Hello dear ones,
Happy New Moon in Aries.
I am reposting this article as it correlates well with today’s New Moon.
The ancients worked very frequently with the power of the Sun and Moon and the astrological influences of the cosmos. Today we will discuss an ancient and helpful method to work with our drinking water utilising the power of the Sun and Moon. This method will assist us in the ascension process we are all embarking on. You can also work with this method for an energetic boost, healing the subtle body, relaxation and purification from the inside out.
Just as you bless your food with positive words and prayers before eating, so too can you affect the energetic frequency of the water you drink by following similar steps.
Most of you should be familiar now with the “Messages from Water” books by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose research documented a conscious response by water to energetic influences such as thoughts, words, mental projections and music. By photographing water crystals at freezing temperatures, Dr. Emoto showed that words such as “Love” or “Joy” projected onto the water formed stunning looking crystals and words such as “Hate” or “Idiot” projected onto the water produced deformed and heavy looking crystals. The very structure of the water molecules changed based on positive or negative energetic influences projected. Water samples from various oceans, seas, lakes and waterfalls were also taken and studied. It is amazing to see the images of the crystals in the water and how different they are. Water from the Sydney Harbour (for example) had a completely different look to the water from the Mediterranean. If you would like to see the images and know more about Dr. Emoto you can look him up online as there is an abundance of information and I feel you will enjoy it.
Now, back to blessing our drinking water…
Our human bodies are made up primarily of water so I am sure you can imagine just how important it is that we know how to work with this element.
The following steps will indeed assist us in transforming ourselves energetically from the inside out.
-Steps To Transforming Everyday Drinking Water Into Divine Energy-
- Start with a clean glass or crystal container / bottle. Be sure to avoid plastic because of the potentially harmful chemicals released from the plastic into the water. Consider using coloured glass or crystal bottles based on the additional energetic support you would like to include from the colour itself. For example, you could work with a yellow coloured glass or bottle to energize you quite rapidly. Feel free to work with transparent glasses / bottles too. Utilize whatever colour you feel drawn to at the time. I would probably avoid black or dark brown unless you are in need of some intensive detoxing. Most of us stick to working with colours that can be seen in a rainbow.
- Fill your glass or crystal cup/bottle with good drinking water. Use your intuition to determine the best water source for you. Try to avoid bottled water options.
- Feel free to add a clean crystal to the water. Remember that crystals transfer information to the water so be careful with the crystal you select. Make sure to choose non-toxic, water-compatible crystals such as quartz, rose quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli or perhaps amethyst. This can assist you in harmonising your water but see it as additional support to the steps we are discussing here.
- Feel free to add a small amount of pink or white Himalayan / rock salt to your water. Again, this is an additional means of support to the harmonising process so don’t consider it compulsory.
- If you feel comfortable you can talk to the water, sing to it, pray or recite some auspicious verses. Infuse it with your care and let it absorb the pure information you project.
- Place your water filled glass or bottle in direct Sunlight or Moonlight (full moon or New Moon is better when working with the Moonlight energy) for at least 12 Hours. Even one solid hour in bright sunlight can add important information and energy to the water.
- Just like we appreciate food before eating, state your intention before drinking your blessed and harmonised water. Take a moment to send love and gratitude to the water and to the entire universe. Ask for the water to bring divine wisdom and knowledge into your physical being. Feel the water moving down your throat and filling every organ and cell with vital healing energy of the highest vibration whilst you drink it.
This completes the healing and water transforming process.
The more harmonious the water crystals are in your body, the higher your own vibration. Tremendous support can come from this simple practice and even though subtle it mustn’t be underestimated.
I have a photo for you so you can get an idea about the process on my Facebook and Instagram page. Do send me your feedback and thoughts. Feel free to share your feelings.
We have in the past talked about colour therapy and working with colour, this method too can be combined with colour when choosing the vessel you drink from. Do keep in mind that the light rays projected from the Sun or Moon have all the colours we need. The entire rainbow light energy is omitted and available from the rays of the sun and moon.
Some of you may be wondering what light form to choose. To keep it simple, when working with the Sun the results will be obvious and will target your energy levels, how you process information throughout the course of the day, your attitude and disposition. Working with the Moonlight energy has a subtle result that taps into the subconscious, heals old wounds, helps past memories / imprints trapped into our subtle bodies to be released and it also calms our emotions when worked with properly.
Sharing all of this with you brings me so much joy. I do hope you indulge in this exercise and appreciate it as much as I do. Do share this information or pass it on.
Another email will be on its way shortly RE: Post Eclipse news and Astrological forecast.
Sending you all masses of love and light,