Born into a lineage of Mystics, Soothsayers, Astrologers, Healers and Gypsies, I grew up infused with wisdom from the Ancient Greek, Algarvian Gypsy and Iberian Traditions. My parents and grandparents imparted all to me from the Ancients. My childhood was one in which it was understood that Stars and humans regularly spoke.
At the age of 5, I completed my first series of face to face divinations whilst attending a Tibetan Cultural Fair in Sydney. My mother set up a very sweet reading table for me and I would sit conversing with clients in an active and pithy manner. During high school, I found myself skipping classes in order to sit with friends and guide them about their upcoming exams and love lives. As a young professional, working in HR, colleagues and senior staff would approach me to complete Astrological Forecasts and provide insight into potential hires.
In 2010, while attending a Monlam ceremony in Bodhgaya (an extremely auspicious ceremony, making sincere aspirations for the benefit of our world) life for me changed! Under the kind influence and inspiration of my lifelong teacher, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, I had the confirmation that Divination and Astrology was indeed my heart’s work. I stayed up for three nights, deeply enthused and in an effortless burst of light, TarotbyTashi was born.
Ever since then, the sincere practice of Divination and Astrology has been my constant focus and love. Mystical Tours/Sojourns, Cosmic Writings, Divine and Sacred Feminine Workshops, Astrological Retreats and Sacred Scent creations are too, in the magical tapestry of my hearts offerings.
In the years since, I have exchanged with innumerable beings from all around the world, from business leaders to royalty, to exalted spiritual teachers, and to beings from all walks of life. In the process, I have embraced the Gypsy wanderer in me, a citizen of a world without boundaries, always traveling and taking work with me wherever I go.
With all of my heart, I wish to continue to connect, to share this deep love of Divination, Astrology and respective gifts and to do the absolute best that I can, genuinely serving beings and truth in its divinest of forms.