“Have you ever whispered in the ear of a beggar, in the way that Lilith-Lilitu does?Her kindness never falls for the greedy, nor is she tempted to calm those whom waste their…
“When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven…
The Pulse: a rhythmic dilation of an artery generated by the opening and closing of the aortic valve in the heart. This is one of the many ways to describe “The Pulse”-…
Welcoming The Astrological New Year and the Spring/Autumn Equinox this March 20th 2021 On the 20th of March 2021, at 10:40am Paris Time, the Sun will begin to enter Aries, which signifies the commencement of…
Hello dear hearts, May this Newsletter find you safe, well and in the best of states. I would like to start by wishing you a blessed and enlightening New Year. It is…
The Heart of It The Oxford dictionary meaning for the word Man is…”Human beings in general; the Human Race.” ….We human beings in general, also considered as MAN, with our top of…
So what is all this talk about the Fall of the Patriarch? Let us clear things up! 4th September 2020
So what exactly is the “Fall of the Patriarch?” …it is, the returning of nobility to Men in Power, for power to not be abused by preying on the weaker species and…
Full Moon in Pisces is Happening Now Have you ever considered what it may feel like being locked in a dream, interpreting life through the colours and tones of our own doing?…
As the Moon prepares to enter Cancer and greet us with a New Moon in her preferred home…the cosmic Crab or Karkinos (as the Ancient Greeks would call it) I would like…
Hello dear hearts, How are you all keeping? Safe I aspire! I am going to take a walk down Astrological Memory Lane and share a compilation of my writings since 2015, which…