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Black Moon February
The Age of Aquarius
Solar Eclipse Transformation

“The reverberations of no Moon, no brightly full moon night, summon the Black Moon and return her to our sight. I speak of a beckoning, when the darkness calls our name and here in this signaling, we inaugurate the journey to mysticisms array.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

Take your heart and mind back to 1999 for a moment. What were you doing? How were you feeling? Take some time to recollect “the you” that lived then, what were your fears and hopes? Do you even recognize who you were?

We have come a very long way since then, now haven’t we? Our collective lessons have been associated with speed, a speed that the Age of Aquarius seems to harness like a log.

To rewind the video of life to 1999 comes with reason, you see, what if this Black Moon month of February 2018 can pull into the present, a concealed personal potential of that old version of you? Before I go into the specifics of how and why this is possible, I will touch on the Astrological and Mystical significance of when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month.

The label “Black Moon” is a label of many meanings and one of them (the one I am referring to now) is when there is no Full Moon in a calendar month. Some Astrologers would call this cosmic event the “Lilith Moon.” The last time a no Full Moon month happened was in February 1999.

We always hype up Blue Moons, this is fair because we can witness their graciousness and they light up the entire sky and leave us in a trance like awe. It is completely normal that we notice them! Black Moons, on the contrary, are rarely spoken of….but…are equally as important and to the Mystics even more so.

Think of a no Full Moon month as a storehouse of energy, energy that is hidden, concentrated and raw. The lack of obviousness to this presence makes us drowsy and our need for solid rest coagulates.

This deep rest that we long for, is actually a good thing because, it will make the cosmic transmissions easier. When in a restful place, the energetic transference can enter us and rejuvenate the cells to awaken the hidden bits.

It is no coincidence that a Black Moon month coincides with the Ecliptic portal and the Lunar New Year. This to the wise ones is a month of “certainty.” A month where whatever we were meant to do and did not do… will happen.

I see February as the silent killer, the killer of fears, unnecessary dreams and focus points. The blessing here is, it’s as though we wont actually have to do anything to make things happen. They will simply happen and….wearing the costume of CHANGE!

A no Full Moon month, to the Astrologers is like a New Moon set on fire. The darkness of the month calls for subconscious renewal, cleansing and also a deep surrendering to the subtle mysteries. Even if we cannot see or comprehend what is happening, the energies are active and completing their mighty tasks.

We as observers, can work with this prolonged pitch-black night to set a multitude of intentions, ones that will take us through the next 20 years. I say this because; a Black Moon month like this one, only happens every couple of decades and the power of intention setting under such influences in stronger than usual.

Think of a Black Moon month as an opportunity to purge, with the support of the Eclipses and Lunar New Year, your bound to feel like a new born baby come April.

Now, back to 1999….

…..the Mystics of the world believed (and still believe) that every no Full Moon month (sometimes called a February Moon) had the capacity, to rekindle us with our forgotten aims. Normally these aims are in alliance with the aspirations of the year the previous no Full Moon month shared. So what this means is, whatever we forget to fulfill in 2018, that has significant importance, will come back to bite us in approximately 20 years from now. This exact same theme is taking place this month and it is linked to 1999. So, what is coming back to nibble on your ear? Are you experiencing any resonance? I know I am.

One last point about the Black Moon month……
….working with Lilithian energy is extremely beneficial during a month like this one. The forgotten Queen rules such domains and supports any quest to get to know our hidden bits. If you want to know more about Lilith, you can read my detailed article here.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, will mark an end to our in-between Eclipses portal and draw a line that marks the closing conclusion, to many experiences that have been shaping us since August 2017. This is it, things are about to get so much clearer and we will be fresh in our collective frequency come this April. I keep mentioning the month of April because it really is a precious time. Not only are we heading towards a new degree of collective understanding but we are also finding new ways to heal and our tolerance levels are increasing as a whole. The princess and the pea syndrome just wont be possible anymore….as this universe expands and contracts (wink wink.)

For a deeper understanding about this Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and how it will influence you personally, please have a listen to my Audio here:

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This Partial Solar Eclipse will take place on the 15th of February 2018 at 18:55pm UTC time and shall end at 22:48 UTC time.

Our beloved Venus is in Pisces until March the 6th 2018

Listen to Venus in Pisces Audio here:

Audio Player

Mystical Tour of Greece in May 2018

Throughout the year, I run various Mystical Tours and some I run in person and others from a distance. I tend to keep these activities low key, because I prefer to offer these experiences intimately. Since the service I offer is so unique, it only makes sense that it can’t be packaged in a standard way. Europe is where most of my tours have been taking place however, I have also guided people through their journeys in India, Nepal and similar lands. You can contact me for a Mystical Tour or Sojourn for practically any location, they do take some time to prepare so ensure to give me ample amounts of notice. When I am arranging tours for the major cities in our world, I don’t need as much notice so; a good 2 weeks or 3 are fine. Mystical Sojourns make divine gifts and….if you want to know all about what I offer you can take a peak here.

Would you like to join me and 5 other delightful hearts on a Mystical Tour in Greece? The focus will be on the Divine and Sacred Feminine Principal. I have 1 spot left for this amazing opportunity and this all-inclusive 2-week package (excluding flights) costs a non refundable $2500 USD approx. If you would like to know more, please connect via email. The sooner I hear from you the better. I am finalising this “in person” Tour this month and wont be accepting anyone else after the 25th. Do keep in mind that I run tours frequently and you can also request to tour Greece with me at a later date. Looking forward to Mystical Touring with you.

Some Closing Notes

The Lunar New Year of the Earth Dog commences on the 16th of February 2018. Earth Dog energy is loyal, steadfast, responsible, fun and committed. It will be a beneficial year to revise where our loyalties live and who or what we can rely on. My intuitive hunch is that we can gain long lasting and sincere friendships this year. There is also an element of simply sticking to the tasks at hand, getting on with everything and without delay. Our planet Earth will also be calling for our loyalty, our love and our friendship….so please be loyal to her. She needs it the most.

Wishing you all a healing and clearing month of February. May this Eclipse season realign you divinely and for the utmost benefit

Infinite blessings dear hearts and thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Love and light,


Contact Tashi   Mystical Tours Testimonials   Make a Donation

The Importance of
Lilith in Astrology
& The Divine and Sacred
Feminine Principal

Working with Lilith and understanding her importance in Astrology will continue to be a theme for me. We all know that the state of the world is so delicate so let’s not waste this chance to hear what is being expressed collectively and to care for our Beloved Mother Earth and all that surrounds.

Lilith in Astrology ignites what is true and commonly suppressed, why must we keep up appearances when we tend to close our doors and care for nothing? There is always a prize when facing what is not so perfect, down in the profundities and letting it express how beautiful it can be when not bound to conventionalities!

Our darling Lilith is often misunderstood, just like Medusa and Kali Ma. Why? because we fear what we cannot control and prefer to avoid transformation through direct confrontation. Since this rise of reclaiming the Divine and Sacred Feminine principal is so loud now, I couldn’t think of a better time to work with Lilith in Astrology.

Lilith presents to us our wounds of rage, dimensions that we hide with conceit and only unleash when threatened. It takes a lot of poking to unleash Lilith from the depths but when she comes out it is never harmonious. Her ways are fierce and often destructive. Yet there is so much wisdom in this temperament and face of the Divine and Sacred Feminine, as there is a captivating song. We just need to learn to hear her! Her songs are often sung with encryptions, codes and riddles. We just need to learn to understand. The closer we get to her underground playground the easier it will be to harness the wild energy so that we can direct it in ways that serve truth, strength and freedom. Lilith does not want us to be bound to anything nor anyone and she does not appreciate being told what to do. This is why delicate and kind steps are needed to give her the attention that she deserves.

Lilith is an obvious embodiment of the outcome when the Divine and Sacred Feminine is mistreated and abused. Whether we look at this from a Mythological or Astrological perspective it really doesn’t matter. Lilith’s representation remains the same and her message is always linked to how we must “respect well the home of the hands that feed us.” Symbolically, I can easily place Lilith as a bodyguard to our Sacred Mother Earth, her alongside various other oppressed goddesses.

A Spotlight on Lilith in Astrology is the door to working with the shadow of the Divine and Sacred Feminine. When we learn to understand the inner imbalances we can then create a healthier outer experience and serve our world with dignity. Simply understanding Lilith archetypically is already useful because it demonstrates just how wrathful the result of neglecting the Divine and Sacred Feminine really is.

In case you didn’t know, Lilith in ones Astrological Birth Chart can represent a point of despotism, denial, rebuttal and trauma. If you take the chance to work through all her layers, riddles and fears, in the end she will be a direct channel into the magical Universe and bestow power and protection. Confronting Lilith’s fire is one of the steps a person must take during the process of assimilating the repressed parts of the psyche. I am a strong believer that working with Lilith is a precious medium to heal the wounds of the Sacred and Divine Feminine that have been neglected for many many centuries.

In Mythology we can find the name Lilith traced back to over 5000 years. To some sources, Lilith is the daughter of Hecate. The Sumerian and Mesopotamian world values her as a fertility Goddess and to the Hebrews and / or Christians she was considered the first wife of Adam (before Eve).

Understanding her “hard to subjugate” energy is the threshold to understanding those parts hidden within us that are scary and wild.  Her sphere is the mysteries of the subconscious.  She understands powerful and supernatural forces.

Trauma, hidden desires, magic, prostitution, violence, seduction, raw truth, power, chaos, fear, limitations, key karmas, addiction, purification, the unknown, that which lies outside the boundary, sexual needs, daringness, secrets, facades, witchcraft, bondage, death, transformation, vulnerability, revenge, solitude, vengeance, defence mechanisms of all kinds and tough love is indeed her domain.

When we seek to understand what torments us most, what’s brewing and churning and keeps us up at night, when we seek to evolve and transcend all the self-imposed limitations and things that bind us, we couldn’t find a better starting point or surer guide than our misunderstood Lilith.

Working with Lilith in Astrology via TarotbyTashi

The promotion for obtaining a Spotlight on Lilith – Astrological Reading continues and I am taking bookings now for November onwards. The promotion includes:

  • A Complete Understanding of Lilith in ones Birth Map
  • How to Heal with Lilith
  • Lilith’s Secret Message
  • The Importance of Lilith
  • Our Shadow
  • Predictions and Advices

Click here to register your interest

You can also take a peak at my YouTube channel and Instagram feed for videos on the fascinating subject “Lilith in Astrology” (there are quite a few.)

In the months to come I will definitely delve deeper into the wider topic “The Divine and Sacred Feminine” and I do encourage you to express any special requests that you may have as to what you would like me to touch on as well as share your thoughts here.

Working with such principals goes beyond just Astrology, it is the very solution to restore and heal all the imbalances we are facing in our world today. It is the path to unification of the polarities and upliftment of all beings.

If Lilith could speak….

“I will not submit to you and be put beneath like a serving maid. I am his who dares to pay my price. I ask too much, you say? Yet I give ALL. Why do you hold back? I warn you. If you send me away, you will fall asleep, And your rib will be taken out for your mate. You banish me, but you will be cast out from the garden and struggle to be reborn. I will return to remind you of what you really want. How you feel broken with a mate who is but a part of you, like a crutch. I hurt, I am ill. What is this place where the children live in cement boxes and eat chemicals for food. The land is burning with the raging fires of war, My trees are cut down, ruthlessly uprooted, Animals thanklessly consumed; my life blood spilled out for greed, I cannot live here. I must go…But you will hear my voice- in the wailing of women mourning their dead children–in the whimpers of the hungry babies, the floodplains of my heart will pour out over the land, And you will hear my voice in the howling winds and the hurricanes–in the earthquakes and the volcanoes! Awake, O thou whom my soul loveth, and come, Come into my garden, where the spices flow out. Come into your garden and eat the pleasant fruits. Come into the temple for the holy rites of love. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, For love is strong as death. Set your soul free.” 

– M. Kelley Hunter

With a sincere and active understanding, I look forward to embrace this more and more.

Thank you so much for your support!

Love and light,


Important News
End of Year & 2017

The Message:

The period of days leading up to the Eastern New Year (February 27/28), and Western New Year (January 1) are traditionally seen as a time of transition when we are most vulnerable to various obstacles and negativity.

These can manifest as anything from feeling spaced out, having a migraine, to finding that your email got hacked. They can also be felt as episodes of depression, resentment, rage, or any other poisonous emotion that can create unwanted imbalances.

Some great teachers have said that in the tradition of Shambhala, it is important to remember that obstacles are not punishments but reminders to become more mindful and aware, to decrease our habitual speediness, to pay attention to our precious life and sacred world!

It really is an important time to reflect and be gentle, let the dying and rebirth take its natural process as we enter new numerological and astrological frequencies.
Respecting the elements is also important now. Doing what we can to care for the environment will ease the transition.

The opportunities in such times are connected to healing through meditation, respecting the elements, appreciating nature and silent time linked up with spiritual practice / attention.

The last New Moon of 2016 is taking place now and is a good marker to sail in the direction of new and positively infused intentions.

2017 will not be easy and I cannot sugar coat this fact. 2017 will test our patience with ourselves, with each other and universally. Numerologically we are collectively entering a complete new level of energy and state of existence. This is a 9-year cycle that will spin faster than usual. Time will not feel fair nor will the demands in outer phenomena. The insomnia most of us have been experiencing these last 5 days is due to the shift of energy, being released from 9 years of advancement and now being bounced off to an entirely new level of being. In such changes there is no good nor bad, it’s simply ENERGY (pure and raw) and what matters is how we use it.

Since the world is quite taken now by this sense of self and quite lost in a self-involved dream, we all need to ensure we step further and further away from the shell that disconnects us from each other. The more we can sincerely care for one another, all living creatures and really love everything from the depths of our hearts, the more we will be able to rise above this dream. This numerological and astrological wish is not requesting us to be stupid, it is just urging us to see the bigger picture and to utilise whatever time we have left to live from a sincere place. Intention is so important and the more we can generate the correct intention / motivation for even the tiniest of acts, the more in tune we will be with a diviner purpose in life. That intention / motivation must be for the supreme benefit of others and must not exclude a single living creature (including ourselves).

There are many many pathways to the divine and one of the most sincere and important ones is the path of the HEART. Do not let the outer steer you away from the golden light of the inner palace. Everything you need is there, within you and the more secure you are in that true and blessed place, the more you will be able to bring peace to those near you and eventually be free from all that binds.

Take the time this end of year to understand and reflect where you are, to understand and feel how those you love are and to open your heart to where the world is at present. For example, try and think of how a Seal would feel when they find their babies tied up on the seashore in a cage of plastic. Think about what the trees may be saying to each other, how much they have to kindly adapt to things like electrical cords and unwanted toxins floating in the water that is supplied to them. One exercise that really helps me is to do a web search of the names of the most unknown and poverty stricken lands and then to really look into what is going on in those lands. To feel and to try and generate appreciation for my own conditions whilst simultaneously wishing that all beings will be free of such unimaginable misery!

This is not intended to sound gloomy, it is just a needed expression for all of us, so that we remember to use our conditions, to never get taken by our laziness and to make the very most of the time we have. This New Moon demands it in fact, it demands the Capricorn like ambition coupled with a humanitarian flair and rush to really “do something.”

May we all continue to spread our inner light and use what we have to be a true and supreme service to all who really need it! This supreme service can be in anything or for anything. It can be activated if you are a home dweller, a cook, a garbage collector a prince or even a world famous singer. I mean, if the intention is pure and if the heart is beating we can pretty much do anything and make it meaningful.

Astrological Insights:

This Capricorn New Moon is one to appreciate because it takes us away from unnecessary indulgences and has us actually caring for what matters.

Remember all the goals, plans and nitty gritty tasks that we didn’t want to attend to? Well… now we will…and we will also be extra useful this next week professionally. It may seem odd since most of us are on holidays, though don’t be alarmed if your holiday takes a more “work inspired” turn!

On a deeper level…

With the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn you can go over a chunk of mistakes made in 2016 and actually learn from them for good. This supportive cosmic time will last until the 8th of January 2017. The Mercury in Retrograde vibration will support healing and almost check mate us into learning what hasn’t been learnt yet. Most of the lessons are connected to power, status, distortions of image / projections and fear.

Use this New Moon time to reset divine intentions and work a little harder towards what counts.

Raising the Frequency:

This event is an invitation to all beings to unite at the exact same moment, whilst joining hearts and meditating on raising the frequency on New Years.

The idea is that we all connect from wherever we are devoting a few moments to meditate on love and compassion.

We simply need to sit quietly wherever we feel comfortable within the hours listed and send out love and light to the entire universe.

Since we are all uniting to make this possible, the effect will prove potent and therefore shall Raise The Universal Frequency.

Anyone can participate… all you need is your heart.

The 2nd Union to Raise The Frequency will take place on the 1st of January 2017 between the hours of 8:30pm-10:15pm UTC/GMT.

Follow news regarding this event.

Video re: Raising the Frequency and Astro News here:

How the Divine and Sacred Feminine can help:

Thank you so much to all of you who honoured the divine feminine in #allherforms this Solstice!

Over 100 photos were sent in along with inspirational quotes. I will make a video in the New Year to capture all that was contributed.

We need to continue to honour and respect the Sacred Feminine. With such devotion the elements and complications we are all currently facing on earth will find the means of pacification.
I am a strong believer that our entire world is suffering so much due to this lack of understanding and embracing of the divine feminine.

We all have it in us, the seed of creation, the deep dark mystery, the madness and the calm. We all have it in us, the colourful dance, the playful encounter, the wrath of a lion and the birth of a child. We all have the raw and pure nature of the sacred feminine and must remember her.

Please continue to share and bring back this truth into our memory, honour and worship this more now than ever before.

The Sacred and Divine Feminine can help us because of the swiftness connected to the energetic principal. No energy can nurture at the speed of Sacred and Divine Feminine. We need to reconnect, in nature, within ourselves and with each other in creative ways that encourages this principal. We need to use this principal in how we teach our children and how we educate in general.

What has been suppressed shall be suppressed no more.

Let us take the time to meditate on this powerful and true energy and offer ourselves to the service of restoring all imbalances to their natural state.

Let us make friends with this loud and also serenely gentle multifaceted beauty in us.

Blessings for ALL in 2017

Love and light,


An Astrological Update
December 2016

Is it true, are we really sitting on the last weeks of 2016? Or is this mad dream about to send us to an awakened check in?

Yes it is true and we are dying down, burning up and kissing goodbye to what was an absolutely tempestuous year yet the questions from our hearts continue and we long for ground. Will we ever land back to where we started or are we just hugging air? The ground we long for will not be presented in the same way, for now we should learn to walk on water, as 2017 requires quite the lightness of being. We can definitely make it, in fact, we must!

Standing on the mountain peak of Astrology, the view signifies that 2016 needed to surprise us. We needed to lose our sense of terrain, to float a little and to spin a lot. The floating continues and we all are wishing to arrive at a place of concrete clarity yet the stars just don’t agree. As we look up this winter/summer we will see that the stars have so much more to share and their words are not about “landing” but about the beauty of “trusting” an evolution strongly needed and that is: a lighter version of being.

All the great masters, teachers and spiritual leaders of the past had their fair share of hardships before they too evolved into a lighter state of being. In order for us to maximize the mad, uncanny and wild 2016, we need to really trust in a part of us that needs no planning. A part of us that is indeed the supreme compass yet we give it little value as we march our minds into a controlling oblivion. A good starting point is to activate the heart chakra or at the very least, to listen to truth in-between noise and in THAT solitary land of sincerity you will never feel alone. The stars know we are all in this hand in hand and need us to rise up even more now, as the universe pushes us into a state of transformation.

The Final Full Moon of 2016 will take place on the 13th – 14th of December and bops in Gemini. Mercury will retrograde from the 19th of December until the 8th of January in Sagittarius / Capricorn and the Final New Moon of 2016, also in Capricorn shall take place on the 29th.

How can we work best with the Cosmic Magic?

Tomorrows Gemini Full Moon is here to whack us out with large and loud insights. We will need pens and paper to write down all that comes to our mind, there will be much to convey and the ideas born over the next 4 days will materialize if trusted.

This final Full Moon is a vulnerable one, testing our minds and the boundaries we set when connecting and sharing. The Gemini in us needs to play yet with Chiron squaring the general flow of this star we cannot help but be brutally honest.

When Gemini is made to tell the truth, without facades or clever exit plans, we will all get poked because the truth when told from this star is far from silent! This influence will bring many secrets out into the open, politically, intimately and personally. The surprises are not so much unexpected but hard to accept because who can really handle the truth? Don’t we all try and keep things presentable? Well, with radical and loud cosmic influences present I don’t see much space for presentations now. There will only be wild and necessary verity in all matters of communication, our minds and how we connect globally/intimately.

If we are overthinking, scared and low on energy we shouldn’t worry too much because the New Moon on the 29th will bring forth the solidity needed to feel secure (at least for some weeks).

When the truth of Gemini is harnessed great work can be accomplished, I would personally use this Full Moon time to write and communicate because the accuracy of perception will be at a needed peak. We can also appreciate the healing expositions, we need them and we shouldn’t fear a little more unraveling. Mercury in Retrograde adds to the need to prioritize our ideas and generate a wish to contribute more on a global level. As the year dies down, the hibernation of our souls will prove beautiful when allowed to rest in a truthful hymn. We wont need to over socialize this years end, the stars have us wishing for mountain peaks, rooms with views of limitless oceans and forests dressed in green. We need the “me time” to better connect with each other on a level that is lighter and higher in 2017. If we ignore this chance to eliminate the doubt how will we ever trust from our supreme compass? As many would say “ find peace without knowing all the answers” and “never ever give up”.

Spiritual Importance of Full Moons

During a Full Moon, everything gets puffed up (the good and the bad) so therefore spiritual practitioners work with this magnifying time to heal and send powerful loving energy to all beings.

The ancients have witnessed many miraculous successes on or during full moons. One important historical event to mention is the enlightenment of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. His enlightenment took place on a Full Moon. In fact, all the important events of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni’s life occurred on Full Moons. There are various other spiritual figures of our history that reached their journeys pinnacle on Full Moons and we don’t need to look too far back to see just how many glorious moments were blessed on such days.

It is believed among theosophy masters that during full moons a closer connection between humanity and awakened beings is possible and this is why many choose to group meditate and share in spiritual activities.

The effects of Full Moons start to appear 2 days before and continue 2 days after the Full Moon is at its climax, keeping in mind that the Full Moon climax is a key moment of greater healing and awakening.

Because of the Moons closeness to the Earth it is one of the most influential cosmic bodies and has a constant effect on all beings here. We need to learn to respect the phases and lessons of our Moon. The representations are subtle but undeniably powerful.

Bringing Back The Divine Feminine Into Cultural Memory

Exactly this time 2 years ago, I started a little ongoing project that brings back the divine feminine into cultural memory, invoking the great mother goddess in all her forms. A great way to honour this is on Solstice itself. Solstice is in approximately 8 days.

The way we collaborated last year was to share and post our favourite goddesses, deities and woman of cultural importance on the TarotbyTashi Facebook and Instagram page and with notes of inspiration.

Let’s do this again to remember and retrace the glory of the great mother energy in all her forms. If posting on Instagram please hashtag #inallherforms.

I look forward to receive your inspirational pictures and wishes by the magical evening of solstice where the union of light and night give birth to her whirlwind. See if you can watch the sunrise on the 22nd morning and indulge in the beauty of the lights return.

A little invocation:

“Hail for the winds have come and the tides will turn and our hearts will burn. Hail. An undeniable presence is she, our lady of great mystery.”

Some theory from Dr. Carpenter:

What is the Winter Solstice?

The word “solstice” is derived from two Latin words: sol (“sun) and sistere (“to stand still”). So, basically, the solstice is the time when the sun stands still. Speaking in astronomical terms, solstice is the time, when sun reaches its highest (summer solstice) and lowest (winter solstice) point in the sky. During the winter solstice we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Winter solstice usually occurs on December 21 to 23 in the Northern Hemisphere and on June 20 to 23 in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice:

The winter solstice was always one of the greatest events on the calendar cycle. This event had deep spiritual meanings in many cultures. In many cases, Winter Solstice was associated with the birth of the Sun.

In ancient Egypt people celebrated the birth of Horus, in ancient Rome it was the birth of the unconquered Sun. Ancient Persia celebrated the birth of Mithra, in ancient Mexico it was the feathered serpent.

It seems that all ancient cultures had similar spiritual meaning for Winter Solstice. This means that all cultures had almost the same interpretation of this astronomical event. This means that humanity always cared about the rebirth of light.

News from TarotbyTashi

Hi dear ones,

How are you?

As you can see, I have started a new Mailchimp account to streamline the way the TarotbyTashi free e-newsletters are sent. Please feel free to email me feedback and kindly forward on my information to anyone that you think would be interested. The revised TarotbyTashi website is almost ready too and I am really excited to have everything all in one place. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me over the years and are ensuring I don’t stop doing what I love most.

Festive Season Promotions:

Since we are at the end of the year, there are some Festive Season Promotions should you wish to gift yourself or your loved ones a TarotbyTashi service. If you would like to know more about this please check out the TarotbyTashi Facebook or Instagram page. You can also email me and I will send you a services profile. The promotions are running until the end of this year and I am taking bookings for January 2017 now.

Thank you so much for being a part of this unimaginably swift and rocky year. A year that has taught us all profoundly and in a strange way blessed our hearts with strength for all that’s to come. I wish you, dear hearts, a safe and magical end of year with a rejuvenated richness of being in 2017.

Stay true

Love and light,
