Welcoming The Astrological New Year and the Spring/Autumn Equinox On the 20th of March 2020, at 3:48am UTC, the Sun will enter Aries, which signifies the commencement of a New Astrological Year. We also begin a…
Hello dear ones, How are you? Get ready Virgos, Pisceans, Capricorns and Cancers. This Full Moon in Virgo, to peak at 17:46 Universal Time on March the 9th 2020, will be extra…
The first Mercury Retrograde of 2020 stations direct in Aquarius/Pisces on the 10th of March at 3:59am – UT. Our Cosmic Trickster is set for 3 watery retrogrades this 2020, dancing well within…
“The frankincense burns, the Awakener arrives, with his respected shift into Taurus, all compounded things die. There are changes abound, in ways that we cannot comprehend, when the Awakener commands, the world…
“The reverberations of no Moon, no brightly full moon night, summon the Black Moon and return her to our sight. I speak of a beckoning, when the darkness calls our name and…
Have we been lying to ourselves? Refusing to remember the truth that exploded in our hearts during the months that preceded last August? Something happened then, the truth was raw, our inner and…
When I think of a Sea Goat, I think of the true exemplification of the Star Sign Capricorn and the interesting blend of Fish and Goat (water and earth) that takes us…
“What if the year 2018 is a year to note down in history, a year where the tides will turn and the moods will churn? What if 2018 is a year dedicated…
“Dance Dance dear goddesses of naked awakening. Sing to us your song of sorrow; remind us how the taste of every feeling dwells well within your all-embracing bosom. Dance dance dear goddesses…
With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mercury all in Sagittarius, we will be gifted with the opportunity of Divine Goal Setting and if we allow it, this New Moon will knock…