5th 2017. This line up is conniving, slimy and will make it harder for us to detect. The good news is, this will not last long but could make us lose chunks of our needed energy. It may also just bring us down to our knees in unwanted discomfort.
Mercury goes Retrograde in Sagittarius in the early hours of the 3rd of December 2017 followed by a Full Moon in Gemini opposition. What adds to the “dimming of the clarity lights” is the Neptune Square Moon effect. This square will make our Full Moon experience stranger than usual, the conflicting feelings VS thoughts will run around and have us chasing them for absolutely no reason. I caution you to be mindful of psychic vampires, energy theft and any form of cheating, dishonesty or scandal. Neptune in this position will push for illness and not just any form of illness, but the one that eats at the mind and messes with the tuning. We should all avoid intoxicants on or around this Full Moon as well as do our best to not trust our dreams, projections or hunches. There is a lot more pulling us now so we best maintain a meditative pose, waiting for this tricky line up to pass.
The USEFUL aspects of this Gemini Full Moon
What a first-rate time to examine all forms of communication and to have a healthy talk with ourselves.
Mercury in Retrograde opposing this Moon will force us into a needed silence. Do use this opposition wisely as some planetary aspects will sicken us with doubts. I suggest a lot of silence, plus fearless contemplation on where we are cheating ourselves, where we are cheating others and how much deceit we allow into our lives!
The theme is wishing for the collective version of a whole to “cut the bull****” so to speak and to reflect back, on all of 2017 with integrity. This looking back can make our final portion of the year grander, we need to see things as they were and understand them, understand our losses and gains. Where we hurt others, how we hurt ourselves and recall all the major events on a global scale that would have impacted our collective consciousness. Using this Full Moon to reflect, learn and note down such knowledge will pave a way into a correct Mercury Retrograde tone. It can also be speedy in its success if worked with directly.
A Little Full Moon Exercise…..
If 2017 could be described in 5 words, what would those be to you? Under the light of this Full Moon, write those words down and integrate your lessons. See and feel how each word resonates to your current disposition and ask yourself what words would you like to take into the journey of 2018? Draw a graph too, from month to month, examining your lows and highs in 2017, have a look at it and see your rhythms and then smile away. It’s a pretty picture isn’t it? The madness of life and its moods! Keep the graph as a reminder until the end of the month, before setting ones intention for the New Year. Work with the graph for healing each month and setting it free as you release yourself into the dying part of the year.
The above exercises will help lighten up the gloom and make our entry into the final portion of the year useful. Another fun way to free up some chains is to donate a handful of our old clothes and belongings to the poor. We could even set up a group fundraiser. Yes, the Gemini Full Moon can attract money through social gatherings and when aimed at humanitarian pursuits, it’s rare we miss. The more honesty put into supporting those who are underprivileged, the better! This cosmic line up kind of deserves it.
Full Moon To Peak
Los Angeles – December 3rd – 7:46 am
New York – December 3rd – 10:46 am
London – December 3rd – 3:46 pm
Barcelona – December 3rd – 4:46pm
Delhi – December 3rd – 9:16 pm
Sydney – December 4th – 1:46 am
Some Closing Notes
It starts before it really begins is the trick of this entry into December. I mean, the real major players in our sky, will do some great things later this month so we best not take these first impressions too seriously. We are heading towards a very powerful end of month with Venus, Pluto, The Sun, Saturn and Lilith in Capricorn. Did you read that well because it will be MAJOR. We have also just entered Eclipse Season, with our first Eclipse of 2018 to take place on the 31st of January on a Blue Moon….WOW.
There will be 5 Eclipses in 2018 and some BIG ASTRO TALK. Uranus will make its 7 Year shift into Taurus, we will witness an approaching towards this 2020 collective deadline and we will really start to feel the urgency around rising or falling. It sounds quite extreme doesn’t it? Well it will be and it needs a noteworthy level of respect.
I salute December, because to me, and to many others, it is a symbolic season to honour the Divine and Sacred Feminine #inallherforms. This particular end of Month will emphasis on working with the Shadow elements of the Divine and Sacred Feminine principal as well as make us embrace the rawness around what that really means.
Here is a little something I put together on Instagram in respect to this Months dominating energy….
…..How are you going to unwind into silent and still December? No matter where we are on this precious globe, December will always be silencing and this fact goes beyond the concepts of Winter. December silences us so that we can process the significance of the year. It has a trance like quality, with a windy swiftness into the womb, into the softness of ones very own core. Would you believe me if I told you December is for Mothers, Maidens and Krohns? The mysteries of this Month have been holding us for centuries and if we look closely, we bond so profoundly (more than we do in any other month) during “the final chapter” themed December.
An Invocation
“The great mother awakens from her rest; the sacred essence of the Divine Feminine arises. Her breath is crisp, her first look is deadly and her last look takes us out of all the entrapments of the year now gone. I salute December, for it is there where we can sleep like a hibernating bear or truly realise that our eyes are brighter in the dark!” – TarotbyTashi
Blessed entry into December everyone! Dance around the fire, sing and look up, feel all that burns above you. We are not alone. We are forever united and so we must be.
I will be sharing more with you closer to the New Moon and Solstice. By then, all matters will feel lighter and the universe will be preparing to install in us a completely new download. Let us clean out the clutter, let it fall away and let us do the last bit of healing work to end this year justly. If we commit to some open hearted communication with others, and ourselves…..under the light of this Full Moon, we will bypass so much of the mess and then the luck of Jupiter will present its pizzazz to this Mercury Backward story.
Thank you everyone for an expansive 2017, I appreciate you and the attention you give to such things. It’s the love of magic that keeps the magic alive, so lets keep at it!
Feel free to share this with all of your friends and do note I am taking TarotbyTashi service bookings for January and February now.
Healing, Purifying and Honest Full Moon Blessings Dear Ones!
Love and light,
Divine Feminine Shadow Work More About Tashi 2020 Astrology Insights