Sacred Scents

The importance of Sacred Scents and through them, communing with the Divine has been desired, venerated and practiced among the Ancients.

To the Ancient Greeks, the importance of Sacred Scents was said to be a gift from the Divinities who taught the people the art of perfumery and honouring Scents.

There is a myth that Aphrodite, the goddess of supreme love and beauty was the first to ever use perfume.

Women and men wore Sacred Scents in Ancient Greece. They were used in almost all ceremonies and rituals from birth to death. It was considered an auspicious omen when giving birth and when getting married to anoint oneself with holy Scented oils. What most of us forget is that Sacred Scents were an integral part of any death ceremony.

Sacred Scents were also considered a hospitality. When guests arrived, servants would bathe the guests feet in Scented oils.

Just one Greek word: “arómata” describes the power of incense, perfume, spices and aromatic medicines.

At the oracle of Delphi, the oracle priestesses sat over smouldering fumes of magical ingredients to inspire an intoxicating trance.

There is evidence across almost all ancient civilisations that smell is the oldest and most magical sense so therefore (when used correctly) it can propel awakening amongst many other things!

Inspired by the glory of the past, the magic of the present, the limitlessness of the future and Tashi’s precious teachers, Tashi is grateful to share her entrancing lineage through the creation of Sacred Scents.

These magical Sacred Scents connect with Astrology, Alchemy, the Elements, Healing Forces, Power Places of the Cosmic Aureole, the Wisdom of the Ancients and Tashi’s Ancestors. Not one Sacred Scent is replicated. All Scents are unique and delicately mastered.


For a custom made Sacred Scent, Tashi works with clients Star Maps and Scent making aspirations. For example, Tashi can make something to ease off the weight of a Saturn Return or conjure up a blend to enhance dream-life experiences. Some have asked for Sacred Scents to bring prosperity to a Wedding Day and others, to celebrate their half a century on this Earth. Whatever the case, Tashi’s processes are intimate and can attend to any requests.

Tashi’s Sacred Scents are a practice conquering the Art of Divine-Scent making. Since her very first Sacred Scent creation: “Lilith” in 2016, Tashi has produced hundreds of 100% natural Sacred Scents. Tashi’s creations are distributed all across the globe and some of the most popular picks are: Venus, Mercury in RX, Saturn, Naga, The Rishi Stars, Mars, Stellium, Uranus, Solstice, Lilith, Chiron and The Pleiades.

Request a complete Sacred Scent product profile here


“I have been following Tashi’s astrological work and everything she shares just touches my heart and really resonates with me. I just received Tashi’s Venus scent she thoughtfully created, and I do not have words to express how much I love this! It’s one of the most delightful and sensual scents I have ever experienced! When wearing it, I feel that I am embodying the divine love of Venus. Thank you so much, Tashi, for all that you share with the world!” – Jaime Lee, USA

“This is my first experience of Tashi’s sacred scents. Stellium is a lovely invigorating scent with strong cinnamon overtones… I’m enjoying this directly on my skin and in the bath.  I find it lively, focusing and centring!” – Ondina Hatvany, USA

“I chose the Sacred Scent Saturn because Saturn is home in Capricorn for the next 3 years. It recently came into my awareness that Saturn is in my 12 house of Aquarius and I now know why I have had so many obstacles to overcome. I also have had a journey to Saturn and he gave me a gift of himself, he was so huge and just placed himself in front of me to slow me down. So when I saw Tashi’s “Sacred Scent of Saturn” I knew it was meant for me. I love the smell, it kind of changed on me. At first, I could smell eucalyptus and mint and now I smell earthly smells of patchouli with the eucalyptus and mint. I can not wait to try more of these Sacred Scents.” – Tina Angelisanti, USA

“In my experience with the Sacred Scents, specifically Mercury in Retrograde, it gives me the sensation that I am being grounded and it is calming for my mind. Since I’m normally lost in my thoughts, Mercury in Retrograde helps me to come back from the clouds (which are not always white) and in a peaceful and progressive way. I have been using essential oils for health and other products of aromatherapy, but this Sacred Scent is different. It works on a subtle level and even if I can experience the change in the moment I put it on me, it also has long term helpful effects concerning my emotions. On the top of this, it supports me in my creative tasks (writing, drawing, etc.) probably because I feel more centered and I have more space in my mind! I really couldn’t say what Tashi’s secret is, but it works! Please keep the secret Tashi.” – Miguel P, BCN, Spain

“I purchased the Venus essential oil as a token of love for myself. I am completely overwhelmed by the sensual smell and uplifting properties that this gem has. I highly recommend everyone purchase this as a gift of self-love for themselves!” – Stellar Jay Bird, USA

“The Sacred Scents created by Tashi Dos Santos are divine! I have been enjoying the Saturn and Lilith oil on special days and when I want to call in a little extra magic and support from the cosmos! My favorite way to use them is to put a few drops in the bath.” – Ashira Satya, CO, USA