Yes it is true and we are dying down, burning up and kissing goodbye to what was an absolutely tempestuous year yet the questions from our hearts continue and we long for ground. Will we ever land back to where we started or are we just hugging air? The ground we long for will not be presented in the same way, for now we should learn to walk on water, as 2017 requires quite the lightness of being. We can definitely make it, in fact, we must!
Standing on the mountain peak of Astrology, the view signifies that 2016 needed to surprise us. We needed to lose our sense of terrain, to float a little and to spin a lot. The floating continues and we all are wishing to arrive at a place of concrete clarity yet the stars just don’t agree. As we look up this winter/summer we will see that the stars have so much more to share and their words are not about “landing” but about the beauty of “trusting” an evolution strongly needed and that is: a lighter version of being.
All the great masters, teachers and spiritual leaders of the past had their fair share of hardships before they too evolved into a lighter state of being. In order for us to maximize the mad, uncanny and wild 2016, we need to really trust in a part of us that needs no planning. A part of us that is indeed the supreme compass yet we give it little value as we march our minds into a controlling oblivion. A good starting point is to activate the heart chakra or at the very least, to listen to truth in-between noise and in THAT solitary land of sincerity you will never feel alone. The stars know we are all in this hand in hand and need us to rise up even more now, as the universe pushes us into a state of transformation.
The Final Full Moon of 2016 will take place on the 13th – 14th of December and bops in Gemini. Mercury will retrograde from the 19th of December until the 8th of January in Sagittarius / Capricorn and the Final New Moon of 2016, also in Capricorn shall take place on the 29th.
How can we work best with the Cosmic Magic?
Tomorrows Gemini Full Moon is here to whack us out with large and loud insights. We will need pens and paper to write down all that comes to our mind, there will be much to convey and the ideas born over the next 4 days will materialize if trusted.
This final Full Moon is a vulnerable one, testing our minds and the boundaries we set when connecting and sharing. The Gemini in us needs to play yet with Chiron squaring the general flow of this star we cannot help but be brutally honest.
When Gemini is made to tell the truth, without facades or clever exit plans, we will all get poked because the truth when told from this star is far from silent! This influence will bring many secrets out into the open, politically, intimately and personally. The surprises are not so much unexpected but hard to accept because who can really handle the truth? Don’t we all try and keep things presentable? Well, with radical and loud cosmic influences present I don’t see much space for presentations now. There will only be wild and necessary verity in all matters of communication, our minds and how we connect globally/intimately.
If we are overthinking, scared and low on energy we shouldn’t worry too much because the New Moon on the 29th will bring forth the solidity needed to feel secure (at least for some weeks).
When the truth of Gemini is harnessed great work can be accomplished, I would personally use this Full Moon time to write and communicate because the accuracy of perception will be at a needed peak. We can also appreciate the healing expositions, we need them and we shouldn’t fear a little more unraveling. Mercury in Retrograde adds to the need to prioritize our ideas and generate a wish to contribute more on a global level. As the year dies down, the hibernation of our souls will prove beautiful when allowed to rest in a truthful hymn. We wont need to over socialize this years end, the stars have us wishing for mountain peaks, rooms with views of limitless oceans and forests dressed in green. We need the “me time” to better connect with each other on a level that is lighter and higher in 2017. If we ignore this chance to eliminate the doubt how will we ever trust from our supreme compass? As many would say “ find peace without knowing all the answers” and “never ever give up”.
Spiritual Importance of Full Moons
During a Full Moon, everything gets puffed up (the good and the bad) so therefore spiritual practitioners work with this magnifying time to heal and send powerful loving energy to all beings.
The ancients have witnessed many miraculous successes on or during full moons. One important historical event to mention is the enlightenment of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. His enlightenment took place on a Full Moon. In fact, all the important events of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni’s life occurred on Full Moons. There are various other spiritual figures of our history that reached their journeys pinnacle on Full Moons and we don’t need to look too far back to see just how many glorious moments were blessed on such days.
It is believed among theosophy masters that during full moons a closer connection between humanity and awakened beings is possible and this is why many choose to group meditate and share in spiritual activities.
The effects of Full Moons start to appear 2 days before and continue 2 days after the Full Moon is at its climax, keeping in mind that the Full Moon climax is a key moment of greater healing and awakening.
Because of the Moons closeness to the Earth it is one of the most influential cosmic bodies and has a constant effect on all beings here. We need to learn to respect the phases and lessons of our Moon. The representations are subtle but undeniably powerful.
Bringing Back The Divine Feminine Into Cultural Memory
Exactly this time 2 years ago, I started a little ongoing project that brings back the divine feminine into cultural memory, invoking the great mother goddess in all her forms. A great way to honour this is on Solstice itself. Solstice is in approximately 8 days.
The way we collaborated last year was to share and post our favourite goddesses, deities and woman of cultural importance on the TarotbyTashi Facebook and Instagram page and with notes of inspiration.
Let’s do this again to remember and retrace the glory of the great mother energy in all her forms. If posting on Instagram please hashtag #inallherforms.
I look forward to receive your inspirational pictures and wishes by the magical evening of solstice where the union of light and night give birth to her whirlwind. See if you can watch the sunrise on the 22nd morning and indulge in the beauty of the lights return.
A little invocation:
“Hail for the winds have come and the tides will turn and our hearts will burn. Hail. An undeniable presence is she, our lady of great mystery.”
Some theory from Dr. Carpenter:
What is the Winter Solstice?
The word “solstice” is derived from two Latin words: sol (“sun) and sistere (“to stand still”). So, basically, the solstice is the time when the sun stands still. Speaking in astronomical terms, solstice is the time, when sun reaches its highest (summer solstice) and lowest (winter solstice) point in the sky. During the winter solstice we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Winter solstice usually occurs on December 21 to 23 in the Northern Hemisphere and on June 20 to 23 in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice:
The winter solstice was always one of the greatest events on the calendar cycle. This event had deep spiritual meanings in many cultures. In many cases, Winter Solstice was associated with the birth of the Sun.
In ancient Egypt people celebrated the birth of Horus, in ancient Rome it was the birth of the unconquered Sun. Ancient Persia celebrated the birth of Mithra, in ancient Mexico it was the feathered serpent.
It seems that all ancient cultures had similar spiritual meaning for Winter Solstice. This means that all cultures had almost the same interpretation of this astronomical event. This means that humanity always cared about the rebirth of light.
News from TarotbyTashi
Hi dear ones,
How are you?
As you can see, I have started a new Mailchimp account to streamline the way the TarotbyTashi free e-newsletters are sent. Please feel free to email me feedback and kindly forward on my information to anyone that you think would be interested. The revised TarotbyTashi website is almost ready too and I am really excited to have everything all in one place. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me over the years and are ensuring I don’t stop doing what I love most.
Festive Season Promotions:
Since we are at the end of the year, there are some Festive Season Promotions should you wish to gift yourself or your loved ones a TarotbyTashi service. If you would like to know more about this please check out the TarotbyTashi Facebook or Instagram page. You can also email me and I will send you a services profile. The promotions are running until the end of this year and I am taking bookings for January 2017 now.
Thank you so much for being a part of this unimaginably swift and rocky year. A year that has taught us all profoundly and in a strange way blessed our hearts with strength for all that’s to come. I wish you, dear hearts, a safe and magical end of year with a rejuvenated richness of being in 2017.
Stay true
Love and light,
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