![]() Hello dear hearts, May this Newsletter find you safe, well and in the best of states. I would like to start by wishing you a blessed and enlightening New Year. It is the Gregorian New Year after all, so, what this means is, you will also be hearing from me, with similar wishes, on the upcoming Lunar New Year and my beloved Astrological New Year. We can approach the months of December through to April as: “months that shed much skin, that allow for the coiled snake to slither safely into a warm and dark enough shelter, to then approach the rebirthing process, through the shedding of the skin well worn.” I have a treasured friend and teacher whom I have known since my childhood. This friend takes retreats every year and from Decembers end through to April. I have always admired this, as it is an honorific and powerful way to sincerely work with the energies of those exact months. If we pay attention, we will notice how the collective energies “open up” come April and we are held by a Solar Brilliance that brings the world to life. It doesn’t matter what hemisphere one is in as the weather is another expression of life. Connecting with the collective energies and how they are moving through us, through the cosmic connection, this in itself, has a significant pattern and moves through the world as a whole. As I write this all to you, we are being shaken by an Aquarius Stellium. When I use the word Stellium it means that there are 3 or more Planets in one Star Sign or House. Currently, there are 4 key Planets in Aquarius, such as the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. These 4 will be met with Venus at the very end of this Month. Mercury is in an almost Retrograde movement and all of these beauties will be met with a Full Moon in Leo on the 28th/29th which will demand our most devoted attention. Before I talk in-depth about this Aquarius Stellium, I would like to remind you that Mars recently left Aries and is now in Taurus, combined with the Black Moon Lilith and our Awakener, Uranus. This is what makes our skies quite the spectacle this month as many of the Planets mentioned are not in their comfort zones. The Aquarian feel of radical and surprising charm is communicated in this cosmic display. For those of you who know Astrology will understand that Uranus in Taurus, communicating with Saturn in Aquarius is rather bizarre. Hasn’t the recent worldwide “display” been just that? Could we call it “unbelievable?” If the answer is yes, then you are witnessing the communication of such Planets and their current aspects. For someone who appreciates Aquarian energy, I am finding this Stellium rather challenging, it is challenging because there is an element of Mystery that goes beyond where any mind can reach. I see this as being a typical trademark of when such Planets get together and with such aspects. The Mystery in the air is not one that requires the best detectives on the Planet, it would probably require a time machine for us to really be able to get a gist of the work that is taking place and on levels beyond our knowing. Aquarian Stelliums are intimidating because they are just too smart, the level of intelligence that is floating about currently would surpass any IQ test. My advice would be to not try and figure anything out, instead let yourself be receptive to the shifts that are happening. The shifts are strongly focussing on MIND as this energy is just that. If you don’t quite understand what I mean, I will elaborate by saying that thinking of the Space Element will be helpful. The dangers of such concentrated energy in Aquarius is that which can send us mad, because the mind-power is too sharp and when we are relating with an “only mind” experience, particularly those of us who don’t have some understanding of meditation, it can actually force parts of us to crack and through that cracking, an experience of the nature of things, will take place. In saying this though, I don’t think that many of us want to go mad in order to understand things clearly, so, the way to beneficially work with the energy is to bring in as much grounding practices as possible. It would also be helpful to set a good routine from now until early March and make sure to incorporate plenty of humour into your life. Another tactic is to ground yourself in nature and have long, very long, breaks from AI, Social Media and Technology. You may be wondering how Aquarians are feeling since their Constellation is full of guests at the moment?! Well, they too are, to put it fairly: “spaced the hell out!” They are also feeling the staggering pinch of Saturn and patiently waiting for the Venusian booster. If Uranus wasn’t aspecting this Stellium the way he is, it would be a lot easier to harness the flow, and yet, the Awakener, himself, is challenging the Constellation he rules. Now what does that tell you? The contradictions are everywhere dear ones and it’s currently not supposed to make any sense, it is just one big shake up. For those of you who haven’t read some of my old writings on Uranus, I would like to tell you to take a look at this link, as it highlights some themes linked to now. About the Leo Full Moon, I mean, where do I start? If you have your own Moon in Leo or are a Leo, this once a year event is one to prepare for! Start to ask yourself what is it that you truly are wanting? Where is the succulent and juicy life that you have imagined going? I think all of us need to reflect on this a bit too, as the Aquarian opposition will expand all feelings and bring quite the dramatic flair to this Full Moon. Here is a Video I made the other day, that may bring some smiles to your faces and support the self-reflective Leo Full Moon process. You should read through the comments too as the sharings were helpful and feel free to leave your own thoughts/expressions as well. I have actually been off Social Media for a bit but, just had to share this video with you. It is actually very interesting because Stelliums are known to often oppress before they empower. If any of you are feeling the weight of AI, Technology, Social Media and similar realms, you could say it has something to do with this Stellium as well. It is as though, the world-shifting breakthroughs are weightily before they show us their worth. Astrologically, when I sit back and work on various calculations, I think announcing that these technological wars are a bigger deal than we may believe is important. As these wars take place across the globe, we too are affected by them. These wars directly tamper with Out of Space and through such interrogation, our Earth too, is harmed. It is hard to care for things beyond our reach but please do not let that stop you from trying. The most simplest act, of wanting the betterment of this world, of wanting the way of the HEART to prevail, of wishing that this Earth is healed, planting such aspirations, simply thinking in such a way, already does so much. I encourage you to never think it is all too hard to handle as you are a unique part of the whole and each piece has such precious value. When Jupiter passes Saturn, in a wide enough degree, the exalted power of Aquarius will be accessible. This will start to happen in approximately 6 weeks from now. When Aquarian energy is exalted, such key themes/action points must be considered: ✨ No longer focussing on States, Countries and Territories, instead, understanding, working-for and respecting the whole ✨ Communities as apposed to I/Ego ✨ The Environment and NatureBeneficial ✨ Inventions ✨ Vegetarianism/Veganism ✨ Meditation ✨ Astrology/Astronomy and it’s power ✨ The Space element and Out of Space ✨ How to form healthy relationships with AI/Technology ✨ How to maintain a connection to the heart whilst learning and growing, keeping up with such times ✨ The underprivileged and neglected, returning a voice and helpful conditions to those who don’t have one ✨ Elimination of the imbalances when it comes to peoples in power, for example, starting the right revolutions that will restore equanimity to where it is lacking ✨ Keep Monsanto and similar enterprises out of your Gardens, there are many links online to learn how to do so and here is one should you need it. Also, do your best to find out who is the equivalent to Monsanto in your own country and then do everything you can to avoid them. I was shocked that in Spain and Italy, Monsanto has a strong presence and in the supermarkets there, it is not obligatory to write that the produce you are purchasing was made by Monsanto seeds! ✨ The Seekers Quest, those who value Truth, Enlightenment, such Stelliums when exalted can open up knowledgeable pathways and insights to support such quests ✨ Out of this world breakthroughs and developments Aquarius is the “Water Barer” and when in such concentrated force, expect environmental manifestations connected to Air/Water which also includes snow/ice. As we may know, there is also a shadow-side to any constellation and when Aquarian energy is not vibrating at the highest, it can be very threatening, as it is cold, pointy and fixed. This stagnation, once turned to ice, will have the world witnessing acts of horror, manifestations that are no-where near compassionate and the word to describe this all would be: “inhumane.” Since this world is now filled with close to 8 BILLION human hearts, I think we will possibly see a mix of all the above taking place. We do however, have the fortune to rule our lives, so let us try our best to work with the exalted energy of Aquarius and raise the frequency, with love and light. This recent discussion between Greta and His Holiness the Dalai Lama nailed it, when it comes to how we need to approach the future and the world. Let me know what you think after watching it. I felt to add this here as it supports the Aquarian power-house of energy and may release whatever is oppressing us. Another wonderful way to shake off the weightily pressure is to find the beauty that lives in thinking of others. There is this foundation which I support called: Lotus Outreach, it is a foundation that saves young girls from Sex Slavery and puts them into School. The little act of helping such places, in whatever way we can, even if it is spreading the word or hosting a fund raising party, this then loosens the hold of the “I” and connects us with the whole. What about the beggar on the street and the smile he or she gives you when you drop a coin or two into his or her bowl? How about the sensation you will feel after planting some trees? Then there is the joy of living, of simply engaging with love and care, with whomever we meet, or talk to, even if it is not reciprocated. Maybe sending a few extra emoji’s of LOVE could lighten someones day, the point is, to not let “what we think will happen” get in the way of loving and connecting with the whole. It is best to just give, share and love, more so now than ever as this is how humanity will return to it’s heart and lead the way, supremely. I will leave you all with a song that I have been listening to a lot lately, may it sing to your depths, just as it did mine. If it makes you feel like dancing, know that I will be dancing with you in spirit. Here it is. May this 2021, be exactly what we need, to love to the fullest and to do so, without excluding a single being. May the truest of healings happen and for us all. Always with you…. LOVE, Tashi |
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