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Black Moon Lilith

The Black Moon Lilith in Libra until the end of March 2025 and Lilith Rises Exalted in Scorpio this 2025


“Have you ever whispered in the ear of a beggar, in the way that Lilith-Lilitu does?

Her kindness never falls for the greedy, nor is she tempted to calm those whom waste their life-away in vain.

Lilith-Lilitu is for those who have begged, who have searched every corner of this earth in need of a truth spell,

Her heart can’t be misused nor woven into an ordinary existence. Her very own children, my people, the Gypsies, a blood cursed to always roam free and yet, have we ever found the courage to beg for such a curse?

Lilith-Lilitu, demonised, hunted down because she cannot be taught nor lied to! For she is the teacher and the force of every breaking point, never to allow for a return after we have found her home….

….those who have let her in, as she is, have only found healing, even if it hurts – the cure in the pain, even if her night-vision provokes insomnia, remember this, her hiss, her ever-knowing hiss.”

-Tashi Dos Santos

Excerpts from Tashi’s writings on Lilith-Lilitu
January 2025

Lilith by P Lormier 1848

The Black Moon Lilith sounds her strongest hiss in Scorpio, a 9.5 month transit to commence at the end of March 2025. This forgotten Queen and 4 Pillared Astrological Goddess will claim the throne and not just any throne, she will claim the one that was hers all along. As the world shivers and quakes, Lilith in Libra continues to declare order, her rulership during these final 2 months in the sign makes a global comeback – which only paves the way to full power by the March Equinox. So what does Lilith exalted mean?“NO MORE LIES” And yet, a Scorpionic hiss will deceive to protect the Truth!What deadly crossroads…… How are you empowered through Lilith in Scorpio? Her captivating potency takes you to the very end point and there the most feared fear will be revealed. There are no Limits during such a transit, Lilith will do “whatever it takes” and won’t take YOU for granted. We are in visual awe of the power amidst the unwanted extremes, will we trust her? Especially since the blood talks without whispering in Scorpio, who dares wins, the only option: the forgotten Queen and this Earth knows it.

A song for Lilith who rules the Judaean Desert

“All you Liliths Rise,
It is time, 
It is time to heal the Middle East and Africa!

Queen Lilith, 
Ruler of Palestine,
Protectress of the Desert, 
Original Goddess,
Cure the wounds of all men and women weeping in the cracking loss,
Return to your throne Queen Lilith,
For you are not man, nor woman,
You are fearless, 
The first,
The last, 
Of Earth and Sky,

Return, it is time!”

-Tashi Dos Santos 
In praise of what will end the war
5 February 2025

Love, Light and Lilith,


To order or learn about the following you can click here:

Lilith Sacred Scent
Lilith 10 Hour Mystery School
Lilith in Libra Talks
Lilith in Scorpio Talks
Lilith – the path of the original Goddess
Lilith a Visual Journey

New Moon in Scorpio
The Void of Course Moon
Raise The Frequency
November 2017

Well aren’t we all lucky? With the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio! I command a dance, a sexy and tasteful tango perhaps? Or a beat box, head swinging and saucy jiggle. The mood is high, mean, raw and provocative. I say dance it off, shake it off and ground yourself to the beats that go boom la la boom la la boom. This is a mood to feel, to taste with our hips whilst stepping closer to the sweating body of another. Rub up close to that other and let the wonders of 2 strange worlds collide. It’s a net of sensual intensity and can easily unify the extremes through our wishful adaptation. We are learning to be real now, as real as the dusk when it burns or the shimmer of a snowflake in the sun. We are learning to undo and to come undone.

New Moon in Scorpio

Mmm, says the lady in red, mmmm as she sips on the blood of a battle well won. The blood can be seen as a representation of the hefty efforts recently made when swimming through the swamps of transformation. The pre New Moon in Scorpio drive was kissed by the glorious Jupiter and Venus conjunction. This kiss lightened up the shadowy feel to our often “apparent” Scorpio season. Thanks to this, we can really dance it off now and ascend to lands that dissolve any deceptions. Thanks to this, we are willing to connect with the parts of us that often call for apprehension. I call upon you to dance, dance, dance, in the rhythms divine and the hums will caress you. The experience of this Astrological mood can be found in a melody. Learn without thinking; just be with your senses and the heartbeat in a song. You can turn to nature to find music, you can hear it in your inner tick and tock, that inner sweet clock…so make it a little easier and hold the mood up close. DANCE.

The Void of Course Moon

It wouldn’t surprise me if many of you are not familiar with this term in Astrology and it wouldn’t surprise me, if those of you who are, simply ignore it! What would be nice is to receive an overview on the subject and its interpretations (something Astrologers are starting to do again) so…I will try my best now, to emphasis on the benefits, the myths, my interpretations and the roots of this interesting phenomenon.

The Void of Course Moon is known to be a period of time, normally lasting a few minutes or on the rare occasion 48 hours, where our course of events are expected to be a little tougher and arrangements are influenced by sudden changes / diversions / halts. Some Astrologers purposely stop all-important plans because of their beliefs around this cosmic event.

Generally speaking, when the Moon is Void of Course (VOC) there is an interruption and we “float” in-between Star Signs. It tends to start after the Moon has made its last major aspect, like to the Sun or Planets and is still within the Sign, but considered VOC until it enters the next Sign. The main practice linked to this belief is the Horary branch of Astrology.

Some Ancient Greek writings state that the original VOC Moon occurs when the Moon is not making any exact Ptolemaic aspects within the next 30 degrees, regardless of the Star Sign limitations.

Ancient excerpts….

“There is void-coursing of the Moon whenever it is not applying to any planet, not bodily and not by figure [aspect.]” 
– Antiochus

“If you find the Moon void of all the planets, none of them aspects it, and none is in the ascendant or aspecting the ascendant, then this native is void of good in livelihood, possesses pain and hardship in the pursuit of what he needs.” 
– Carmen Astrologicum, Dorotheus

I want to bring new light of interpretation into the importance of the Void of Course Moon and clarify what it is and what it is not. Let’s not confuse such events with a Mercury Retrograde experience for example.

As you may know, our Moon starts a new chapter every time it enters a Star Sign but such chapters have different lengths. If you think about it, why is it that the Moon stays in some signs for a full 2 and a half days and then misses that final half or more in others? The main point is that, there is always a moment of stillness and this stillness is the phenomena of a transiting moon. You could call it an in-between state, the Void, or a simple pause / interruption but what we need to understand is how we will always find a break, a breath and a still sense of emptiness or so called nothingness in-between the switch! My interpretations of this pause are accompanied by a sense that we are being notified by the cosmos, to process and absorb whatever astrological influences are taking place. When the Moon is VOC we should reflect on what just happened, and what is about to happen because there is always a reason behind the rest. I do not feel it is a positive or negative gap, to me, it is really a chance to process and go deeper into the recent lessons and be ready for the lessons to come. The VOC Moon phenomenon is happening quite frequently and whether it lasts minutes or hours, we can use that information to interpret the importance of the switch. Some say when the Moon is VOC there is an eerie stillness in the world or a loud silence. Imagine if we were to use that gap, whenever it occurs, to go inward, to meditate and to simply return to the now?! This would probably be the absolute best form of advice on how to use this constant VOC Moon reminder from our cosmos.

What to do and not to do when the Moon is VOC

  • Do rest and rejuvenate, sleep in or laze about. Many are known to sleep a lot better
  • Do edit or correct work. Revise and go over plans, projects, writings, reports etc
  • Do Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual Practice
  • Do process experiences and lessons
  • Do prepare for the next steps
  • Do work with ones intuition
  • Do have a quick getaway, holiday or retreat
  • Do Not attempt to force any situation
  • Do Not chatter uselessly, being secretive and reserved is encouraged
  • Do Not start any major new projects
  • Nothing is affirmative during this time so do your best to stay in the middle

Why all this emphasis on the VOC Moon?

For those of you who know me, know that a lot of what is dominant in my Star Map is linked to the Star Sign Scorpio. When we enter Scorpio season, I get rather taken and was on this uncanny high as 4 of our most beloved planets entered the Sign (Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Venus.) The cool thing is, the Moon is VOC as I am writing this post and it is in Scorpio! This very fact is what is propelling me to express some thoughts on the matter. The Scorpio covered VOC Moon is one of my preferred ones and that is not because I am being biased in any size shape or form (wink wink!) It is really only because it has so much obvious power attached to it. We can feel the availability to this power without having to think or suspect much. It is just there and loud and wanting us to explore it by tuning into a more spiritual note. So, whenever the Moon is VOC, try to tap into the benefits of the stillness before the switch and just be with the energy that is being made available. It is a vibration to appreciate.

Time to Raise the Universal Frequency! 

We will be Raising the Universal Frequency on the New Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of November 2017 between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (Parisian Time.) This is a FREE event and it will be our 6th time uniting!

In the last Union we gathered from all around the world (a few hundred of us) and joined hearts to meditate on loving kindness for each other and all beings. All we need to do, during the hours listed, is simply sit quietly, wherever we feel comfortable and send love and light to the entire universe (including ourselves.)

Since we are all uniting to make this possible, from all around the globe, the effect will prove potent and therefore shall Raise The Universal Frequency!

Please join us by clicking here.

Additional information about this event.

Do feel free to share this event with all of your friends.

Some Comments To Close

The Last month has been all about Sacred Scent making and working with the Importance of Lilith in Astrology. I am so thrilled that we managed to enter this magical realm of work just as Lilith was shifting from Sagittarius into Capricorn. For those of you who are interested in receiving a Free Voice Recorded Message about Lilith’s shift, please click here. I would love to transmit this information directly as opposed to typing it out. My love for Lilith #inallherforms goes beyond just Astrology and if you want to know more about my feelings and expressions you can take a look at this recent post.

In honour of her might, our daughter of Hecate, I have created a Sacred Scent (Essential Oil perfume blend) that captures the Astrological power of this current transit and is tickled with enchanted substances such as Amber, Sage and Clove. I have also maintained the ritualistic approach in Sacred Scent making that was handed down to me and that always respects the alchemical process in such creations. We smell to experience, to remember, to create memory and to know. Through this important portal (scent) we receive so much and I want this Lilith creation to be just that; a gift from me to you, to receive the Importance of Lilith….in a bottle! If you are interested in obtaining a Sacred Scent or would like to know more about this process from me, do respond to this email. I custom make Sacred Scents to suit various needs and work with Astrology and other magical methods as a platform.

Happy Mystical and Empowering Astrological Month of November everyone.

Until the next time…DANCE DANCE DANCE!

Love and light,


The Importance of
Lilith in Astrology
& The Divine and Sacred
Feminine Principal

Working with Lilith and understanding her importance in Astrology will continue to be a theme for me. We all know that the state of the world is so delicate so let’s not waste this chance to hear what is being expressed collectively and to care for our Beloved Mother Earth and all that surrounds.

Lilith in Astrology ignites what is true and commonly suppressed, why must we keep up appearances when we tend to close our doors and care for nothing? There is always a prize when facing what is not so perfect, down in the profundities and letting it express how beautiful it can be when not bound to conventionalities!

Our darling Lilith is often misunderstood, just like Medusa and Kali Ma. Why? because we fear what we cannot control and prefer to avoid transformation through direct confrontation. Since this rise of reclaiming the Divine and Sacred Feminine principal is so loud now, I couldn’t think of a better time to work with Lilith in Astrology.

Lilith presents to us our wounds of rage, dimensions that we hide with conceit and only unleash when threatened. It takes a lot of poking to unleash Lilith from the depths but when she comes out it is never harmonious. Her ways are fierce and often destructive. Yet there is so much wisdom in this temperament and face of the Divine and Sacred Feminine, as there is a captivating song. We just need to learn to hear her! Her songs are often sung with encryptions, codes and riddles. We just need to learn to understand. The closer we get to her underground playground the easier it will be to harness the wild energy so that we can direct it in ways that serve truth, strength and freedom. Lilith does not want us to be bound to anything nor anyone and she does not appreciate being told what to do. This is why delicate and kind steps are needed to give her the attention that she deserves.

Lilith is an obvious embodiment of the outcome when the Divine and Sacred Feminine is mistreated and abused. Whether we look at this from a Mythological or Astrological perspective it really doesn’t matter. Lilith’s representation remains the same and her message is always linked to how we must “respect well the home of the hands that feed us.” Symbolically, I can easily place Lilith as a bodyguard to our Sacred Mother Earth, her alongside various other oppressed goddesses.

A Spotlight on Lilith in Astrology is the door to working with the shadow of the Divine and Sacred Feminine. When we learn to understand the inner imbalances we can then create a healthier outer experience and serve our world with dignity. Simply understanding Lilith archetypically is already useful because it demonstrates just how wrathful the result of neglecting the Divine and Sacred Feminine really is.

In case you didn’t know, Lilith in ones Astrological Birth Chart can represent a point of despotism, denial, rebuttal and trauma. If you take the chance to work through all her layers, riddles and fears, in the end she will be a direct channel into the magical Universe and bestow power and protection. Confronting Lilith’s fire is one of the steps a person must take during the process of assimilating the repressed parts of the psyche. I am a strong believer that working with Lilith is a precious medium to heal the wounds of the Sacred and Divine Feminine that have been neglected for many many centuries.

In Mythology we can find the name Lilith traced back to over 5000 years. To some sources, Lilith is the daughter of Hecate. The Sumerian and Mesopotamian world values her as a fertility Goddess and to the Hebrews and / or Christians she was considered the first wife of Adam (before Eve).

Understanding her “hard to subjugate” energy is the threshold to understanding those parts hidden within us that are scary and wild.  Her sphere is the mysteries of the subconscious.  She understands powerful and supernatural forces.

Trauma, hidden desires, magic, prostitution, violence, seduction, raw truth, power, chaos, fear, limitations, key karmas, addiction, purification, the unknown, that which lies outside the boundary, sexual needs, daringness, secrets, facades, witchcraft, bondage, death, transformation, vulnerability, revenge, solitude, vengeance, defence mechanisms of all kinds and tough love is indeed her domain.

When we seek to understand what torments us most, what’s brewing and churning and keeps us up at night, when we seek to evolve and transcend all the self-imposed limitations and things that bind us, we couldn’t find a better starting point or surer guide than our misunderstood Lilith.

Working with Lilith in Astrology via TarotbyTashi

The promotion for obtaining a Spotlight on Lilith – Astrological Reading continues and I am taking bookings now for November onwards. The promotion includes:

  • A Complete Understanding of Lilith in ones Birth Map
  • How to Heal with Lilith
  • Lilith’s Secret Message
  • The Importance of Lilith
  • Our Shadow
  • Predictions and Advices

Click here to register your interest

You can also take a peak at my YouTube channel and Instagram feed for videos on the fascinating subject “Lilith in Astrology” (there are quite a few.)

In the months to come I will definitely delve deeper into the wider topic “The Divine and Sacred Feminine” and I do encourage you to express any special requests that you may have as to what you would like me to touch on as well as share your thoughts here.

Working with such principals goes beyond just Astrology, it is the very solution to restore and heal all the imbalances we are facing in our world today. It is the path to unification of the polarities and upliftment of all beings.

If Lilith could speak….

“I will not submit to you and be put beneath like a serving maid. I am his who dares to pay my price. I ask too much, you say? Yet I give ALL. Why do you hold back? I warn you. If you send me away, you will fall asleep, And your rib will be taken out for your mate. You banish me, but you will be cast out from the garden and struggle to be reborn. I will return to remind you of what you really want. How you feel broken with a mate who is but a part of you, like a crutch. I hurt, I am ill. What is this place where the children live in cement boxes and eat chemicals for food. The land is burning with the raging fires of war, My trees are cut down, ruthlessly uprooted, Animals thanklessly consumed; my life blood spilled out for greed, I cannot live here. I must go…But you will hear my voice- in the wailing of women mourning their dead children–in the whimpers of the hungry babies, the floodplains of my heart will pour out over the land, And you will hear my voice in the howling winds and the hurricanes–in the earthquakes and the volcanoes! Awake, O thou whom my soul loveth, and come, Come into my garden, where the spices flow out. Come into your garden and eat the pleasant fruits. Come into the temple for the holy rites of love. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, For love is strong as death. Set your soul free.” 

– M. Kelley Hunter

With a sincere and active understanding, I look forward to embrace this more and more.

Thank you so much for your support!

Love and light,
