Leila and Sarah, Greece – April 2017

Having consulted Tashi at various times over the past several years, she has come to feel like a trusted friend. At each city we visited in Greece,Tashi recommended places that empowered, inspired, or supported us. She gently encouraged a different relationship to a place – one that’s participatory, mysterious, and adventurous. To me, that’s a perfect relationship, and why not have that with the land? I’ve come to experience travel as a way for me to discover hidden aspects about myself that I could only know through visiting different peoples, cultures, lands. Here are a couple instances that stood out to me…
One of the places that was powerful for me was Sounion in Athens. The winding road leading to this temple was as enjoyable as the destination itself. Without Tashi, I doubt that my partner, Sarah, and I would have ventured that far from the city. We were so glad we did, it ended up being one of the highlights despite the fact that the temple was closed for Easter. The 360 degree view was still breathtaking, and the location, being at the edge of both sea and land, seemed to highlight the dynamic between Sarah and I. The mirroring in the temple sitting atop its earthly throne, the sunset, the honouring of water, the birds in the sky . . . all seemed to reflect that we were exactly where we were supposed to be, and in every way possible.
Then there was the Parthenon, and Tashi said that it would feel like a homecoming for me, but that it would be really profound for Sarah. It was true. While I cannot tell Sarah’s story for her, I do know that she was moved to tears, needing to take it all in, and a fire was undoubtedly lit. Delphi felt familiar to me. I was drawn to the spring, and fell compelled to return when I was alone. Delos, oh my goodness, that place was really special for me. The ancient wild flowers rivalled the ruins. I felt as intensely about Santorini, and its connection to Hades. I believe that intuitively I’ll feel when a certain place is resonant with who I am in that moment, but to be guided to where those places are, especially in a foreign land, is most helpful. Tashi gave many specific areas, along with detailed stories, myths, and even practical touristy information. Really, it was so much to take in. I look forward to visiting Greece again to visit some of the locations that I did not have the chance to see. There were many because she was so thorough, and I am so grateful for it.
Our trip to Greece was something truly memorable and I believe it is because Tashi was guiding me along the way. She became the link between me and the lands that held something for us. I cannot say enough about the experience. It changed both Sarah and I. Upon return, and actually while we were still in Greece, I felt a surge in my creativity. I attribute its increase to the conscious and sacred travel. Something opened inside of me. Only time will tell how these various sites will continue to awaken hitherto dormant inner worlds. I’m excited, and I wouldn’t hesitate to use Tashi’s Mystical Tours again in the future! She truly is a gift! I can’t think of a better way to travel.
Autumn, Toronto Canada – June 2017

I talked to Tashi about a week before I left for a new country and I requested one of her services, a Mystical Tour. I provided her with some personal information and she was able to put together the most powerful trip I’ve ever had.
She provided me with a list of locations within the city, told me the most powerful times to visit them, and discussed what they would open up for me. And it couldn’t have been more correct. Each location provided something positive for me and when I returned I felt more free to go after the things I was needing to tackle. I was feeling very stuck and somewhat depressed about my situation, but as each day passed on the tour, and I visited more locations provided by Tashi, I felt the heaviness ease.
My friend also requested her own tour, so we were able to combine some of the locations and share in each other’s fun and adventure. We would never had ventured out and seen so many amazing things without having the direction from Tashi.
I would highly recommend a Mystical Tour to anyone who is looking for some adventure and some freedom from things that may be blocking them. I will absolutely be contacting her again for a tour when I am traveling in the future, but I am really looking forward to joining Tashi on a Mystical Tour in person in Europe this fall.
I am forever grateful for Tashi’s wisdom and guidance. It’s been a true honor and pleasure to be able to reach out to her over the years. And I look forward to many more tours!
Miquel, Andorra – April 2016

Tashi really surprised me on this tour. It was hard for me to accept how many times her predictions about the journey came true.
I came to Tashi with questions about projects concerning my work in Andorra and what I needed to do to make the most of them. I was guided by Tashi, step by step as she intuitively created a journey of exploration for me. I returned home feeling successful and surprised because Andorra is a very small country yet Tashi managed to introduce me to a long list of places to visit.
The tour helped because it didn’t just work with my needs, it had a way to make me question my intentions and through that I was able to learn about myself in ways I never thought possible.
What Tashi offered me in Andorra was a successful recap of my entire life, now who on earth can do that?
Hillary, Toronto Canada – June 2017

I have been blessed to work with Tashi for many years now and have received many readings from her. Recently, a friend of mine suggested that we do a Mystical Tour with Tashi as part of trip that we had planned to Toronto, Canada. It was both of our first time in that city and our first time utilizing Tashi’s Mystical Tour service.
I could not have been more surprised and amazed by the experience. Although, at this point, nothing Tashi does should surprise me. She always provides incredible guidance and clarity in ways that I could never have predicted.
The places that she prescribed for me and the accompanying reading were completely on-point. She pinpointed what I was going through and what I needed from that adventure in ways that I did not know, myself. Every place I visited according to her directions provided some new awakening, or echoed something, or felt familiar in some deep way.
This was an incredible way to tour a new place. Tashi pointed me in directions and sent me to areas that I would never have gone to without her guidance. It was one of the richest and most satisfying travel experiences I have had in my life. I will definitely seek out her help with another Mystical Tour as soon as I head out again. It was priceless.
Pedro and Maggie, Serra da Estrela, Portugal – February 2018

A personal and helpful experience. I travelled with others but somehow Tashi was able to make me experience everything like I was alone. Portugal is a mysterious country. Tashi was my assistant in decoding the mysteries. I will return in April to watch the Taurus Constellation rise above the highest peak in Serra da Estrela with Tashi’s recommendation. If you want a real travel experience, Mystical Tour with Tashi.