The Astrological New Year the Spring and Autumn Equinox and Aries Season this March 20th 2021

Welcoming The Astrological New Year and the Spring/Autumn Equinox
this March 20th 2021

On the 20th of March 2021, at 10:40am Paris Time, the Sun will begin to enter Aries, which signifies the commencement of a New Astrological Year. We also begin a freshly ignited cycle of the Stars and Seasons whilst honouring the equanimity an Equinox can bring.

Every March Equinox signals the start of the Western Astrological New Year.


Aries, our lord of the head, the first Star Sign in the Zodiac, our fearless and often naïve Star, who is energetic, pioneering, and ready for combat, is now arriving.

With the Sun in Aries, we can begin to associate ourselves more with our projected image, understand better our attitude, our defence mechanisms, how we relate to our immediate environment and what exactly it is we need to kickoff in our lives.  It is the moment to start, to finish and to be ultra quick about it.

An Aries-driven month has a direct and self-involved feel to it, that requests clear planning; otherwise we could get distracted by the hot-hot fire.

Use the first few weeks of Aries Season to accelerate your plans in a charismatic fashion and enjoy the added energy from the ever-shining cosmos. Since most of us continue to be in a lockdown scenario, let us attempt to enjoy this FRESH start through creative measures, also taking extra care of our bodies and planning for cheerful ways to raise our collective frequency. 

Did you know that in Ancient Greek Astrology, the constellation of Aries is associated with the “Golden Ram” of  Greek Mythology that rescued Phrixos and Helle, on orders from the Messenger God Hermes, and bore Phrixos to the land of Colchis!

What is so evidently beneficial about Aries energy is the ability and willingness to LEAD.  If we invoke the support of this fire-lit constellation, we can return to a more confident state individually and as a whole, as well as begin anew, with a mighty dive through a ring of flames, whilst simultaneously enjoying it.

We now celebrate ALL those born under the Aries Constellation and work with their infectious warrior-like focus. Happy Birthday to YOU!

May the innocence that is prominent through our Suns entry into Aries, lead us to beautiful grounds, and may we believe in our goals just like the Ram does, never giving up nor slowing down, until there is much glory in the result.

How to Work Spiritually with Equinoxes and their Significance

Since the beginning of almost all belief systems, the cycles of the Sun have had a central and largely symbolic meaning to human beings.  The movement of the seasons shows us our own inner movement from the material to the spiritual, from darkness to light. Against the change of the seasons we mark our own journey through this life and our own quest towards awakening.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the 20th of March is the beginning of Spring and signals a time of rebirth, of new creation, when life dormant over the winter begins to leap back into its full-blossoming-joy, and when the light divinely returns to all living beings.

It is an occasion of balance and renewal, a period of new beginnings and opportunities.  It is now that the creativity that lay very quiet over the cold months can come exuberantly into renewed energy, and can build towards vital fruition.

We can work with this time just like the Ancients and celebrate the beginning of Spring through song, Sun Gazing, setting our intentions for the New Astrological Year, sit or dance by big warm fires and imagine all the accumulated negativities through the dark of the cold released from us.

Take the time to smell the flowers, like we did on a recent excursion through our local gardens. Try to plant something if you can; planting seeds now is a symbolic and also wonderful thing to do. Have you considered planting trees? This too is a sincerely sacred way to re-establish oneself with the Truth of this Earth and to be of complete service to it.

Take some time to sit with the charming energy of connecting with soil, fresh flowers and Spring returning. Let it fill you up with colourful delight. Let it open you and bring forth your enthusiasm to live and share just how the colours of every flower in bloom and even if this means whilst at home in solitude.

In the Southern Hemisphere, we now begin the transition to the period of deep rest, of inner journeying and introspection. It is also the harvest time, a period when people often feel a sense of yearning and closeness to the immutable spiritual enchantment of nature.  This is called Autumn Equinox.

It is important to note that everywhere in the world, an energetic turning point is taking place on Equinox and it is the moment when light and dark are in equipoise, when the power of the cosmos generously pours down and when the deep and wise rhythm of Mother Earth can be felt in our very bones.  Think of it as a symphony of equilibrium, the perfect, perfect tone which allows the harmony in nature, to better balance our own inner and outer polarities.

Our own Yin and Yang energies can be balanced this Equinox, through this melodious turning point, we can walk in the middle ever so consciously.

The world is full of Ancient Sacred Sites that are aligned with the Equinoxes, showing how important the Sun and these transitions are to cultures throughout the world. A few that come to mind are:

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Temple of the Grand Jaguar in Tikal, Guatamala

The Mnajdra Temples, Malta

Stone Henge, United Kingdom

The Temple of Kukulcan , Mexico


Please note that this Aries Season has a STRONG and LOVING alignment with Venus in Aries. Isn’t that worth the extra cup of Tea to sip on?

The Sun will nicely conjunct with Venus, but first, let me tell you that Venus enters Aries on the 21st, so she is practically dancing with this Equinox. What this does is amplify the Venusian charm, bringing in the daring flair of Aries and the Heart that is ready to love-again and again and again…..

….did I mention that Chiron is there too? How directly healing is that! Chiron will also be in a firm conjunction with the Sun and Venus as the Month kindly ends. 

So when is the day of illuminated love? That day dear ones, when Venus Conjuncts the Sun at 5 degrees, comes to us on the 26th of March 2021. I will now add that we open ourselves to the energies from the 24th through to the 31st as Venus is ever-giving and Chiron too, will let the deeper love rattle.  

The Full Moon in Libra on the 28th/29th will be just what we need to gain perspective on the unity that lives within union and how much love can be found when we accept this.


Love and Light,


Ps. We are excited to announce that Tashi has been awarded the 56th position in the worlds best Astrology Blogs, you can take a peek via this link

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