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New Moon In Libra
Uranus in Opposition
October 2017

There is a lot to compliment when looking up at our frequently undervalued sky, there is a lot to absorb and appreciate when looking up.

The October Astrological Influences are just a little too good and just a little too useful, yet we could go missing a whole lot, should we pretend that a whole lot isn’t going down! The remainder of this month’s theme challenges us quite remarkably and wants us to take off our sleeping masks to have a clear and wise look at what is floating in our atmosphere. We may notice the odd and unusual right there, right in our bedrooms and then turn away as though it never really happened or it wasn’t all that big of a deal. The deliciously lazy and beautiful Libran would want a few “no need to worry” encounters and is probably urging some to take of their pants!

There are oodles to notice when we start to look well at what surrounds us and decipher if this lightness of a Libra infused occasion is what we really want? Libra has bundles more to offer than the initial lazy, pensive and socially pleasing style. To really cash in on the remaining portion of October you will need to take the days ahead with precision and do not let the preliminary “easy does it” charm steal the way. Grab a hold of what a Libra really intends and that I tell you is far more daring and life changing than meets the eye.

The New Moon in Libra said to rise on the 19th / 20th is in a complimentary alliance with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. There are quite a few joyous appearances in our star-lit sky confirming the fun yet….

… we really want to bypass growth whilst sipping on chardonnay?

The secret to unlock this New Moons blessings is to let the opposition of Uranus in Aries actually happen! Because things just feel pretty cool right now, we could frankly end up missing the main events.

Why is the Uranus opposition so important? To put it crudely, Uranus stands for revolutionary enlightenment and will push for radical approaches and fresh starts. The simple way would be to continue enjoying our Venusian time but….if we really want to see just how fair and grandiose a Libra provoked month can be, let this signs influence amaze you and prepare you to pull out that sword.

How To Work With This New Moon In Libra

  • Attend to any legal matters
  • Open your heart to change through precision
  • Hold an event
  • End or start a relationship
  • Clean out your Laptop or PC
  • Write a formal complaint or compliment
  • Run a leadership program
  • Make sweet love
  • Take poetry writing seriously
  • Finish a book or two
  • Organize your life
  • Learn about anything that brings in beauty
  • Hire or fire someone
  • Apply for a promotion or raise
  • Really start something

A Little More Juice On Uranus

Did you know that Uranus moves through the Signs every 7 years? Uranus is at its final months of a cycle in Aries and will move into Taurus in May 2018. Whenever Uranus makes a shift, so do we, and the shifts tend to be experienced somewhat ferociously. The trick is to not resist and to collectively understand what is changing before the change actually happens. Let’s talk a bit about this erratic and futuristic planet. Uranus is unpredictable and a very loud messenger. The energy of such cosmic influences cannot be tamed nor understood. Uranus is always in the future, advancing, evolving and managing matters linked to technology, invention and information. This planet praises individuality and vomits at conventions. All that is eccentric, surprising, rebellious and uncanny dwells here. We can often link electricity to this planet as we can lightning, the sky and chaos. Many of us appreciate Uranus for it is never still nor stuck and is constantly encouraging what it touches to take risks and to take action through spontaneity. When Uranus is at the final moments of a 7-year cycle, we must open up to a collective awareness and gather information as to what’s to come. Since Uranus is making a shift into Taurus, we need to ask ourselves how can we learn from the last gifts of Uranus in Aries? How can we let the fire become earth? This icy planet spins from east to west and is lonely in its rotation with only Venus to accompany it. With 27 moons and out of character expressions, the shift from bold and authoritative Aries into Taurus will equal to a lot of financial woes. We need to take control of our finances and practical concerns because when Uranus steps into Taurus some will win big and others will lose all.

The Uranus and New Moon Opposition Opportunity

This passage brings an encounter with the Awakener!

Some may say that this could come in the form of another person or outside situation that wiggles you far away from your comfort zone.  Others would say that an inner flash of lightning will take place and a new path or plan that was never expected nor called for will appear. With such oppositions life will take an unpredictable turn, requiring us all to be, innovative or unprompted in the way we respond. We may find ourselves reacting to others with a powerful impulse to throw off the fetters of anything that feels limiting (like taking off our pants.) The last time this opposition took place, I recall a friend of mine just getting up and walking out of a job, quitting right there and then!

I also recall another friend of a friend getting down on one knee, a day after promising himself he would never ever get married. The extreme impulses under such planetary influences CAN be trusted. They need to be seen as a needed “new character or plot twist” in our lives. Let us open up to this opposition and the challenge of change will impress, whatever the musings, action is ultimate.

I sign off now wishing you all a wisdom bringing New Moon time and will close up with a Homage to the element Air.

According to Plato, Air it is associated with the octahedron and is considered to be both hot and wet. The Ancient Greeks used two words for Air: aer meant the dim lower atmosphere, and aether meant the bright upper atmosphere above the clouds. Plato, for instance writes that “So it is with Air, there is the brightest variety which we call aether, the muddiest which we call mist and darkness, and others for which we have no name.” Among the early Greek Pre-Socratic philosophers, Anaximenes (mid-6th century BCE) named Air as the arche. A similar belief was attributed by some ancient sources to Diogene Apolloniates (late 5th century BCE), who also linked Air with intelligence, wisdom and the soul (psyche), but other sources claim that his arche was a substance between air and fire. Aristophanes parodied such teachings in his play “The Clouds” by putting a prayer to Air in the mouth of Socrates.

Homage to you Air, who brings forth the Wit of a Gemini, the Aspiration of an Aquarian and the Precision of a Libra. Homage to you!

Love and light,


Find out more about Tashi

Happy Astrological New Year and Equinox Time
20th March 2017

Today, (The 20th of March 2017) the Sun enters Aries and we begin a freshly ignited cycle of the stars and seasons whilst honouring the equanimity an Equinox can bring. Each March Equinox heralds the start of the Western Astrological New Year.


Aries, our lord of the head, the first Star Sign in the Zodiac, our fearless and often naïve lord who is energetic, pioneering, and ready for combat, has arrived! With the Sun in Aries we can begin to associate ourselves more with our projected image, understand better our attitude, our defense mechanisms, how we relate to our immediate environment and what exactly it is we need to start in our lives.  It is a time to start, to finish and to be quick about it.

An Aries-driven month has a direct and self-involved feel that requires clear planning; otherwise we may get a little taken by the fire. Use the next few weeks to accelerate your plans in a charismatic fashion and enjoy the added energy from the cosmos.

In Hellenistic Astrology the constellation of Aries is associated with the “Golden Ram” of  Greek mythology  that rescued  Phrixos and  Helle on orders from the god  Hermes, and bore Phrixos to the land of  Colchis.

What is so evidently beneficial about Aries energy is the ability and willingness to lead. If we invoke the support of this fire-lit constellation, we can return to a more confident state and begin anew with a mighty dive through a ring of flames (whilst enjoying it).

We celebrate all those born under the Aries sign and work with their infectious warrior-like focus.

May the innocence that is prominent now lead us to beautiful grounds, and may we believe in our goals just like an Aries, never giving up or slowing down until we witness the glory in the result.

How to Work Spiritually with Equinoxes & Their Significance

Since the time of the Ancients, the cycles of the Sun have had a central and often magical symbolic meaning to human beings.   The movement of the seasons shows us our own inner movement from the material to the spiritual, from darkness to light. Against the change of the seasons we mark our own journey through this life and our own quest towards awakening.

In the Northern Hemisphere, today is the beginning of Spring and signals a time of rebirth, of new creation, when life dormant over the winter begins to leap back into its full blossoming joy, and when the light divinely returns to all living beings.

It is an occasion of balance and renewal, a period of new beginnings and opportunities.   It is now that the creativity that lay very quiet over the cold months can come exuberantly into renewed energy, and can build towards vital fruition. We can work with this time just like the Ancients and celebrate the beginning of Spring through song, Sun Gazing, setting our intentions for the new Astrological year, sit or dance by big warm fires and imagine all the accumulated negativities through the dark of the cold released from us. Take the time to smell the flowers and plant something if you can. Sit with this charming energy and let it fill you up with colourful delight. Let it open you and bring forth your enthusiasm to live and share.

In the Southern Hemisphere, we now begin the transition to the period of sleep, of inner journeys and introspection. It is also the harvest time, a period when people often feel a sense of yearning and closeness to the immutable spiritual enchantment of nature.  This is called Autumn Equinox.

It is important to note that everywhere in the world, an energetic turning point is taking place RIGHT NOW and it is the moment when light and dark are in equipoise, when the power of the cosmos generously pours down and when the deep and wise rhythm of Mother Earth can be felt in our very bones.   Think of it as a symphony of equilibrium, the perfect perfect tone and allow the harmony in nature to better balance our own inner polarities. Our own Yin and Yang energies can be balanced now, through this melodious turning point we can walk in the middle ever so perfectly.

The world is full of Ancient Sacred Sites that are aligned with the Equinoxes, showing how important the Sun and these transitions are to cultures throughout the world. A few that are most significant:

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Temple of the Grand Jaguar in Tikal, Guatamala

The Mnajdra Temples, Malta

Stone Henge, United Kingdom

The Temple of Kukulcan , Mexico

An Equinox Poem

Resurrection is not a matter of faith,
though also, of course,
it is. Winter’s hand at last
releases the egg,
balanced on end,
and day comes swaying past,
balancing night
upon its head.
Come, let us give occasion
to faith. These rituals
of sage and sweetgrass
are more necessary
than fodder. We forget
the taste of the holy,
those starchy roots
dissolving to sweetness
on the tongue, forget
that we are spinning,
dancing like angels
on a pin. In these
new days given us
however many, however
few, let us stitch ourselves
in time with time,
plant our desires
in the dark moon
of our dark hours
and rise with our savior
in the spring.
Whether or not we believe we are
miraculous, akin.


Love and light,


Full Moon in Aries Happening Now!

We are about to enter an entirely new emotional cycle. Such cycles tend to last up to 12 months and work with our hidden and subtle feelings.

The last Full Moon in Pisces submerged us into the dreamy land of understanding and had us get to know some of our long lost needs. We were kept underwater for sometime yet it wasn’t all that hard because dreamy lands (even if overwhelming) provide much creative insight and when ready, do deliver opportunities for healing and creation!

Since we were also under the influences of the final Eclipses of 2016, it would only make sense that the awakening period lasted longer than just a few days.

So…here we all are, a month later and asking each other… “Why is it so hard?”

I am going to take the time today to work with every part of the current layers that are presenting themselves in the cosmos and shall do my best to simplify their message.

Their message is —–> WHY HIDE?

Yes, it probably doesn’t make much sense so here we will go over this loud message in as much detail as possible.

WHY HIDE is the provocative question and message of the cosmos at present, it is pushing us to get out from under the blankets and take on a more argumentative approach to understanding the madness that is bringing to boil certain collective fears and personal anxieties.

This Full Moon in Aries combined with a good dose of Uranus declares startling progress brought to us via courageous conflict!

The courage in conflict is related to not fearing a heated discussion, paying attention to any nightmare and decoding what it may actually mean to us. The courage in conflict also implies being willing to complain where needed and above all TO NOT suppress the rage, to actually see it and through the act of seeing it, heal it so then a real peace can find you.

“Why Hide” is the key question that demands us all to take the front line a little more seriously and not runaway from facing inner and outer woes. We are all being tested before this new emotionally energized cycle begins and must put out the fire by letting it burn much brighter first.

Many of us are being forced to face matters that are normally best avoided yet when Aries activates the emotional plains, there really is nowhere to hide and ACTION is all that can move matters onwards. Through bold and honest action we can do so much more now and constructively.

Anyone who has a strong Aries presence in his or her Birth Chart will particularly feel the pinch of such times.

We will all be somewhat cornered into facing many hidden actualities and will only feel ready to acknowledge the support of what’s been going on come the 28th of this month.

It’s a time of forceful confrontation and clearing away moldy emotions via blazing them out. We all agree that we need a new energetic start and this is clearly happening but just not in the gentlest of ways.

The best way to work with the support of the cosmos now is to step out into the world and invoke fearless speech, fearless truth and fearless action for the highest benefit.

This new energetic cycle needs our loving participation and doesn’t always have to be fluffy. Supreme love is also raw!

Let us work with tonight’s fired up Full Moon in Aries by affirming to support the universe in fearless action and with loving intention. Let us work with ourselves too and give the inner plains an opportunity to be mad, to complain and burn up all that is clogged deep down within. We mustn’t avoid a little mania if it is our only ticket to peace.

Peak Healing Hours: 3-4am GMT – 17th Oct 2016


“I courageously seek truth through fearless action.”

“Let the fire within burn away all fears and bring us towards a higher frequency.”

“I am ready to release pain through confronting what scares me.”

“May the fire within bring about greater clarity bringing all that is not needed to ashes.”

Wishing you all a powerful and fearless time that will encourage beneficial collaboration in the near future.

Please do Moon Bathe if you can and allow the new energetic cycle to bless your heart with the fires of truth.

If you haven’t already heard, I have started a “Raise The Frequency” campaign and you can read all about it via the Raise The Frequency Facebook Page. The aim is to join hearts through positive intention and meditation to raise the universes frequency for the utmost benefit. The first union will take place on the 30th of this month and I aspire that you all participate. There is also a video on YouTube under TarotbyTashi about this important initiative.

TarotbyTashi is taking bookings now should you be interested in a Divination / Astrological Analysis.

Thank you so much for the ongoing support EVERYONE and do feel free to share your feelings and send in some moon pictures here.

Love and light,


Bless Your Drinking Water With The Sun and Moon

Follow these simple steps to ingest divine energy into you!

Hello dear ones,

Happy New Moon in Aries.

I am reposting this article as it correlates well with today’s New Moon.

The ancients worked very frequently with the power of the Sun and Moon and the astrological influences of the cosmos. Today we will discuss an ancient and helpful method to work with our drinking water utilising the power of the Sun and Moon. This method will assist us in the ascension process we are all embarking on. You can also work with this method for an energetic boost, healing the subtle body, relaxation and purification from the inside out.

Just as you bless your food with positive words and prayers before eating, so too can you affect the energetic frequency of the water you drink by following similar steps.

Most of you should be familiar now with the “Messages from Water” books by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose research documented a conscious response by water to energetic influences such as thoughts, words, mental projections and music. By photographing water crystals at freezing temperatures, Dr. Emoto showed that words such as “Love” or “Joy” projected onto the water formed stunning looking crystals and words such as “Hate” or “Idiot” projected onto the water produced deformed and heavy looking crystals. The very structure of the water molecules changed based on positive or negative energetic influences projected. Water samples from various oceans, seas, lakes and waterfalls were also taken and studied. It is amazing to see the images of the crystals in the water and how different they are. Water from the Sydney Harbour (for example) had a completely different look to the water from the Mediterranean. If you would like to see the images and know more about Dr. Emoto you can look him up online as there is an abundance of information and I feel you will enjoy it.

Now, back to blessing our drinking water…

Our human bodies are made up primarily of water so I am sure you can imagine just how important it is that we know how to work with this element.

The following steps will indeed assist us in transforming ourselves energetically from the inside out.

-Steps To Transforming Everyday Drinking Water Into Divine Energy-

  • Start with a clean glass or crystal container / bottle. Be sure to avoid plastic because of the potentially harmful chemicals released from the plastic into the water. Consider using coloured glass or crystal bottles based on the additional energetic support you would like to include from the colour itself. For example, you could work with a yellow coloured glass or bottle to energize you quite rapidly. Feel free to work with transparent glasses / bottles too. Utilize whatever colour you feel drawn to at the time. I would probably avoid black or dark brown unless you are in need of some intensive detoxing. Most of us stick to working with colours that can be seen in a rainbow.
  • Fill your glass or crystal cup/bottle with good drinking water. Use your intuition to determine the best water source for you. Try to avoid bottled water options.
  • Feel free to add a clean crystal to the water. Remember that crystals transfer information to the water so be careful with the crystal you select. Make sure to choose non-toxic, water-compatible crystals such as quartz, rose quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli or perhaps amethyst. This can assist you in harmonising your water but see it as additional support to the steps we are discussing here.
  • Feel free to add a small amount of pink or white Himalayan / rock salt to your water. Again, this is an additional means of support to the harmonising process so don’t consider it compulsory.
  • If you feel comfortable you can talk to the water, sing to it, pray or recite some auspicious verses. Infuse it with your care and let it absorb the pure information you project.
  • Place your water filled glass or bottle in direct Sunlight or Moonlight (full moon or New Moon is better when working with the Moonlight energy) for at least 12 Hours. Even one solid hour in bright sunlight can add important information and energy to the water.
  • Just like we appreciate food before eating, state your intention before drinking your blessed and harmonised water. Take a moment to send love and gratitude to the water and to the entire universe. Ask for the water to bring divine wisdom and knowledge into your physical being. Feel the water moving down your throat and filling every organ and cell with vital healing energy of the highest vibration whilst you drink it.

This completes the healing and water transforming process.

The more harmonious the water crystals are in your body, the higher your own vibration. Tremendous support can come from this simple practice and even though subtle it mustn’t be underestimated.

I have a photo for you so you can get an idea about the process on my Facebook and Instagram page. Do send me your feedback and thoughts. Feel free to share your feelings.

We have in the past talked about colour therapy and working with colour, this method too can be combined with colour when choosing the vessel you drink from. Do keep in mind that the light rays projected from the Sun or Moon have all the colours we need. The entire rainbow light energy is omitted and available from the rays of the sun and moon.

Some of you may be wondering what light form to choose. To keep it simple, when working with the Sun the results will be obvious and will target your energy levels, how you process information throughout the course of the day, your attitude and disposition. Working with the Moonlight energy has a subtle result that taps into the subconscious, heals old wounds, helps past memories / imprints trapped into our subtle bodies to be released and it also calms our emotions when worked with properly.

Sharing all of this with you brings me so much joy. I do hope you indulge in this exercise and appreciate it as much as I do. Do share this information or pass it on.

Another email will be on its way shortly RE: Post Eclipse news and Astrological forecast.

Sending you all masses of love and light,
