An Astrological UpdateHello 2016 - TarotbyTashi

An Astrological Update
Hello 2016

A Capricorn Climax will take place in 2020 when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto land up in Capricorn. We all have a series of choices to make until then and these choices will transform our world for the better or worse. These choices will bring a long yearned for harmony or brutally oppress our future.

Astrologers fear the outcome of world affairs in 2020 because the last time Capricorn held these planets it held them and bled. What I want to say is if we are aware of the cosmic turning points we can indeed attempt to change outcomes. All cosmic turning points have both their negative and positive influences so the trick is to work with whatever is useful and don’t look back!

What we are all scheming now will lay the ground for the “new world way” in 2020 and this way (I repeat) will be harmonious or brutal. If people start to wake up and see the distortions of our reality and through understanding make necessary changes, we will then heal the pain and decondition from the falsification on a collective level.

The extremes in the current chaos thicken and as the years pass whatever divides us from the peace within will increase. It is urgent to be a wise contributor to support the ground we step on. The elements we depend on are crying and whatever toxic emotions stir the pit of our collective pain is in total control now. Rise up in loving kindness and protect this earth through seeing where you are.

2016 looks bumpy, bumpy because we are quite confused now and all who are attempting to carry us cant really care. We are basically being tricked and kicked further and further away from ourselves. Can you feel it? A good way to examine this statement is to see just how much time per day is spent in unnecessary indulgences. Over the years we have been taught to do so and this indirect manipulation holds us down and away from seeing how urgent it is to care. To care for others and this precious earth requires us to care for ourselves too. How we dedicate the next 4 years will play a hefty part in the grand scheme of things. Are we going to decide to connect more with where we are or will we lock it all out and swim in this obvious numbness?

Astrologically, the end of December 2015 surprised us with a feeling of release and this feeling will continue to work with us in January. From what I can see, 2016 will only really start in February. I say this because the release from December had direct access to the way we perceive the world and its pain, it provoked us to recall the nurturing aspects within ourselves and how useful it is to care for everything a little more now. After the New Moon in Capricorn on the 10th we will start to awaken into the New Year and by the 1st week of February the energetic push to start anew will be ours. Use January to let it all go, release the shocks and learn from 2015’s unfulfilled promises. There are teachings in the challenges of 2015 and we can still learn from them. In-fact, we must.

2015 proved to us that security is overrated and won’t have much worth so… to rely on the notion of security has absolutely no relevance. This ever-changing wild ride within and without is screaming for peace; the peace from within.

Try not to expect much now because systems have been designed to fail and the real astrological message is to strengthen your inner world. Since the weight of the planets is shouting for order let’s at least attempt to find it within. Lets stop this outer need for confirmation and unite with our hearts to heal the contractions of the mind.

How do we REALLY enter 2016?

Well… it’s time to kiss the moment and not take anything for granted. See this year as a chance to connect deeper with the divine and to develop our hearts. With aspirations and open arms we can heal all wounds.

Saturn in Sagittarius gives us access to divine knowledge and that knowledge will come easily if we seek it. For those of us who want to undergo productive study know that 2016 / 2017 is an empowering time.

Jupiter in Virgo promotes how correct it is to remember our great mother Earth and nurture her back through eating well, helping the environment and simply knowing she’s alive. This knowing will automatically encourage us to nurture ourselves. This knowing enables us to feel more and to really see where we are.

Take January as a time to firmly mark your promise on this earth and towards others. Make the wish that you will do your best to see and feel where you are so that you can inspire and change 2016 for the better.

The New Moon on the 10th wants us to work harder and to map out what needs to be done so that we can tread a little lighter. It’s really not so complicated, our intention and awareness will help so much and if we walk into 2016 aware the overall ability to rise up for complete benefit wont fail.

Eclipse season arrives in March and despite Mercury’s current backspin, we are actually cosmically supported so let’s use the space to plan well and love so much more.

Love and light,


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